"On a scale from one to ten, how terrible is this outfit?" I asked. Sawyer and Kaylee tore their eyes away from the tv long enough to give me a once over.
"Innumerable." Kaylee said, returning to the tv.
I sighed, returning to my bedroom to look for something else. "Do you have any suggestions?"
"Something that isn't pink!" She shouted back.
"That's like ninety--percent of my wardrobe!" I complained upon inspection. Besides, what was wrong with pink? We were going to a club, pink was a perfectly acceptable color to wear.
Our friends were probably already there. Fefe had messaged me about an hour ago, asking if we wanted to join them. I'd hesitated, because I wasn't sure if Sawyer would want to go. Would he even like my friends? Kaylee jumped on the idea when I'd brought it up, Sawyer had shrugged and said, 'sure.' Whatever that meant. Couldn't he have been a bit more clear?
I suppose if he didn't want to go, he would tell me.
Pursing my lips, I pulled out one of my not pink dresses. It was an off the shoulder violet dress. I couldn't remember the last time I'd worn it, or where it came from. None--the--less, I slipped it on. Flattening out the creases, I stared at my reflection in the full length mirror. No. This dress didn't look good enough. It wasn't club worthy. I threw it off, going in search of another. None of these dresses looked good enough anymore, not now that I was going with Sawyer. I'd heard bits and pieces about his past, about the type of girls that he'd dated. I'd seen what those girls wore. "I'm having second thoughts about going!"
Kaylee appeared in my doorway a moment later, a smirk on her face and a dress in her hand. "When in doubt, wear red."
She extended the hand with the dress out towards me. I accepted it hesitantly. When was the last time I wore red? Could I even pull off the color? Doubt swirled around in my mind as I held the dress up to my body. It looked form--fitting, with a deep v-neck. "I don't know.."
She gave me a pointed look. "Put it on. We're leaving in ten minutes."
"You're not even dressed yet!" I said, my voice coming out in a shriek of panic. My hair, my makeup, they weren't done yet.
"I don't take a fucking hour to decide on what I'm going to wear." She said darkly.
I knew she was serious about leaving in ten minutes, so I threw the dress on without even looking in the mirror, then rushed to do my makeup. I was just finishing with my mascara when Kaylee came waltzing back into the room, dressed in a black and blue halter dress.
"No! I haven't done my hair yet."
She waved her hand. "Looks fine to me."
I barely managed to add a few spritz of hairspray when she snatched my hand and dragged me out of the bedroom. Sawyer was waiting by the front door, dressed in black jeans and a button-up dark gray shirt, the sleeves rolled up. He looked liked one of those bad boys in the teen dramas I loved to watch.
His eyes flashed with an emotion I didn't recognize when he took in my dress. I tugged at it nervously, suddenly feeling self conscious. Now I had time to regret not looking in the mirror.
Kaylee smacked my the hand I was using to tug at the material. "Stop it. You look fucking amazing."
I smiled at the compliment and blushed at Sawyer's low hum of agreement. "Really?"
"We're leaving now." Kaylee said firmly. She pushed both of us out the door, locking it herself with the spare key I'd given her years ago. I walked as fast as I could to the car in the five inch heels I was wearing. Once we were inside, Sawyer turned on the heater. It was another cold night, and having been rushed, I forgot to grab a jacket.
"Do I need any warnings when it comes to your friends, or is it just mine that are screwed in the head?" Sawyer asked. Based off of his light, teasing tone, I could tell he was joking. For a moment I wondered if he was nervous and if joking was something he did to hide it.
"They lack maturity, love to talk shit and have absolutely no fucking idea what real humor is." Kaylee said from the backseat.
"Ouch, and you hangout with these people you call friends?" Sawyer asked. He didn't look bothered, so I took that as a good sign.
"I've never called them my friends, they're Toni's friends." Kaylee corrected.
"C'mon Kay, we've had some fun times with them." I said turning to look back over the seat.
She scolded. "No, you'vehad fun times with them. I'vehad fun times with you, while they just happened to be in the room."
I rolled my eyes, returning to a proper sitting position. "I wonder if Liam will be with them."
Kaylee didn't comment. My heart sunk in my chest. "Kay.. please tell me you didn't take him back."
More silence.
"Kaylee!" I complained, turning back around. She didn't even look ashamed. "Don't you remember when you went to his place and found those unmentionables not so long ago?"
She raised an eyebrow. "You mean panties?"
I cringed at the way she said it. "You know what I mean."
She shrugged. "Yes, we've been back together for a little while now."
"You once said to me that he was the scum of the earth." I said, determined to convince her that she was better off without him. "In fact, I'm quite certain that you've used every insult imaginable in replacement of his name."
She frowned at me, turning to look out the window. "He makes me happy."
"He also makes you miserable."
Sawyer had remained quiet throughout our conversation. It wasn't until I realized that we were parked and his eyes were somewhere, that I began to worry he might be checking out another woman. Thankfully, I was wrong. He was looking at our group of friends, who were standing in the parking lot of the club.
Kaylee was the first to get out, Sawyer and I followed suite.
Liam's face broke out into a wide grin upon seeing Kaylee. He wrapped his arms around her and spun her in the air before lowering her just enough to press a kiss to her lips.
"That'sLiam?" Sawyer asked.
I stopped to turn and look at him. There was something off about his voice, something dark and hostile. When I saw his eyes trained in on Liam, a million thoughts raced through my mind. What was wrong? Why was he looking at him like that?
"Cooper." Sawyer said through his teeth.
Liam froze. He lowered Kaylee slowly, facing us in an even slower manner. His eyes hardened when he saw Sawyer standing next to me. "Sterling."
They knew each other?