Last time, they assigned Ally and Katsu the position of going to the west side to protect HQ.
So we found a worthy opponent, Honos. Enyo replied. You are right. Honos replied. I'm sorry, we can't let wannabe gods to attack HQ. Ally replied. What did you call us? Honos asked. Well, wannabe god and goddess. If I remember, Honos is supposed to be a god of honor. Ally replied. Yes, I do embody the characteristics of Honos. Enyo is supposed to be a goddess of war. That is right, you busty blonde that has an attitude. Enyo replied. What did you just call me? I will show you what this blonde can do to you! Ally replied. Katsu holds Ally back. Don't let her provoke you. That is what she wants you to act like this. Katsu replied. I want blondie. Enyo replied. Ally jumped into the air and summoned her halberd, Ferrum. So you wield a nasty weapon over there. Enyo replied. Enyo summoned her weapon and cut Ally's arm. How do you like that? Oops, I went too far. I cut your arm and a little of that blouse. Enyo replied. Ally switched out her weapon again and summoned the duel blades. So you want to play? Ally replied. We can't let the ladies have all the fun. Honos replied. Honos ran up and cut Katsu across the chest. This is what they sent to stop us? Honos asked. Ally threw a sword at Honos. Let's go. Honos replied. Just where in the hell do you think you're going? Katsu replied. How did you throw it from that much of a distance? Honos asked. I am not your average swordsman. Katsu replied. So you are worth the fight? Honos replied. Katsu ran and punched Honos in the face.
Why you little you dare scratch a god and goddess? Honos asked. Yes, I would, especially the goddess who thinks she better than me. Ally replied. Ally summoned a sword. Enyo yells,"Come and be punished by the gods!"
Soon as their weapons touched, a big aftershock happened. She and Ally were fighting so fast that they almost broke the sound barrier. Damn, I know I heard the rumors, but she is terrifying up close. Katsu replied. Don't just stand there and watch! Fight me low life! Honos yelled. Don't you dare put wounds on a goddess? Enyo asked. Bring up anything about being a goddess once again. I will cut your throat and rip out your vocal cords. Ally replied. Oh Honos, that is not an empty threat. Ally replied. Would you actually rip her vocal cords out? Katsu asked. After this all over, just ask Kaoru how cruel and uncouth I really am? Ally asked. How is it she has minor injuries? I have more injuries. Enyo thought. I bet you are thinking, "How does she have fewer wounds than I?" Ally asked. I'll answer your question. The sword I just summoned is called Temptress of Greed. It was once a blade that took down the demon lord, Shinku. Ally replied. Wait, that sword killed the demon lord? Katsu asked. Yes, the woman killed him and took his wealth. Ally replied. You see wannabe goddess, the blade is sharp enough to do more than wound. It could cut your head off and limbs off with no effort. Ally replied. Is that so? Look at the trees that other objects around our fight they have been cut clean. Ally replied. How dangerous is this girl? Enyo thought.
Enyo ambushes Ally. Homos summons swords to see whose sword would reach each other. Ally slashed with Enyo's sword. Ally's slash knocked her out, and it cracked her sword in half. She was about to pass out, but Katsu caught Ally. Honos rushed over to Enyo. Why you low life monster? How dare you attack her? Honos asked. Honos ran was about to attack Ally. Katsu summons a sword and stopped his sword. How did he just stop me? Honos thought. Katsu, that guy isn't like that girl I just fought. Ally replied. I know he is powerful. He just cracked my sword I just summoned. Katsu replied. Can you stand? Katsu asked. No, that attack cut hurt my leg. Ally replied. Let me carry you. Katsu replied. As Katsu picked her up and put her under the tree, Ally was slowly falling to sleep. I see you use weapons. They are from those catalogs in that Forbidden Library. What is yours, let me guess, Gula or Acedia? Honos asked. Yes, I field of study is Gula. Katsu replied. Then you must be powerful then. Honos replied. Other than you, I'm not used to show off my abilities. Katsu replied. So you are one of those. Honos replied. Honos ran towards Katsu. Katsu took off his bracelet. His eyes changed to the color of blood.
Ally squinted her eyes and saw Katsu take his bracelet off. She was curious about why he was taking it off? When he took it off, it turned into kusarigama. What in the world is that weapon you summoned from that bracelet? Honos asked. Let's just say they can conceal many weapons as a bracelet or any type of ornament of your choosing. I went for this bracelet because I know what it can do. Katsu replied. What can you do with such a weapon? Honos asked. Well, I can do this. Katsu replied. He twirled the chain and threw the sickle. Katsu cut Honos's side. Did he cut me? Honos thought. I hate to tell you this, but the more you dodge my weapon, the more your wound will open. Katsu replied. At HQ, the others were shocked at what they saw Katsu did. That is one treasure they rewarded him for during his training. Wendy replied. Wait is that one of the sacred treasures of Gula? Yukimoto asked. Yes, and they're hard to find. I have rewarded the necklace and ribbon of I wore when we were younger? Wendy asked. I didn't know they were weapons until you use them. Fumiyo replied. The weapon he is wielding is called the Kusarigama of Carnage. Wendy replied. As you are watching, you will see why he was called Moros, but not by his other name. Megumi replied. We just recruited that monster as a commander?! Higashiyama asked. Yeah, we did, and for his friend, too. The environment they were in wasn't suitable for them. Yukimoto replied. As the two were fighting, Honos had many cuts on his sides and arms. Ally was still looking and was shocked at the way he was using such a weapon. Honos slash was aimed for Ally, but Katsu rushed to protect her. Honos slashed Katsu in the back. Katsu are you ok? Ally asked. I will be alright. He is really trying my nerves right now. Katsu replied.
Katsu swung the chain around as it hit him in the stomach. Honos flung into the bushes and coughed up blood. Honos, are you alright? Enyo asked. That man beat me fair and square. Honos replied. That boy uses one of the ancient weapons of this land, don't you? Honos asked. I do. This is just one weapon I have. I don't wear all three weapons at once. It would be overbearing. Katsu replied. Do you have all three weapons with you? Ally asked. Yes, I have three weapons. I just choose the one I am going to use every day. Katsu replied. You know, you sound kind of uptight. Ally replied. You give off the "I'm elite and superior to you" when you fight. I can tell you have a kind nature. Ally replied. I can be, but that is a story for another time. Katsu replied. Do you think you can stand? Katsu asked. I can manage. Ally replied. I told you I can walk on my own. Ally replied. Katsu put Ally on his back and walked off to HQ's Infirmary. This man! Ally thought. Did they defeat Enyo and Honos all by themselves? Rinko asked. You are right, we should stay a far distance from those two. Rinko replied. So he wasn't just a pretty face. Emi replied. As soon as Ally and Katsu reached HQ's Infirmary, they say Aoi watching over me. Man, who got you? Aoi asked. Katsu glared at Aoi. Shut up. Katsu replied. I hope Tomoe and Rumiko are alright? Aoi asked. Why do you say that? Katsu asked. They are going up against one of the Children of Purgatory. Aoi replied. That's true. Katsu replied. I have a feeling they are going up against the most dangerous ones of them, Leviathan and Adelram. Aoi replied.
Who are these people Aoi are talking about?
Stay Tuned.
Quick History Lesson:
Shinku means crimson in Japanese.
The closest word in English to Shura is carnage.
Kusarigama is an old school weapon used in the Heian Period in Japan. It is a sickle with a chain at the end of it.
Moros is one of Nyx children. He stands for doom and fate.