Last time, Aoi and Kaoru were sent on a bodyguard job. The client is Tatsui Ito, Aoi biological father. He and his wife are staying at his house. Kaoru is roped in to stay at his house too.
As we walked downstairs, I was marveling at how much wine was down there. Ally would have a field day down here. I replied. Knowing her she would raid this place. Aoi replied. I grabbed a bottle of red wine. Hey what kind of Red Wine is that? I asked. Aoi grabbed it out my hands. No, that will have you sh*tface. Aoi replied. I began pouting. How about some *Henny? Aoi asked. Alright, Henny will work perfectly. I replied. Aoi walked over to the corner and grabbed a Liter bottle. As we walked up the stairs. Aoi stopped at the top of the stairs. Why did you stop? I asked. Aoi shushed me. Aoi tapped the door and Tatsui started to groan. Aoi then opened the door. Shouldn't be ease dropping on someone in their own house. Aoi replied. I walked over to Tatsui. What did you do as you tapped on the door? I asked. His mother used to do that to me. Tatsui replied. Aoi walk to the kitchen. He put the Henny on the kitchen island. He went into the glass cabinet. He got the shot glasses down. I smiled. Yes, some Henny it's been so long since I had some. I thought. A child is here? I asked. Yeah, that little guy is their child. As we looked at the child knock on the door. Aoi walked to the door. Is Clarimond and Tatsui Ito staying here? Jules asked. Aoi shut the door in his face. I glared at Aoi. He looked at me then sighs. Aoi open the door. Jules looked applauded at how Aoi shut the door in his face. Why did you do that? I asked. Aoi Yoshida, the smartest guy in our class and a lady killer. I am surprised after all this time, you are single. Jules replied. Jules Ito, was in the top of our class as well, lady killer himself who had a girl every week. Aoi replied. I wasn't a lady killer. Giving into selfish desires such as lust is nothing but an excuse for your actions and intentions. Aoi replied. You always act like you are too good to talk to girls. Your acting like prude. Jules replied. Aoi touched the bridge of his nose. He sighs. I am not prude. Let's just say, I'm already cursed with good looks what's more of a burden I need. Aoi replied. Why do you call that a burden? Jules asked. He walked over to the Hennessey and opened the bottle. Aoi calm down. I replied. He started to pour into the shot glasses. I walked over and he handed it over to me. We cheered and drank. Time stopped around all us. What happened? Tatsui asked. Someone used Acedia Magic and froze time. Aoi replied. Acedia Magic? Clarimond asked. I thought that was make believe. Jules replied. No it's real. I use a type of Luxuria Magic. Aoi replied. I use a type of Invidia Magic. I replied. I know you are in there come out. I know you have an Acedia wielder with you. Aoi replied. Tatsui gets scared. Then the house and room vanished. Kaoru. Aoi replied. Alright. I replied. We summoned our swords. A man appeared. Aoi Yoshida or should I call you by your nickname, Fenrir. Yin replied. It's been so long since I heard that name. Fenrir as in the infamous killer who killed the previous King of Luxuria, Fenrir? I asked. Aoi adverted his eyes and whistle. You were supposed to be sentenced to be publicly executed. I replied. You are a killer? Tatsui asked. I figured the way you took down Raiki. I replied. Other than him airing out my dirty laundry. Aoi replied. Aoi looked at Yin and smiled. He appeared in front of Yin. I didn't see him move. I thought. He punched Toma in the face sending him flying. Your fist is bleeding. So you can harden your body, huh? Aoi asked. A girl appeared out a shadow above me. I looked up a mist appeared and blinded me. I stopped her sword. How did she stop my sword? Yue asked. You're not the first to dull one of my sense. I replied. Kaoru! Aoi yelled. I threw my sword at Tatsui. A barrier appeared. Your eyes are pitch black. I never thought I would have to use one of my imperial treasures on you. I replied. What? Yue asked. A ray of light appeared. My hairstyle and color changed. My outfit as well. I opened my eyes and they were Yin Min Blue. I had a hairstyle like Kagami's with turned platinum blonde. Having fox ears as an addition to this transformation. I had summoned my blades. I charged at Yin and she stopped time. My fox ears caused shock to the man. Your appearance resembles that damn temptress, Himeji Tempus from a long time ago. Amos replied. You're not the first to tell me that in my imperial form. I know that. I smiled. My grandmother supposedly ruin the lives of many men. I replied. Other than that, I chose to live my life to my fitting! I yelled. I jumped in the air and prepped an attack. Where did she go? Tatsui and Yin asked. Aoi was shocked. How powerful is Kaoru? Aoi thought. He got a flashback of what my mom told him before he was assigned to work with me. Even though you are starting over. You are being teamed up with my daughter, Kaoru. You should remember who she is after all, Haru Ito. Megumi replied. How do you know my real name? Aoi asked. You look just like Tatsui when I first met him. Megumi replied. She is very powerful but she lacks confidence in her abilities. When push to shove she can take her enemy down with ease. Megumi replied. Are you saying that I can help her? Aoi asked. You two are more compatible than you think. Megumi replied. She smiles. I flashed pass the both of them and sheathe my sword. The two couldn't move. Lix Tetrax, Fallen angel of the wind is my Imperial Treasure. That Imperial Treasure is one of the forbidden ones. Fallen Angels and Demons are given to the cursed. Shut up, Lix. I replied. An unfamiliar presence appeared. Aoi summons Asmodeus and slashed the presence. The man jumped. I see the rumors of Hedone Asmodeus having children are true. You have that hatred in your eyes just as she had. Aoi glared at him. He slashed and shattered the world. The kitchen was back. I ran over to Aoi and the others. I see Asmodeus is with its rightful owner. He was in the family vault. Tatsui replied. No, grandfather forced her hand. As you kicked all of us out. Grandfather told my mom, "If you truly treasure this life and those damn children lives, give me what I desire. Ryko replied. She was ambushed and a mage void the contract my mom had created with Asmodeus. The sword Asmodeus is one of the most dangerous swords. Aoi replied. I remember the sword would constantly break the seals. Tatsui replied. I wouldn't be surprised, he loves my mom. She was his first master. Aoi replied. As Aoi said that, I felt Asmodeus loneliness and sadness he felt for all those years. I really could careless what you want to do to him and his wife. Unfortunately, he and his family are my clients and I can't let you kill him and his family. Aoi replied. Tatsui looked away. Clarimond was surprised at what Aoi said. What is he talking about? Jules asked. Aoi Yoshida is my son from my first marriage. His biological name is Haru Ito. Tatsui replied. I was shocked at this reveal. Haru? I thought.
Stay Tuned.