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_ Setchi _
I stretched out my limbs, letting out a yawn as I heard a yelp. "Stop it dragonie! You're hurting me!" I blinked at the voice, pulling my limbs in and sitting up. I glanced down at Bambi who glared at me with hatred in his eyes before it disappeared. "Oh ... I thought you were playing."
"No, I was asleep," I mumbled, letting out another yawn. I gave one last stretch before looking around. Everything was dark as the large windows were covered with blankets. "Why would I be playing in my sleep?"
"I dunno." Bambi shrugged before turning over to the others. We were in the cozy hang-out area, everyone from yesterday stayed overnight because they were so worried about Castit, who's sheltering in my room currently. Paradise was asleep on their chair, Neptune, in his wolf form was sleeping on the couch across here and ... Carla was asleep on the couch to the right of me. Winter was nowhere to be seen but ... I slowly sat up and turned over, looking down at the floor to see a sleeping Winter there. Well, she's there.
I looked up at a head peeking out from the spiral staircase. I recognized it to be Purity's head as she climbed onto the first floor, walking over, around Winter, and halting by the couch. I don't ... know if I trust her or not. Did the enchantment that Neptune did really remove the enchantment that Aloe put on her? I guess ... we just have to find out. I believe it was early morning, but I can't tell from so much darkness in here. But there is light, seeping through the blanket sheets. "Morning. I'm sorry about my other self." She whispered.
After we told her our names, introduce ourselves, and everything she did to us yesterday, she won't stop apologising for it. It's not her fault at all, it's Aloe. "You don't need to apologise, it's not your fault," I whispered to her.
"But ... but ... I feel like it is." Purity frowned, tearing up. "... Aloe used me ... used me like a doll and got everyone hating me. I didn't want that when I grew up. I didn't want that at all." She sobbed quietly.
Oh god. I really don't wanna be here and comforting you. I slowly scooted away before spotting Bambi walk over to her. "It's okay miss! Everything we'll be all right! Want to learn sign language?" He asked her.
Purity rubbed her eyes and blinked down at him with confusion and sadness in her eyes. "... Sign language?"
"Yeah!" Bambi chirped, explaining to her what the language is as I spotted the others waking up. The large wolf let out a yawn before stretching out his limbs. I narrowed my eyes as he jumped off of the couch and walked away from the place. Carla turned her tired expression over to us before perking up immediately. "What's wrong?" She asked, getting up to her feet and padding over to them.
"Oh. I'm going to teach, Purity sign language!" Bambi chirped with a smile.
"... Oh. I mean ... why are you crying?" Carla blinked at him before looking over at her.
"... I still feel like---"
"IT"S NEVER YOUR FAULT. Don't listen to your mind! It can be both an annoying bully and a friend! Don't listen to the annoying bully side!" Bambi huffed at Purity with determination on his face.
"... Okay... we can learn ... this sign language is then... but first, I want to check on my brother." Purity said, turning away.
"I think the wolf got it under control," I said, sounding annoyed. "He'll tell us, if he doesn't poison, Castit."
"HE'S not going to poison Castit, Setchi!" I turned over to Paradise's voice. They walked over and glared down at me. "He was generally concerned about his health yesterday, how can you assume that?!"
"You may never know," I grumbled.
"... Is the wolf trustworthy?" Purity asked.
Paradise frowned at her as I turned over to Purity's wary expression, "Sort of." I answered. "We're keeping a close eye on him to make sure he doesn't do anything suspicious."
"... Yeah." Paradise nodded, "But HE definitely won't poison HIM, SETCHI." They turned back to glare at me. I shrugged before hearing a groan from below. I turned and looked over the couch, staring down at Winter who was slowly getting up.
"Ugh, I should have known to just sleep back at the house," Winter grumbled.
"Sorry." Paradise frowned. Winter continued to grumble away as she turned and walked over to the spiral staircase. As she did so, the large wolf returned, padding in the direction of the rooms. I narrowed my eyes once more, not trusting what that wolf does. A thought flashed through my mind and I turned towards Paradise.
"Did your senses tell you that Neptune is evil?" I asked them.
Paradise stared down at me, eyeing me down. "No. He's not. I don't sense anything wicked about him."
"Nothing?" I asked, widening my eyes.
"No." They shook their head. "Neptune's not evil, but he definitely needs someone to guide him on the right path to goodness. He's ... slowly getting there."
"Speaking of ... which..." Carla said quietly. "Did I ever tell you guys about my visions?"
"Yes, you did," I said.
"What visions?" Bambi asked.
"Go show Purity downstairs, Bambi," Paradise told him. Bambi huffed before slowly nodding and gently guiding Purity away from us. Once they were out of sight, we both turned our attention to Carla.
"You see, I got more visions over the past few days. Both of them involving Neptune." Carla frowned. "But it also involves another person and ... complex endings, I don't know."
"Why would they involve him?" I asked, annoyed to the core. What are these visions telling you anyway about him? Maybe, one day, he's gonna go evil and turn against all of us.
"Because ... they're telling me about his faith. The first one had a tall, scary man who had red dotted eyes---" I widened my eyes at the description. I ... I've heard of that, where did I hear of that? "--- who appeared just as a silhouette. He looked evil, looking like he controlled all realms. The one next to him was a large wolf's silhouette with his six tails moving behind him. I ... I think he had a frown on his face while the man had a sinister grin. Yes! He did! They had expressions on their faces and this kind of tells me the backstory, sort of, of Neptune's life. I think ... he's working with an evil man who forced him in some way." She whispered to us.
"... This is bad news," Paradise whispered, widening their eyes.
"But we don't know for sure until Neptune tells us the truth," Carla said.
"And he won't if we ask him about it," I whispered.
"Yeah... the other vision had two endings. One where Neptune is standing on broken wood from the destruction of this colony, smiling sinisterly like the man is. While the other is an ending where he joins us and we are in a different place that is nothing--- or never seen before. Trust me, I have never seen a place that had so many rock formations. I wish I get more visions of that ending so that I can study the place more." Carla explained in a whisper.
"... If we ... give him guidance ... does that other ending happens? Where he stays good?" Paradise asked.
"Probably. I'm hoping that's the truth of it all." Carla nodded her head.
"I say we don't trust him. IF HE'S working for this ... red dotted demon--- wait ... OH THAT WHERE I REMEMBER IT FROM!" I gasped, making both of them flinch. "Okay. I know--- wait... then that isn't a tale at all. IT'S FUCKING REAL."
"What are you on about?" Paradise asked, looking shocked.
"Okay. Let me tell you guys then since you both don't know." I chuckled nervously. "Sutato and I went over to a place and met some ... interesting folks. I think their names were ... Pearl and Dan. Dan told a story about this red dotted eyes man who was born with those types of eyes. It was a tale in the history of Dark Elementals soooo ... the man himself is a Dark Elemental I guess."
"OH god." Paradise panicked. "He's evil and he's a dark elemental. That is a bad combination."
I stared at her confused. "Why is it a bad combination?"
"Dark Elementals can drain the life out of everything. Plants, Living Beings, anything." Paradise explained to me. "And this ... hearing about this ... is dangerous. If we are working against a Dark Elemental who has turned against us, then it's gonna get pretty bad. Did I ever tell you Elementals can have other powers than their element powers, yes? I don't remember. Well, he must have some form of power that is tagging along with his element power. Which is DOUBLE BAD."
"... Sooo, stay away from Dark Elementals?" Carla asked, widening her eyes.
"No. Just him. The other Dark Elementals are perfectly fine. It's just him. Our Red Dotted Demon over there." Paradise said, placing their hands on their hips.
"And the only way we're gonna get information about him is out of Neptune," I whispered.
"... Can we have Castit deal with him? Castit seems to have better control over him." Carla suggested.
"Probably because they're roommates." Paradise blinked. "Or the fact that Neptune keeps bothering the hell out of Castit."
"OR he just knows how to shut a damn wolf up," I said.
"All of them actually." I jumped from the new voice, turning over to the large wolf who looked up at us. "Are you discussing something secretive?"
"Yes. Yes, we are. But, we are going to tell the whole group. Just ... not now, we dealt with a greater evil and now ... I want to take a break." Paradise sighed in annoyance.
"... Yeah... Oh! I have to visit Tyler in the hospital buuut ... I need to bring Purity and Castit with me." Carla frowned. "He wants to see them both."
"... Castit ... might not come out of that room," Neptune said.
"Why?" I asked, glaring at him.
"... He's ... acting strange." Neptune frowned, lowering his ears.
"How can we trust you?" I asked.
"Go see it yourself if you don't believe me." Neptune gave me a look before turning and walking away.
I narrowed my brows, turning over to the two of them. "Go. Find out what's wrong with Castit." Carla told me. I nodded and got off of the couch, walking over to the rooms.
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"AHHH!" I jumped from nearly getting smacked in the face by a door. I stared at Sutato who stared back at me as I became completely red in the face. "... Good morning," I said quietly, looking away from him.
"... Sorry." I hear him whisper. I looked back at him, as he frowned with guilt on his face.
"It's alright. You didn't see me." I told him softly. "You don't need to feel guilty that you almost hit me with a door."
He frowned at me before nodding. "Breakfast?" He asked quietly.
My stomach growled as I squealed, leaning away from him. "U-U-Uh ... sure." I nodded awkwardly, looking away as my heart was pounding against my chest like it was nothing. STOP IT. WE DO NOT LIKE HIM, YOU HEAR ME, HEART?!
"Be prepared." He said, closing the door and walking over to the others. Be ... prepared for--- never mind. I sighed with relief, continuing the pathway to my room. Gosh, I gotta get that crush under control. I halted in front of it and grabbed the doorknob. I turned it and pushed the door slowly open. I stared at the person on my bed, with feathers all around him. Castit looked up at me with an irritated expression. I narrowed my eyes, eyeing the feathers all around him. "... What are ... you doing?" I asked.
"None of your concern." He answered coldly, making me flinch. Oh god, Neptune wasn't lying about this at all. Why is he tearing out his feathers?! This ... this doesn't look good at all. "Now, as I told Neptune, can you please leave me alone?" He glared at me.
I frowned and nodded, "Breakfast will be ready in a bit." I said as he continued his glare, not saying a word. I frowned deeply, turning and exiting the room, closing the door. Gosh. What the hell happened? I turned and walked over to the others who were nowhere to be seen. I blinked and looked down at the staircase, deciding to go down. I found them all, all gathered around the kitchen counters. I grumble and marched on over, scowling at them to go do something while Sutato cooks breakfast. Paradise and Bambi huffed before leaving the place as Carla gave me a smug expression.
I smacked her for it as she huffed and retreated away. Purity was all that was left, and Winter too so I didn't bother telling them anything. Neptune was there but he told us he'll be coming back with some things. Soon he departed to the door and I hoped he stayed away from us. I turned towards Sutato and helped him out.
Moments later, breakfast was ready and it was all set on the table upstairs. What Sutato fixed was eggs and some ... meat ... I think he called it bacon but I will call it meat because it is meat. He also brought drinks that are the color of oranges. Purity told me the drinks were called orange juice and I think I was frozen for 30 minutes. Not literally just ... confused. We ate our food, discussing some future plans to take our minds off of the stress. The large wolf arrived late or just later in the afternoon as we store his food in the kitchen. He did eat it when Sut showed him it. I wish he didn't, he can feed himself.
I let out a stretch before turning over to the others who were studying some books Neptune brought over. Paradise was sitting with Carla, giving her some tips of their own on reading one of the books. Bambi and Sutato, and Purity apparently were learning sign language on the couch to my right. And Winter was nowhere to be seen. Earlier she wanted to walk around for a bit since she mentioned she won't be training with the demon. That's fine I suppose... I blinked and looked around, realizing the large wolf wasn't here. I narrowed my eyes and looked over the couch to the rooms. I grip the couch tightly before turning away and back to the others. Ugh, I really don't trust this wolf running around the place.
"... Festival?" I turned over to Purity's voice, who she then tilted her head at the poster Sutato had in his hand. I squinted my eyes, realizing it was a new poster. "... I don't know ... if Castit wants to go then I'll go with him! Infact, I should convince him to go! He is feeling bad right?"
"Yeah! We should all go and help him otherwise!" Bambi chirped.
"Go where?" Paradise asked, looking up from their studies.
"A festival Big Sib!" Bambi smiled widely at them. "Can we go?! It'll have games, food, and EVERYTHING!"
"... I'm not so sure-"
"HELL YES!" Carla shouted which made Paradise's eyes go wide. "I mean ... why not? We need the break from all of the things that stressed us the hell out these past days."
"But ... we do have a threat following us." Paradise pointed out.
"... I will punch that threat out of this colony if she can't take the hint that we want to be left alone." Carla huffed. "IF she GETS ANYWHERE NEAR US. Oooooh, she's gonna have these paws."
"Hands." Carla readied her hands into fists.
I chuckled quietly, lashing my tail gently. I rested my hand on my fist, looking over at Sutato who put the poster down and padded away from the others. It seems like he had to go to the bathroom. "Now that he's gone ... Setchi." I flinched and slowly turned over to the voice of Carla, she sounded like she was up to something and I hated it. "This festival ... is coming up---"
"NO," I shouted at her, realizing what she meant.
"... Well we don't need to force Setchi to go," Paradise said.
"I don't mean that I meant his crush." Carla grinned at them.
"Ooooh." Paradise nodded before grinning along with her. Oh god. Please help me. "Wait ... don't tell me we're starting this conversation again. The last time you did, you made him scream."
I snickered quietly, looking over at her. "Oh, don't laugh, you damn goblin." Carla rolled her eyes at me.
"Infact, I should be laughing more since you don't know who my crush is," I said, grinning widely.
"So, you admit to having a crush?" Carla asked as I froze. ... Shit, she got me there. "And yes, I do know who your crush is."
"No, you don't," I said, shaking my head. I bet you don't even know completely. You'll just pick a random guess.
"Oh. So you don't like Sutato?" Carla asked and I stared at her intensely, slowly trying to hold myself back from freaking out. She slowly grinned as she leaned back. "Do you?"
I could feel the warmth coming to my cheeks as I leaned back, holding back a squeal and a smile. Oh god, why is this so hard to hold back my feelings for someone? "He does," Paradise said, smiling at me. "Please don't scream this time around and let us help you. You clearly need it."
I huffed as I assumed my face was red as hell. "... Fine," I grumbled, lashing my tail around.
"Hey! Do you want to be with Sut? Do you want to spend your time with him and have the time of your life?" Carla asked, getting up and walking over to me. She sat down next to me.
"... The time of your life?" I asked, tilting my head with confusion.
"You know." She said, moving her shoulders back and forth with a smug look. "How couples enjoy some ... things."
"... Sex?" I asked.
"... Yes. That." Carla gave me a deadpanned expression.
"Can you not try to dodge---"
"What's sex?" Bambi asked and I screamed.
"NOTHING! NOTHING AT ALL." I turned over to Bambi quickly, forgetting he was there.
"You see why I was not trying to say that," Carla said, folding her arms.
"UH. Go check on Castit for me, would you?" I asked him. Bambi frowned and huffed, getting up and walking away.
"Looks who can't watch their mouth." Paradise teased me when Bambi was out of hearing range.
"Oh shut up. Being a parent is hard, you know." I grumbled, turning towards the two.
"Yeah, yeah, I know." Paradise chuckled. "Now that the child is away, we can continue discussing this."
I grumbled quietly and turned over to the two, folding my arms. "So. Why did you refer "Time of your life" as "sex"?"
"Because that is how you're supposed to experience relationships," Carla answered. "You're supposed to experience the feelings that happen during it."
"... No thanks, I'd rather not," I said, looking uncomfortable.
"... Then how are you supposed to experience a relationship?" Carla asked, frowning at me.
"I can experience a relationship without the sex. Thank you very much." I said, avoiding looking at her.
"No. I don't think that's how it works." Carla said, disagreeing with me. "You can't experience it without it. You have to have it within your relationship."
"Have you ever experienced sex?" I asked, looking at her with a stern look.
"No. But I have heard stories from other folks that it's a pleasing experience and you shouldn't miss out on it." She answered, returning the stern look back at me.
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"... I think you guys should focus on how we're going to ... start this romantic experience." Paradise suggested. "We can worry about ... that later."
"Good idea." I nodded before freezing up. "WAIT NO."
Paradise chuckled. "Do you want to go out with Sut to the festival?"
I stared at Paradise, shrugging with a blushy face. "I don't know. I mean ... Sutato did want to go to the festival so... should I?"
"You should! I think you'll like it and then we'll plan out how you will do this, do that, all of that!" Carla smiled.
"Or... we could let him decide this romantic date with just himself rather than plan it out." Paradise suggested with an annoyed voice.
"No no no, he clearly needs our help." Carla denied Paradise's suggestion.
"... What do you think I should do about this romantic experience?" I asked. I can't believe I am asking this. What happened to avoid it?! Well ... I did say before I wanted to fix it and ... this isn't what I had in mind. I guess ... I could go with their plans.
"Well. Ask Sutato out, go on games, anything fun in the festival, and kiss him." Carla answered me.
"I'll do two of those things," I said, giving her an uncomfortable look.
"OH, WHAT NOW?!" Carla glared at me. "What do you not like in that statement?"
"The kissing part."
"... Setchi. It must be part of the romantic experience, that is how you get a connection with one another." She told me.
"Can it not be a romantic experience? Sut barely knows how romance even functions. It can be like ... like an ... platonic experience." I said. I... I don't want to make it too uncomfortable for him.
"No. This crush of yours is romantic right? It's no friendship thing." She said, shaking her head.
"... But he might not experience the same thing as me," I said, frowning.
"You don't know that! He might be hiding his feelings for you." She told me, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Or he might just be experiencing something different from romantic---"
"Shut up, Paradise." Carla glared at them.
"I'm just trying to help." Paradise held up their hands in the air.
"Well. For one thing for certain, don't follow Carla's advice." I flinched at the new voice, turning over to the large wolf who stood up on his hind legs. He was using my arm resting to lift himself up. "Do what you think you feel right at the moment." He told me.
"EXCUSE ME. I don't think you're the expert here." Carla crossed her arms.
"Neptune said he got in a relationship right? So ... logically speaking ... from what you said about you not being in a relationship ... Carla, I think he's an expert on this stuff." I heard Castit's voice from behind, looking over at him.
"DON'T TAKE HIS SIDE." Carla glared up at him. He seems to be okay, so... thank you, Neptune. YOU'LL only get this once since you're ... helping me with this.
"... Says the one who thinks you should do this in a date, that in a date, and whatever is else in a date usually. Of course ... I think you should ask Sut out if you want to or if you feel right to do so. But afterwards, leave the two up for it. It's not for you to decide his entire romantic life or ... platonic life." Castit told her.
"Or neither," Neptune added in.
"Neither?" I asked, looking confused at him.
"... If we are trying to assume what Sutato is feeling... should we ask him and see how he feels about Setchi?" Neptune asked.
"Naaaaah, it'll ruin the surprise," Carla said.
Neptune turned away and glanced at someone. I turned and froze up, staring right at Sutato who was confused on the couch to my right. He looked at all of us as he tilted his head. "WHEN DID HE GET HERE?" Carla whispered to me quietly. I ... have no idea. He's so quiet. Sutato slowly walked over to his book and pen that were on the table. He grabbed both of them and walked over to us. He began to write as Neptune shifted into his humanoid form. He soon showed it to us as Neptune read it out loud: "What about me feeling what about Setchi?"
"Oh god, good, good, he only heard that part," Carla whispered quietly, sighing in relief. I glared at her, punching her in the arm as she flinched back. "OW." She glared back at me. "THAT HURT."
"Well, that's karma for making me uncomfortable with this whole conversation." I huffed.
"What is with you feeling uncomfortable around the do and the kiss?" Carla asked, glaring at me.
"You wouldn't understand since you clearly think I need that in a relationship," I grumbled.
"Answer. His. Question." I flinched from Castit's response which sounded cold to the touch.
"Okay! We were wondering ... what do you feel for Setchi." Carla asked Sutato, turning towards him.
Sutato stared at her for a moment, tilting his head slightly. He looks puzzled about the question and it doesn't seem like he's turning red. WHAT DID I TELL YOU, CARLA?! I turned and shot her a glare before turning back to him. He was writing in his book before showing it to us: "I don't understand the question." Neptune translated.
"... What?" Carla blinked, looking confused to the core.
Castit shook his head with a small smile appearing. "What do you feel when you're around Setchi?" He said before she could have said something else.
Sutato tilted his head to the other side, glancing down at his book. "Happy." He answered. I smiled widely, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.
"Happy, huh? Do you feel an extreme version of that?" Carla asked.
Sutato looked confused at her. "She means ... if you feel ... warm all of a sudden but more in a ... uh ..." Neptune trailed off, looking like he was struggling to describe romantic feelings.
"Like, do you get warm around him whenever you are next to him?" Carla asked, eyeing Neptune for a moment.
Sutato still looked confused before writing down and showing it to us next: "As in hugging him?" Neptune translated which he snorted afterwards.
"No. It's a feeling when you like someone." Carla said, looking annoyed.
"Friend?" Sutato asked. I told you, Carla, he barely knows what romance is.
Carla looked like she wants to give up on everything she has done up to this point. "... Do you feel like you want to be with him? Live with him in the future, talk to one another, feel some sort of exciting sensation around him, cuddle with him, and ... uh ... that. I don't know. It's difficult to describe this damn word." Neptune said, turning towards him.
Sutato poked himself with the pen, blinking at him. "... Rom... Roma ... Romantic?" He said as I widened my eyes. Oh, he knew what we were talking about? Or did he just get the hint?
"Yeah. I tried to simplify it down since last time, you were new to the word." Neptune nodded.
Sutato turned to his book and wrote down his thoughts before showing us: "I don't think I feel romantic feelings at all but what Neptune described is something ... that I never realized could be romantic. It doesn't feel romantic to me at all and I don't quite mind living and doing all of that stuff with Setchi. He seems quite happy that I said that I enjoyed being around him so ... I don't know why this question is being asked." Neptune translated.
"... That explains it," Neptune said afterwards and gave us a deadpanned expression.
"Explains what? That ... I don't understand what he was trying to say. What you described is romantic, isn't it?" Carla asked, looking puzzled.
"He's aromantic," Neptune answered. "Which means he doesn't feel romantic attraction."
"WHAT?! That ... That's a thing?!" Carla widened her eyes.
"Don't say anything mean to Sut. Or I will rip your throat out and shove it down your missing pipe hole." Castit threatened her as I squealed, turning to him with wide eyes.
Carla slowly rose her hands, turning towards him with wide eyes. "I-I-I won't. I won't say anything rude to Sut. But ... I don't understand the concept. How can you not feel it? Does it just ... now exist in your body?" She asked, turning towards Sutato.
Sutato shrugged which made Carla give up on holding her arms up. "... I don't think you're getting this romantic experience, Setchi." She told me.
"I can still go out with him, but it'll be our own experience," I said.
"Why do you keep saying experience instead of date?" Castit asked.
"Is that the word for this type of stuff?" Carla asked, looking up at him.
"Yes." Castit gave her a look.
"Oh, Well---"
"Wait. You don't mind if we go to the festival together, Sut?" I asked him, interrupting Carla in the process.
Sutato turned towards me, giving me a smile. "If happy you, happy yes."
I smiled widely as I felt warm inside. AWWW, that was such a sweet response. "Alright!" I said.
"Well, that settles it then," Neptune said.
"That DOESN'T SETTLE ANYTHING." Carla huffed.
"IF you're still mad at our DIFFERENCE experiences then I suggest you go experience your own love story," I told her.
"That's hard to do anyway!" Carla grumbled.
Neptune snorted, "Well, then why don't I just help you get a date then?"
Carla looked up at him, blinking in surprise. "... N-No thanks."
"I think it's a good idea to learn how to love on your own and use your own experiences to help others out. Of course, you can observe other relationships and use those to help others out, but ... one thing for our Asexual and Aromantic here ... they're different of course, but that doesn't mean they're any different in being in their own type of relationship. It doesn't have to be romantic or anything that alines what they want it to be." Castit said.
"You have a lot of experience in saying wise stuff about everything." Carla blinked up at him.
Castit shrugged. "It's just how I am."
"ANY WAY, when is this festival, Sut?" Carla asked him.
Neptune turned and walked over to the poster, picking it up and walking back over to us. "30th of Revon." He answered.
"Annnd ... uh, what is today?" Carla asked.
"Should be ... 22nd of Revon," Neptune answered.
"So ... eight days until the big event! We gotta prepare for what we want to wear!" Carla got up.
"Not it," Castit said.
"Awww, it'll be fun to have you around." Neptune teased him but I find it more of a flirt comment.
"You just want me to into the festival just to make you pleased," Castit grumbled.
"... No. That isn't it." Neptune shook his head. "I think it'll be nice for you to get out and have fun."
"Having fun is a no, no for me."
"HOW DARE YOU SAY SUCH A THING?!" Both Carla and I said, turning towards him with unreadable expressions. "That's it, you're going whether you like it or not!" I pointed at him. "Nep you be his lookout for when he's trying to escape," I said.
"With pleasure." Neptune grinned, walking over to him.
"Wait, wait, wait---"
"Come on, I'm sure you miss it back at the house." Neptune gently nudge Castit forward as he stared at me. He glared daggers at me before turning and walking forward. I snorted, turning towards Sut who was also glaring daggers at me.
"Sorry. I want him to have fun." I smiled nervously.
Sutato shook his head and turned back to his spot. I smiled widely once more, curling up to myself as I was bouncing with excitement.
I can't wait until then!
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- End of Chapter 28
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