Last time, Kaoru found out her mom had another side to her. She learns about a woman named, Hajime.
Mom, who is Hajime and this "promise"? I asked. Well, I made a promise when I was a little younger about if the time comes to defend against any evil presence going after Lady Lilith or Master Asmodeus. Megumi replied. Mom? I asked. I know you have questions beyond questions but I will answer one of them. Megumi replied. Hajime Tempus is my mother and you and Ren's grandmother. Megumi replied. Wait did you say "Tempus"? Aoi asked. Yes, and you have come to the conclusion that I am an Ancient Acedia Magic. Megumi replied. I use Tempus as my Acedia Art. Megumi replied. So you are one the cursed woman, huh? Aoi asked. As if you can talk, you are cursed like I am. Megumi replied. You are right about that. Aoi replied. Miki, you are alive and well. Asmodeus cried as she squeezed Megumi. Master Asmodeus, you are going to squeeze me to death. Megumi replied. Wait that is Asmodeus? I asked. Yeah, you think he would look all scary but a guy like him. Aoi replied. Well, I want to meet Hajime. I replied. You will meet her one of these days. Megumi replied. As everyone was talking I felt an ominous power around us. You aren't very smart, are you? Megumi asked. Mom? I asked. Shura, how did you see them? Aoi asked. It is easy, this person or demon is using Acedia Magic. Megumi replied. Megumi's sword pierced their skin on their face. Mom is that the sword of one of the *gods? I asked. Yes, but I had to ask him to be on his best behavior. Megumi replied. Wait so that's one of the many blades that got you infamous? Aoi asked. You are right, Lady Lilith asked me to make the contract with them. Megumi replied. They and my swords familiars are precious family to me. Megumi replied. Other than that, I need you to come back with me, Miki. Lilith replied. Well, I did make that promise but I have a family of my own I have to protect as well, my lady. Megumi replied. I figure you would say that, Miki. You are your mother's child alright. Lilith replied. If she could see you know, she would be so proud and you finally fulfilled what she wished. Asmodeus replied. Megumi smiled. Other than that, that boy/girl escaped. Aoi replied. They weren't a threat but a bystander forced to spy on us. Megumi replied. Let me guess we are getting pulled into the Festival, aren't we? Aoi asked. What do you mean? I asked.
At that moment, I was not aware of what misfortunes that will suddenly appear. The negative emotions consuming us. Out of all the two, we never thought would be victims of these series of events.
Stay Tuned.
Raijin and Futen are Japanese Gods.
Raijin is the Thunder God.
Futen is the Wind God.
They are usually depicted together.