Last night, Ally and I went to a party and danced and drank the night away. As the party ended, Ally and I passed out at my place, since it was the closest. I fell asleep in my bed and Ally fell asleep on the couch. I constantly kept hearing my alarm going off. It was getting louder and louder every five minutes. Shut that sh*t off, Kaoru! Ally yelled. Shut up, we just overslept. I replied. As I looked, I started to frantically freaked out. It's that important meeting we needed to attend. It's today? Ally asked. I looked at the clock and rummaged through my chest and closet for a quick outfit. Ally, you smell like alcohol. Take a quick shower and put on this after you get out of the shower. I replied. I am usually against wearing other's clothes, but it's one of those instants. Ally replied. After Ally got out of the shower and got dressed, we rushed to HQ. We just gave the guard our IDs. I never ran in heels, but there is a first for everything, right? I thought. Ally and I ran to the meeting. When we arrived in the room, Megumi Shura and the other officials were angry with our tardiness. Captain Yukimoto spoke to the Ally and I. You ladies were tardy to this meeting that is about the compromise of the Gulolese. Yukimoto replied. We're sorry for being tardy. I replied. I know your girls are still young, so I'll let it slide this time. Yukimoto replied. Thanks, sis. Ally replied. Yukimoto might be a dictator, but she can relate. Haru is a real dictator from hell. I replied. As we walked back into the conference room, we heard the last chunk of the meeting. After the meeting, we heard someone gossiping. Hey did you hear? Unit Three has finally gotten a Commander since Kaze no Gami retired. Aki replied. I wonder what gender of this new leader is. Raye replied. I heard they were coming from the Royal Guard of Ira. A Royal Guard knight is going to be a part of Headquarters? I thought. I hope it's a girl, so we can have girl time. Ally replied. What if it's a guy? I asked. If he's powerful and handsome. It's a bonus. Ally replied. You are so obsessed with looks. I replied. Hime doesn't come up behind me, girl. Girl, I could have knocked you out. Aki replied. Nice seeing you too Aki. I replied. Yeah, I heard she wears the whole ninja to get up. Emi replied. Soon after, Ally and I walked to the cafeteria. We saw a girl sitting at the table by herself with a strange description than everyone gossiped about. She was tanned skin with wild bangs, long strands and a high ponytail. She wore a cream scarf and honey colored sleeveless kimono with a black obi with a vermilion string around it. Not only that, but she had a black bodysuit underneath. She also had long gloves reading a book with a tall grande White Chocolate Frappuccino. Let's talk to her. She is sitting by herself. Ally replied. She looks like she is busy reading a book. I replied. Ally sits down in front of her. Hi, my name is Alice Rosilite but I rather I'm called Ally for short. Ally replied. Hi, my name is Rumiko Vestia. It is nice to meet you, Alice. Rumiko replied. You know you're the first to actually talk to me, to be honest. Rumiko replied. Seriously, that is rude of these people. Ally replied. As the two were getting acquainted, I saw how Ally has always could talk to others. Then I came over to sit by her. I introduced myself next. My name is Kaoru Koto but I go to Hime Shura. I replied. Hey, do you see that girl? I heard she was once a part of a castle guard. Someone has transferred here her. People have gossiped. Hey you know she can hear you, right? Ally asked. Really? Arata replied. Yes. I replied. So you are a knight from the Ira castle guard? I asked. My mom and Yukimoto appeared. Rumiko is the first female knight. She is a very skilled female swordsman. The King and Queen of her country wanted her to be around new people since she's extremely shy and self-conscious. Yukimoto replied. What the hell, Yumi. Warn someone before you pop up. Ally replied. What have I told you about calling me by my real name? Yukimoto asked. Sorry, Captain Yukimoto. Ally replied. I'm curious what her powers are? I asked. Go ask her. Yukimoto replied. "What are your powers?" Ally asked. Uh, my magic is kind of why I am known. Rumiko replied. I'll tell you this. "My powers are the reason I am here." Rumiko replied. Tell me. Ally replied. Stop harassing people, Ally. I replied. Rumiko smirked. I see she is very determined to see my powers. Rumiko replied. You do not know. I replied. What is Rumiko's power?
Stay Tuned.