War Hawk Crash Site
While the backup troops from Edenn jump down from their ships to help the pirates, Supremeo is attacked by War Hawk immediately. The giant warrior droid bolts directly toward the aiutu droid with its claws drawn and with a dangerously heated glow from the stolen gemstones inserted in its palms.
War Hawk successfully gets a hold of Supremeo and proceeds to bring the aiutu down to the ground at a dangerous pace.
Supremeo panics for a moment thinking of the potential impact both droids could cause not only on the environment they're fighting in, but also on his comrades and pirate troops on the battlefield. To prevent this impending devastation to the landscape, Supremeo unleashes his hidden arm cannon equipped from his new body and unleashes a powerful blast that is strong enough to release the grip War Hawk had on him.
Supremeo lands on the ground on his two feet with another blast from his arm cannon ready. War Hawk begins to stand on his feet but is surprised by another powerful attack from Supremeo.
While still holding his charged blast from his arm cannon. Supremeo reveals his right hand can also form an arm cannon through the abilities of his tech. The aiutu hits War Hawk with blasts from both cannons pushing the enemy droids away from the golden dragons. Supremeo dashes toward his fallen enemy. Giving War Hawk little to no time to recover. Supremeo calls back his arm cannons into his gauntlets and proceeds to pummel the warrior droid with his inekium fists.
Back to the center of the crash site's battle
Queen Melina looks at both droids battling. Dominic lands the hoverbike next to Melina and tells her, "My Queen this interruption appears to be a blessing in disguise. You seem to be tired and wounded. You can rest. We have this battle in control." Melina replies to Dominic telling him, "I appreciate the concern Dominic. But there are other pressing matters for me to tend to. Such as the whereabouts of my wife." Dominic's look for concern immediately changes to a look of understanding.
Dominic tells the Queen, "Right Mrs. Sharon appears to have an ulterior motive. A member of your queen's guard informed me she was the one who drew blood from you." Queen Melina answers, "Yes. It appears she knows our attackers. When I find her I'll be sure to get the much-needed answers to why she chose to do this to me." Queen Melina grimaces as she proceeds to walk toward the direction she saw Sharon run off to. Under her breath, she mutters, "Damn you Sharon Franklin. Five f*ckin years and you do this..." Dominic is surprised as he hears this while Melina walks past her. He says, "Wait?! Franklin? Is she related to Thomas Franklin? The droid inventor from Earth?"
Melina looks back and replies, "Yes..." Dominic now even more surprised tells Queen Melina, "My God! I felt she looked familiar! How didn't I notice this a while ago?! It all makes sense now. The tech upgrades and advancements that translated to quick and efficient victories in your battles. My gosh...Your battle skills with her engineering are a deadly combination to whoever would stand in your way...My Queen not that I would question your capabilities in facing this battle, but I'd be glad to face this with you in case there is another trick up her sleeve."
Melina tells her former mentor, "Thank you Dominic but I feel your presence is needed here. The more our people have battle-hardened allies beside them. The better our chances are in gaining a quick victory." Dominic agrees with a nod. As Melina walks in the direction she saw Sharon leave. Dominic asks another question. He tells the Queen, "My Queen. If you don't mind me asking... It was believed the Franklin family all died during the war with the empress. How did you find Sharon? Their only child?" Melina turns around and replies, "She found me. She modified a simple piece of camo gear she wears on her wrist to double as a way to wear a disguise. With the push of a few buttons, her facial features and body will change with help from the camo holo gear. And result in a very convincing disguise.
Amazed but also concerned. Dominic asks Melina, "How will you find her if she's using such advanced tech?" Melina tells her old mentor, "Even though her outer self will change her mannerisms won't. She's still been my best friend for 9 years. 5 of those years she's been my wife." Dominic nods and tells the queen with a formal bow, "I understand be safe my Queen, and remember we're all connected through the same network with our comm tech. So if things get a little too risky where you're at. Tell us, the comm tech can instantly track your location." Melina leaves her old mentor telling her, "I'll do that."
Back To War Hawk and Supremeo's battle
While in the air with his foe, War Hawk swings his sword with all his might only for it to be blocked by Supremeo's arms. War Hawk drags the sword back in an attempt to cut his enemy but the metal proves too durable for War Hawk's sword, leaving nothing on the surface but mere scratch marks. Supremo's foe Grins from underneath his helmet. Then tells Supremeo, "That inekium metal of yours is truly amazing my friend! If it wasn't for the fortified defenses of the shadow village we would've raided that mountain for all it's resources! The forge in your hidden lab was enough to mold this form you're fighting against."
Supremeo goes for a strike against War Hawk's jaw only for his fist to get caught by his enemy. He locks eyes with War Hawk and tells him, "I know that's not you talking Victor. That's the weak programming your captors have got under you! You've overcome worse situations like this!" War Hawk scowls from underneath his helmet and ignites laser beams from it's eyes hitting Supremeo in the side of his face.
The surprise attack gets cut short with a swift and powerful headbutt to War Hawk's face. The two clashing metals create sparks against each other and a sound-like lighting strikes, echoing through the battlefield.
War Hawk falls back, and draws his Sword. Then swings his blade toward Supremeo's shoulder. But before his blade strikes the intended target. War Hawk ignites his blade with the tech in his hands. Now with extra power through the stolen gemstones in his palms. The potential damage of War Hawk's sword is heightened to unbearable levels for a common droid. Luckily for Supremeo, he isn't a "common droid."
In a split second, the blade strikes with immense force. But to War Hawk's surprise, his blade is caught by Supremeo with his bare hands.
The blade is stripped from War Hawk's palms, and flung through the air. The tip of the blade pierces the ground and the sword is left standing through the dirt on the battlefield.
Supremeo marches forward ramming his inekium elbow in between War Hawk's eyes. The attack sends War Hawk reeling backward and buys enough time for Supremeo to follow up with another attack.
Or so he thought! As War Hawk is sent reeling backward from the previous hit. Through the use of his tech. The enemy droid commands his sword back to his hand. As the blade pulls itself out of the dirt and flies toward its commander's palm the sword glimmers a chilling blue, then before the hilt of the blade meets it's intended target. It crashes against the right side of the back of Supremeo causing a large explosion of what seems to be ice and frost shattering from the area that War Hawk's blade has hit.
The hilt of War Hawk's blade smacks against his hand making the catch successful. Now with his blade back in hand, War Hawk poses ready for another attack. Supremeo has a few ready first, it's a fist charged with the energy from the new jewel in his fists.
Supremeo throws his left fist halfway then stops. The feinting motion caused War Hawk to swing his blade at Supremeo's left fist, only to miss. The first attack was Supremeo's plan to get War Hawk into using the blade so he'd get a clean hit with his right fist. Unknown to War Hawk the energy has been ignited in his foe's other fist as well.
Supremeo clenches his right fist tight and begins to swing with the meanest of intentions. Only this time Supremeo realizes he can't. To his shock a notification flashes before his panoptes lenses in his eyes. It's a message that says. Ice complication. Supremeo looks to his right shoulder and sees a formation of ice around his shoulder. He realizes he can feel the inside of his frozen side as well. Supremeo instantly jumps back. He sees War Hawk raising his sword. The droid then tells Supremeo, "Ahh! Seems like you noticed. Specific feathers of my wings can shoot missiles and others can form power weapons for me to wield. And here is one of those weapons." (Holds his sword in the air.)
War Hawk continues to tell his opponent, "Julius has outdone himself with the craftsmanship of this blade. Amazing! Not only can I slash and stab. For instance, if my opponent is a little too far within my weapon's reach. I can reach him by doing this!..." In a quick moment, War Hawk's blade extends like an attacking snake aiming itself right between Supremeo's eyes. However, the reaction timing from Supremeo's systems proves to be faster.
He knocks the blade away with a powerful blast of energy he launched from his left fist. To Supremeo's surprise, he sees the blast get absorbed within the blade's metallic feathers. Then an ice-like coating appears on the blade with chilling fumes emitting from it."
War Hawk looks at the blade and then says, "Like I said... Amazing." War Hawk continues to tell Supremeo, "I never knew how this kind of stuff worked. Julius and Amaro had resources to view your battle with the Machine King in Avalon. They saw it all through various droids that slipped through the mind control of Sigmond. They saw how your power source emitted extreme heat that wasn't flames but something else. And since I can't extinguish those flames the cold fusion from my blade can simply shut off your system to ignite it. It's temporary but effective."
Supremeo tries to move his arm again. The frozen formation across his shoulder is melting slowly. He notices an incoming message coming through his feed. He ignores the messages for a moment when he sees War Hawk motioning for another attack.
The enemy droid tells Supremeo, "This blade can also absorb energy and project it back at you!" Supremeo is then surprised when the blast that he threw earlier is thrown from War Hawk's blade. What he thought was his projectile being extinguished was instead the energy being absorbed within the weapon.
The aiutu swats the blast away from his face at the last second. To his surprise, his left hand is also frozen. While backing away to strategize, Supremeo instantly uses the new gemstone in his fist to melt the ice.
War Hawk takes a fighting stance toward Supremeo and then tells him, "It's as if this was destiny. Everyone always wondered who would win in a fight between me and your creator. Elias isn't here but you're more than perfect to see who will be the victor from this age-old debate Supremeo. While we both always had the same goal. We went at it in different ways. To maintain peace, He chose to elevate the people with resources. I chose to elevate our fighting forces. If one thing exists. So must the other. Right and wrong, fire and ice, light and dark. Now look at us. Before you gave us these gemstones. I was meant to be the unwelcoming cold to your fusion heat. Elias has always been the yin to my yang. Ready to see which one overtakes the other Supremeo?"
Supremeo grits his teeth. And charges toward the opposing droid.