As the boys arrived at Lyra's Bistro, Katsu was surprised to see everyone. He is looking at Ally as she runs towards the guys.
Welcome to the Ocean City of Estia. This is Lyra's Bistro. Ally replied. She grabs Katsu hand. He blushes. Come on everyone is waiting birthday boy. Ally replied. As everyone else sat down, Katsu was surprised at the atmosphere. Welcome to Lyra's Bistro! Yuri replied. Yuri, baby! Ally replied. Bellerose, who are these cuties? Yuri asked. Friends from work, Yuri. I replied. Hime? Yuri asked. Yuri. I replied. From what Ally told me, we have a person who turned legal today? Yuri asked. She looked to see who. I am Miss. Katsu replied. You're adorable. Yuri replied. I am? Katsu asked. Oh, I am twenty myself, no need for miss. Yuri replied. It's you guys. Skylar replied. You girls seem well known. Aoi asked. We used to work here during the summers for spending money. Ally replied. Oh, you haven't met Rumiko. I replied. Ally told me all about her, she is prettier in person. Yuri replied. Let's take you to that booth by the window. Skylar replied. When everyone went into the booth, the girl sat on the left and the boy faced the front of the girls. Soon as everyone settled into the booth, the waitress came to the table. Hello, my name is Rie and I will be your waitress for tonight. Rie replied. Rie? Ally asked. Ally are you drinking tonight? Rie asked. No, the birthday boy is having his first drink. Ally replied. This cutie on the corner? Rie asked. Katsu blushes. Oh, here are your menus. Rie replied. As Rie walked off, Katsu became bashful. Don't worry Yuri isn't shy to complementing a man. Ally replied. Even though you look like you have been sheltered all your life. Ally replied. He has been sheltered all his life. Aoi replied. Hey, stop talking bad about me. Katsu replied. Katsu we all know this. Tomoe replied. Being around us will become a change of pace for him. Ally replied. That is true. Katsu replied.
As Rie returned, with complementary water, she asked what we wanted to order.
Alright, birthday boy, your order will be taken first. Aoi replied. I want a steak. Katsu replied. Well done or medium rare? Ally asked. I want my steak well done. Katsu replied. What are you going to order? Rie asked. I want an Estia cheeseburger with fried mushrooms. Ally replied. I want the Hot wings meal. Tomoe replied. I want the Bourbon Steak. Aoi replied. Only you would eat something like that. I replied. The Shrimp Scampi meal. Rumiko replied. I want to order the Chicken Alfredo with garlic sauce. I replied. We are drinking after this. Ally replied. Yeah, we don't want you getting sick on us, Katsu. Tomoe replied. I won't get sick. Katsu replied. Soon as Rie came back with our food, she went back to get a beer. As soon as she came back, she joined in. Happy Birthday, Katsu!!! Everyone yelled. He smiled. Cheers to you being able to drink with us! Ally yelled. Hey, we didn't order drinks, only for him. Ally replied. These are on the house from Admiral. He thought, this night should be a night of joyous occasion. Rie replied. Aoi and I are the designated drivers. I replied. Who the hell made that decision? Aoi replied. It's for the best. Tomoe replied. I can drive. Rumiko replied. No it's fine. No escaping it. Aoi replied. He sighs. Well, let's eat and celebrate for tonight! Ally replied. Everyone ate their food and drank their liquor. Little did they know what would happen the next day.
Stay Tuned.