Last time, Ally was about to fight Kiyoshi and Kuroyuri. Katsu stepped in to help her.
Ally is finally gone. Katsu replied. Katsu had a devilish smile on his face. What is up with that devilish smile of his? Kin asked. As Ally walked away, she felt a dark and hellish presence emanating from the room. Katsu summoned a second sword. Get out of the way! Kuroyuri yelled. Are you stupid enough to blow up the building? In the state he is in, he would kill all of us easily. Kuroyuri replied. That power is why I kept him. Kuroyuri replied. You make me seem like a pet. Katsu replied. Well, I bet you were not planning this then. The room gone up in Crimson Flames. Soon as everyone walks outside the building. The glass in the room shattered. Kiyoshi came through the window and flew into the courtyard. Katsu jumped, causing the ground to shake. Katsu sprinted towards Kiyoshi. He and Kiyoshi's swords touched, causing an earthquake. Are these two baffling? Ally replied. Ally summoned Virgo to create a shield. Don't tell me that is all you've got? Katsu asked. Is that Katsu's true power? Ally asked. Actually, it's just a small fraction of it. Yukimoto replied. You mean he has been holding this kind of power back? I asked. Hey, let me put up the barrier, and you sit back, Ally. Yukimoto replied. Yumi, I can handle it. Ally replied. I know, but I have my reasons for being so. After all, a certain cursed woman is going to attack you from behind. Yukimoto replied. Thanks, Yukimoto. Rin replied. No time to thank me; I want you to hold off Kuroyuri and her friends for me so I can hold this barrier up long enough. Yukimoto replied. As soon as Yukimoto said that, Higashiyama (Haru) appeared. I will not let the destruction of that room be excused, but having vermin come into your own home is not unacceptable. Higashiyama replied. Well, Haru, I see the reputation of the Destroyer fits you as well as ever. I replied. Shut up, Kaoru. Higashiyama replied. Why aren't you treating her with respect by saluting her? Rin asked. It is fine; I am not big on formalities. Kaoru's mom was my mentor. I used to play with Ally, Ren, and her as well. Higashiyama replied. They see me as the very first commander of Unit One, Haru Higashiyama. Higashiyama replied. Same for me. I was the first Commander of Unit Two, Yumi Yukimoto, and Ally's older sister. Yukimoto replied. You two are not as serious as people say you are. Rin replied. We have to hold up that persona, or people will think it is fine to take advantage of us. Higashiyama replied. I told you before that they are laid-back people. I replied. So what about your brother going on a rampage over there? Higashiyama asked. I have no clue what to do. Rin replied. I wouldn't get involved. I can stop them both before they nearly kill each other. Higanbana replied. She sighed. Higanbana summoned her sword form and sheathed it fast. The fight stopped, and both fainted. Higanbana walked over. What did you do to them? Rai asked. I cut off their nervous and muscular systems temporarily so they couldn't move. Higanbana replied. In a way, I did both of us a favor. Higanbana replied. Cosmos. Kuroyuri replied. Yes, my lady. Cosmos replied. Rai grabbed Kiyoshi and carried him through a portal that Cosmos had created. Higanbana sprinted back to everyone. Oh my god, your arm. Ally replied. Don't heal him yet. Higanbana replied. Higanbana snapped her fingers, and they could move again. Why did you interfere? Katsu replied. Other than how you usually take care of things, you have people who care for you other than me. Higanbana replied. As soon as Higanbana said that Katsu fainted. Katsu! Everyone yelled.
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