Zangar's POV:
I was awoken the next morning, by explosions, and loud screaming. I rushed out of my room and saw everyone beginning to run towards the edge of the village. I rushed towards that part of the village, to see what was going on. When I got there, I found a gruesome sight. I was told that a group of ten farmers had started to head out to the farm earlier but hit what appears to be a recently set up minefield. As we searched around the area, we spotted several humanoid figures on the hills surrounding us. Some of the villagers began to shout, and scream at these figures, only to be silenced, as they opened fire, killing seven before it stopped
After the initial panic died down, The villages police force started pulling people away from the border, and we had a meeting in the town hall to figure out what we are to do in this situation. Since most of our equipment had been destroyed in the crash, we had no way of detecting where the mines placed around the town were, without risking collateral damage to any nearby buildings, and we still had the snipers to deal with. Along with this, the farmers couldn't reach the farms which were a few meters out of the village's border, and thus we could only survive on the current supply, which would only last us another seven weeks.
When the meeting adjourned, there was a general feeling of dread among most of us. Zakarune had mostly healed from his wounds and had taken root in the villages nearby church to help boost peoples morale. While I was patrolling the border, I noticed several figures moving back and forth across the nearby mountaintops. After I reported this, I went to Start training the warriors in the village to prepare for a possible attack in the future.
Zakarune's POV:
As the crowd began to leave the church, I prepared to leave. The last few days had been nothing but trouble for me. My home, entire church circle, and, my friends had been slaughtered in the last few days. And now, we had this mess, and now people were flocking to the church for answers I could not give them. As I went to the house I was given, I watched as the village was filled with activity, and many were considering the idea of calling upon the regime for help with the situation, even though the regime were the one who had earlier shot both us, and the hunters out of the sky.
As night began to fall, there was still a sense of dread among us, as we were unsure if the hunters would attack at any time. Most people were locking their doors, and keeping their lights on throughout the night. I saw some people starting to patrol around the edges of the town, watching as Figures moved among the mountains, and forests surrounding the town, all keeping their watch on the town. By an estimate, some say that there were at least 90 of them in the mountains, but we had no way of knowing if any were hiding out of sight.
I returned to my house and tried to sleep for a few hours, as I heard sounds of movement and activity all around me. Suddenly, there was an explosion and screams all around me. I quickly rushed outside and found people running in every direction. Suddenly, I was knocked to the ground by explosions at the nearby town border. Some of the warriors ran towards the border only to be gunned down by hunters.
Stumbling over to the nearest body, I grabbed one of their weapons, a primitive laser pistol. As I struggled to set it to stun, one of the hunters moved to attack me, and I panicked and shot him in the head. As I panicked immediately. Someone dragged me back towards the town hall. I stumbled to my feet, still horrified at what I had to do. As I sat back on a chair, I watched as people around me started to use tables, and chairs to barricade the doors and windows. Eventually, I managed to pull myself together and help them barricade the entire area.
Zita's POV:685Please respect copyright.PENANAqf6i9VQhvT
Now in some form of safety in the town hall, I started helping to barricade the surrounding tables. Once that was done, I went to the roof and watched as the hunters began moving house to house, attacking whatever defenses they had. Although it was slow due to their vastly smaller numbers compared to the number of houses, they were making progress. Although a few of them were killed by families fighting back, there were still over 160 of them, as they began to surround th town hall.