Last time, we all fought off a monster with help from a girl from Kagami's time.
Now Ally is making a drinking bet with Aoi. As we were watching they were just drinking with straight faces. We are out of liquor. Ally replied. Are you ok Ally? I asked. I am good, hun. Ally replied. We can't have you going to work tomorrow tipsy. I replied. Kaoru, don't freak out hun. Ally replied. Well I am going back to HQ temporary too. Poppy replied. Well the lieutenant is coming with me because my family likes to tell me what to do still. Poppy replied. That's why you took us ladies out drinking? I asked. Yes ma'am. I did this to show my kindness. Poppy replied. Rumiko smiles. Ally looks at Aoi looking worried about something. Hey don't look so worried about Kaoru. Ally replied. How does she know? Aoi thought. I can read peoples emotions mentally. Ally replied telepathically. Let's take her back to the estate to rest. Aoi replied. Hey Katsu grab your tipsy girlfriend. Aoi replied. Ally isn't tipsy. Poppy replied. If you have her drinking for a few more hours she will be. I replied. I am not drunk. Ally replied. She mumbles on Katsu's back. When all arrived at the estate, Ally stabbed Aoi with a vine. Aoi turned around thinking about killing her. Aoi don't get angry. I replied. What do you want? Aoi asked. Ally started texting. Don't have mental breakdown over what happened. She has been through worst. Ally text. Why are you telling me this? Aoi texted back. I know you are in love with her and I know your real name, Aoi. Ally text. Aoi looked at Ally surprised. Hey are you texting Ally? If you don't talk to her. I replied. Kaoru, I don't feel like talking about it out loud. Ally said telepathically. You just feel lazy as hell in your hangover state. I replied. As I walked off, I was curious to know what they were talking about. I need a shower from that fight. I replied. Pops, got anything I can change into? I asked. What vibe are you feeling? Poppy asked. Comfortable, Pops. I replied. Here catch. Poppy replied. I caught it but Aoi looked at me worried about something. Aoi looked at me and I walked into the room. As I entered the bathroom, I started to relax and thinking about telling Aoi about our client. I thought. As I started the shower, I saw I had left my towel on the bed. In the room, Aoi laid down and fell asleep. After I finished my shower, I left my towel in the room. Hey Aoi can you hand me the towel on the bed please. I asked. Thank you. I replied. You're welcome. Aoi handed to me and went back to sleep. After I got dressed in the bathroom. I came out in a rusty pinky tank with Smokey Topaz booty shorts. Aoi looked at me. You really like watching Kaoru, don't you? Poppy asked. What, Pops? I asked. He is eyeing your a** and cleavage. Poppy replied. I looked at Aoi. Should I change into something else? I asked. No not at all. Poppy replied. Aoi turned his head and laid down and took a nap. As I looked at his sleeping face, he looked troubled about something still. As I walked in the den. I saw the girls eating Chicken Chow Mein. Hey leave me some. Get up sleeping beauty so he can eat lunch. Poppy replied. Pops be nice to him. I replied. I am. He ordered this earlier when you were in the shower. Poppy replied. Ally walked behind me. Ally, are you sober enough to have a conversation among the living? I asked. Yes and he is embarrassed about something that happened. Ally replied. Only you can talk to him right now. Ally replied. What is wrong with him? Rumiko asked. Oh, he fucked up and wanting forgiveness. Poppy replied. Here take the food to him. Poppy replied. I knocked on the door. Aoi walks to the door with his shirt off in a sweat. I am sorry to interrupt your nap but here is the food you ordered. I replied. Your fine, Kaoru and thank you. Aoi replied. Aoi smiles. As he smiled a boy from my childhood would smile just like that. Ally would say he likes you. Ren would try to kill him after he smiled at me. It would make me blush. I thought. I was about to leave. He gently grabbed my wrist. I could tell he didn't want me to leave. I thought. Hey what is taking them so long? Ally asked. What? Rumiko asked.
Ally and Poppy texted me.
Poppy:Hey Kaoru did you give🥡🥢 to him?
Ally: Hey girl get your 🥡🥢so you can eat with him?
Me: What is your game ladies?
Poppy: It's really obvious, Hime.
Ally: Aoi has feelings for you and it's becoming more evident.
Me: Can you keep your conclusions to yourselves. If he liked me he would be honest.
After, Poppy yells my name. Kaoru get your damn boujie a** Beef Chow Mein! Poppy yelled. I walked out the door. I gave Poppy a blank stare. Hey Pops, only you know I like this flavor but it's pricey as hell. We're you an angel or temptress today? I asked. If I tell you, would you like the answer? Poppy asked.
Stay Tuned.