Last time, Katsu had his first beer. Everyone else was given drinks from the old Admiral. The next morning, Katsu turns over under his covers. As he starts to open his eyes, he sees curly blonde hair. He sits up and sees Ally sound asleep in one of his long sleeved buttoned white collar shirts with a little cleavage showing.
Ally wakes up.
Good morning, I see this is something you are not use to waking up too, huh? Ally replied.
Uhmm. Katsu replied. He started blushing. What happened last night? Katsu asked. He grabbed his head. Are you ok? Ally asked. Katsu glared at Ally with crimson eyes the color of blood. She became scared. I'm sorry, if I scared you just now. Katsu replied. I know you didn't mean it. Ally replied. Last night, what happened? All I recall is after I drank my beer, it went black. Katsu replied. After that beer, you asked to sample everyone's drinks. Ally replied. I did? Katsu asked. Yes, you did, and then I didn't finish my drink up. Ally replied. So after that, I collapsed. Katsu replied. Yes you did. Ally replied. As Ally and Katsu were talking, Akiara runs into his room. Good morning, Katsu! Akiara yelled. He turns around. She looks at Katsu who is shirtless and the unfamiliar woman with one of his shirts on. Good morning, Akiara? Katsu replied. I feel a misunderstanding coming. Katsu thought. Stay away from my brother, you blonde temptress! Akiara yelled. Should I take that as a complement or insult? Ally asked. He grabs his bridge of his nose. He sighs. Akiara, apologize. Katsu replied. It's fine, Katsu. Ally replied. It is only natural for her to feel that way. An unfamiliar woman that is in one of your long-sleeved collar button ups. Ally replied. Yes and you are acting like you are very familiar with each other. Akiara replied. A maid appeared in the room. Lady Alice, your romper is washed and dried. Thank you very much Hino. Ally replied. Hino? Katsu asked. Good morning, you have guests with breakfast downstairs. Hino replied. Food is downstairs? Aoi brought me over with it. Akiara replied. You guys can go down. I will change into my clothes. Ally replied. Alright, see you when you are done. Katsu replied. Ally smiled. As he shut the door, Katsu thought about that he spent the night with Ally.
When Akiara and Katsu went downstairs, the food smelled so good. Ally and I ordered the breakfast menu from *Lunar Sweets Café. Aoi replied. Ally walked down the stairs. That may be true, but this is for Katsu and the staff as well. Ally replied. You don't have to do such a tedious thing for the staff, Master. Hino replied. Well in actuality, Katsu has been wanting to do this one of these days. Ally replied. Are you sobered up enough to eat anything, Katsu? I asked. I am Kaoru. Katsu replied. He grabbed an Apple Cinnamon Muffin out of the basket. Are you ok, Katsu? Rumiko asked. I'm fine, Rumiko. Katsu replied. When I woke up, I had a enormous appetite to be honest. Katsu replied. I wonder how it felt to have Ally in your room last night and this morning? Tomoe asked. Katsu choked on his Apple Cinnamon Muffin. Stop picking on him. Rumiko replied. I was just joshing, look how flustered he is. Tomoe replied. Stop it even if he is, he got to drink with the big kids last night. Rumiko replied. He also learned his tolerance too. Aoi replied. That Raspberry Sin had too much alcohol in it? Aoi replied. A normal Raspberry Sin consists of about two ounces of Raspberry Vodka, one ounce of Rottura dell'alba liquor, one ounce of Triple Sec, two-thirds of Cranberry Juice, fresh raspberries and ice cubes. Ally replied. I have a feeling she asked for them to be generous with her alcohol content. Aoi replied. So. Ally replied. No wonder he was drunk so fast. Aoi replied. Then again he snatched it out of her hands. I replied. Yeah, but after we left the restaurant, you past out and messed up Ally's cute romper I gave her for the occasion. I replied.
Let it go, you know how he gets, he will apologize and apologize. Rumiko replied. Leave him alone. Ally replied. True be told, not many guys apologize. I replied. What are you implying? Aoi asked. Did I say any names? I asked. Ally was wearing one of my work shirt and her chest was showing. I have never seen her so close up to me. I wanted to caress her thighs but I had to keep my mind in the right place. Katsu thought. Hey, so I heard my little cousin got laid, I'm so proud of you. Fuyo replied. Shut up Fuyo, I didn't sleep with him. Ally replied. That was a total waste. His sister said he slept with a blonde busty bimbo. Fuyo replied. I told you his little sister hated you. Aoi replied. Akiara, you can't call Ally a blonde busty bimbo because I didn't spend my birthday at home. Katsu replied. You always spend it with the family. Akiara replied. Your brother wanted to have fun but this time he wanted to spend it with friends. Aoi replied. You're right, Aoi. Akiara replied. She blushes. I see your little sister has a thing for Aoi. I replied. You have no idea. Katsu replied.
Thanks to you guys for that breakfast. Katsu replied. Your maids need a break after all. Aoi replied. Master Aoi thank you for the meal. Mami replied. I told you don't have to call me Master Aoi. You can call me Aoi. Aoi replied. Oh hey, Asuka are you here? Aoi asked. Aoi handed her a Granny Smith Apple. Asuka smiled. So you do have a heart? I asked. He is a sap for children, I don't know why? Katsu asked. It's a feeling but her knows how it feels to be in some of their positions. Katsu replied. Mister Aoi, can I have that Apple Cinnamon Muffin? Asuka asked. Sure you can. Aoi replied. I am not always the villain. Aoi replied. As everyone was eating, Katsu walked over to Ally. I wondered if you want a blueberry muffin? Katsu asked. I would like one, thank you. Ally replied. Hey Katsu, are you hitting on Ally this early in the morning? Tomoe replied. No, I am not. Katsu replied. What are you going to do the rest of the day? Ally asked. I actually need help something. Katsu replied. He smiled, but I can tell that he wanted something else.
I bet you all thought were thinking Katsu lost V-Card too lol.
Quick Knowledge:
Rottura dell'alba means Break of Daybreak