I returned down to where the others were sitting, now joined by Zakarune, Zangar, Nake, and Jinola When I questioned what we are supposed to do. One of the villagers suggested calling to the regime for help getting out of the village, but when we pointed out that the regime had shot our ships down, and caused this problem in the first place, they asked us if we had any better options, considering our current situation. Before any of us could respond, we saw a spaceship fly across the sky, and land on a nearby hill through one of the windows. The hunters began to disperse, and some headed in the direction of the ship. This gave us time to prepare.
Using some communication equipment I first attempted to communicate whoever the ship we had seen belonged to, but were unable to. Next, I attempted to contact anyone who could come to aid us, including the regime, but I got nothing back, from anyone. Once I had tried all the possibilities and got no answerback, I reported my findings back to the others. With no help coming that I was aware of, we made the choice to start arming as many people as possible.
Jinola's POV:
Once Zita made clear that we weren't getting any backup at any point soon, we gathered up as many guns and other weapons as we had access to. Once all were counted, we had around 80 guns, and 10 laser swords to share among the 150 people still holed up inside. The hunters were still distracted outside by the recently arrived ship, so we now had time to prepare for either a defensive move or an offensive move against the returning hunters. I went up to the roof with some of the other villagers and saw the ship takes lights shut off, and the hunters returning to the surrounding town.
Noting about 30 windows that were had a clear shot at the entire town, I set snipers to each of them. Now with a full attack view of the entire town, I began to prepare defenses at each door, and window, although we were beginning to be stretched thin in our defenses. Finally, I put those who were too weak to fight in the meeting hall, which I deemed to be the most secure place in the building. I noticed that Zakarune wasn't saying much, so I sent him down there as well, even though he didn't appear to be hurt.
As we were preparing several explosives to be used in the battle, we heard gunfire starting. As I and all the remaining people who were free rushed to the windows, we found the hunters lined up, and firing at the snipers on the windows. Quickly, the other snipers started to return fire, but were being picked off. Using the thirty explosives we had just created, me and the remaining warriors, started throwing them outside in an attempt to pick some of them off. Although we managed to kill some of them, it also surrounded the area in fire. Eventually, we ran out off explosives, and I sent some of them back to get more.
The other warriors I had stationed by the ground level doors and windows started firing out but were being slaughtered by the hunters more advanced weapons. Eventually, I ordered them back as the next batch of explosives were readied. Before they could be launched, however, the hunters managed to smash through our defenses and grab at them, causing one to drop his explosive, and activate it accidentally.
All of us were knocked back by the explosion, and much of the surrounding area was set ablaze. As i stumbled to my feet, and took cover to begin returning fire, the other explosives were being thrown around with wild abandon, turning the entire room into a massive fire hazard, as most of the building was made of flammable materials due to it being the first of the village to be built. The fire continued to spread, as we were pushed out of the room by the hunters advance. Once we left the entrance area where we were standing, more fighters came in to help us attack them, but we were quickly being overwhelmed, as we were forced to retreat towards the main hall where the entrance to the the meeting room was and prepared to defend it, as the fire spread around the building, causing parts of the roof, and walls to begin to collapse.