When Rumiko came to, Tomoe stayed with her. Well, I know why she fainted. Lilith replied. Why are you here, Lilith? Rumiko asked. You are so rude, I am a doctor now for days. Hey did she operate on me in any way or fashion? Rumiko asked. No, but she explained why you fainted. Tomoe replied. That play is the prophecy of her birth and her true self. Lilith replied. Are you serious about that? Tomoe asked. Yeah, I am supposed to be the daughter of a dragon clan who plagued the nearby kingdom of the north and my mom was a sacrifice from her village or what I have been told. Rumiko replied. Wait you were born in Crimson Dragon Country? Aoi replied. Yeah, I heard I was born in a village who plagued with Crimson Spider Lilies. Rumiko replied. Yeah but I only heard rumors since I am not permitted to go to that land. Rumiko replied. Well, she is not permitted because she is the village heads granddaughter. You are a mixed breed in a sense. You are mixed with the monsters that killed their people. Lilith replied. You should still see where you were born. Ally replied. I am not going. That is a great idea actually, you can meet your mother and brother and two sisters. Yukimoto replied. Where did you come from? Rumiko asked. I arranged it when you were out of it. Yukimoto replied. You guys can come with her for support. Yukimoto replied. You know you are in the wrong. Kaoru replied.
When Rumiko looked at Yukimoto fro making a choice for her. I don't want to visit the people because I can image with they will say to me. Rumiko replied. We are all coming with. Ally replied. We will not accept the criticize to you all because your mom maybe had a reason for doing for her choice. Tomoe replied. Wait aren't you in the similar situation? Rumiko asked. Shut up don't add me to your depressing tale. Tomoe replied. Shut up Tomoe. Rumiko replied. Wait he is apart of the prophecy too. Lilith replied. Yeah you are supposed to encounter Tomoe later in life. Lilith replied. I encountered him when I was about seven or eight years ago. Rumiko replied. Really I thought you never met until now. Ally replied. No we met when we all were received the high rankings we are known for. Rumiko replied. Well lets hear the stories on the way there. Kaoru replied. A hour has passed and it is hot as hell. Ally replied. That is because we are going to go in the back entrance of the village. Rumiko replied.Someone is coming hide. Who the hell are you people?!!! Aryin asked. Aryan who is back there? Raylin asked. We have been captured. Ally replied. What the hell is going on? Raysal asked. Erica is that you? You have come back to us? Raysal asked. No I am Erica's daughter. Rumiko replied. I wonder why my mother left? Rumiko thought. So you are half of that abomination? Raysal asked. Yup and I am not ashamed at all. I only came to see the village not to become friendly with the locals. Rumiko replied. Hey I know you are having your bad ass moment but let us down. Ally replied. Why didn't you tell Tomoe to do it? Rumiko replied. I am not feeling this rebellious phase. Kaoru replied. I am playing with you guys. Rumiko replied. She look, smiles and sounds like Erica too. Raysal replied. If you are telling the truth let me ask you this, how is she doing? Does she hate me? Aryin asked. Wait I hear someone is coming? Rumiko replied. Wait mom? Rumiko replied. I wanted to warn you about the villagers and who the village elders. Erica replied. Mom, how did you get here? Rumiko asked. Chiyo, I got here through my will and determination. Erica replied. Rumiko gave her mom a blank stare. Mom admit that you got here because of Yukimoto or my dad sent you here. Rumiko replied. Ok Yukimoto did it. She wanted me to warn you because the villagers will kill you if you rebel, Chiyo. Erica replied. Erica you have returned to us. Haylen replied. You are wrong, I came to warn my daughter of the rituals of this village. Erica replied. I made my choice of falling in love with a beast and marrying him and having children with him. Erica replied. Mom what is your true reason? Rumiko asked. Today a sacrifice is chosen. Erica replied. The people are eaten by your grandfather. Erica replied. I know your grandfather's lackeys will appear here at sundown. Erica replied. Let me guess we are going to be obligated to keep them safe? Rumiko asked. It is ok Chiyo, how about I make Thai Chicken on rice for you when we get back after this. Erica replied. Alright mom we will save these self righteous people. Rumiko replied. Come on you guys. Rumiko replied. Alright. Ally, Kaoru and the boys replied. Why did my mom really leave? Rumiko thought.
Stay Tuned.