Within seconds, at least twenty hunters charged in through the smoking hole in the wall and gunned down several of the surrounding residents. I Ducked behind one of the benches in the chapel and started returning fire. Although most of the residents in the chapel were cut down, the few who survived started firing back. Zakarune quickly led any people who were too injured to fight into a back room, but he did not stay to fight. I heard Nake When I briefly turned to check on him, I got shot in the shoulder, and knee, causing me to collapse to the ground, writhing in pain.
Before I could do anything else, I was dragged away from the battle by someone. As I was brought into the backroom with everyone else who couldn't fight, I saw that it was Nake who was dragging me there. I struggled to my feet and started to insist that I could keep fighting, but she shushed me and started to help clean up my wounds, Zakarune briefly glanced out the door to see how the battle was going, before immediately slamming it shut again, with a look of increasing panic on his face. Outside, the gunfire started to die down
Zangar's POV:647Please respect copyright.PENANAFRNsGoFDa3
The war room was in a state of chaos. The hunters had successfully infiltrated the station, and our help was still a few hours away. Despite this, I still remained confident that we would be able to hold. Unlike other places, the war room had not been attacked by any of the hunters, nor has there been any sign of them outside the heavily locked, and surveyed door. There weren't even any signs of cloaking, as Darvos had earlier reported on. We tried to radio the other areas of the station several times throughout the next few hours, but couldn't reach anyone.
At the end of the seventh hour of lockdown, we heard a faraway explosion from the direction of Zakarune's chapel. We quickly went to check the cameras but found that the emergency power was quickly failing much quicker than usual. However, we did see signs of gunfire and heard loud screams before the cameras cut off. Even so, we could still hear similar sounds coming from the same direction as the explosion came from. Immediately, the war room descended into panic. Nikai attempted to calm the Flashtroopers, but none of them were particularly calm by the time she eventually gave up.
Once the noise finally died down, the main topic of conversation was what to do about the situation at the chapel. Since it was closest to the temporary living quarters, most of the surviving residents must have been moved there, and thus we needed to try and help them as much as possible. The only problem with this, however, is that our numbers had been severely downsized by all of the recent attacks, and we weren't even sure if we would be able to get there in time, or what we would find when we got there.
With only 14 Flashtroopers left in the room, the only way we could launch a major operation is to start arming up other people. With the engineers and fighter pilots in our number, there were 27 people ready to fight. After several heated conversations, we decided on a course of action. To attack. To the side of the room, there was an armory filled with several different types of weapons. Darvos organized our new, mostly inexperienced soldiers. We opened the door, ad sent them out, leaving only me, Jinola, Nikai, and Zita in the war room. We activated the scanning probes, and they followed the troops to the chapel, as well as going to scan the chapel itself