Let's go see Rumiko and Tomoe's fight. Ally replied. Their fight might be more extreme. I replied. Might be an understatement. Ally replied. She pointed to the area where their fight. We walked over and saw Aki dodging Rumiko's attack as if his life depended on it. He must have made her mad or something. I replied. No, Aki overdid it this time. Anastasia replied. Yeah, he did. Ally replied. Rumiko swung her sword with the flick of the wrist. Crimson Dragon Roar! Rumiko yelled. Tomoe turned around, and they trapped him in a cyclone. Tomoe slashed the attack, causing a draft to appear. You can see my wind, huh? Zephyr asked. He's in trouble. Once you see her wind, it's a wrap. Wendy replied. What do you mean? Her wind isn't detectable to the natural eye. He has to be the child of a Dragon King to see it. Wendy replied. Tomoe charges toward Zephyr. As the fight prolonged, Megumi walks in the middle of the fights. She dispelled everyone. What do you think? Megumi asked. I feel this is a talented group. Zephyr replied. Well, let's get off that topic and congratulate them. Megumi replied. Get down here. You deserve this praise. Aki replied. We walked down to Rumiko and Tomoe. Hey Rumiko, you did so good. You really had Aki running. Rumiko adverted her eyes. Megumi helps Tomoe up. Thank you. Tomoe replied. You're welcome, Tomoe. Megumi replied. Oh my gosh, General Shura you shouldn't be helping me up. Tomoe replied. It's fine. We all need to help every once in a while. Isn't that right, Kaoru? Megumi asked. Yes mom. I replied. Mom? Aoi asked. Yeah, Megumi Shura is my mom. Captain Yukimoto is one of Ally's older half sisters. I replied. Yukimoto is your sister? Katsu asked. Yes, we have the same mom different dads. Ally replied. That is crazy. Tomoe replied. I need a shower with a drink included. Ally replied. No, you can take the shower and eat lunch like others. Yukimoto replied. She looked at Ally and shook her head. Joy kill. Ally replied. As we walked to our barracks, we had one thing on our minds. What will happen after this? I intercepted the person I did not want to meet.
Stay Tuned.