Last time everyone ended up in a forbidden land after Katsu kicked everyone out the void.
Where are we? I asked. Katsu falls to the ground covered in blood. A woman steps on Katsu's head. I see you haven't died from that fall. Impressive. Blake replied. Nice to see you too, Blake. Katsu replied. Hey, get off Katsu's head! Ally replied. Ally helps Katsu up. It is fine believe it or not but she is actually an ally. Katsu replied. So you are the curse breaker? Blake asked. Ally looked puzzled. The mysterious girl appeared. Hironori pointed his sword at her. The two made eye contact and started clashing swords. Those two are fighting as if they are familiar with each other. Ally looked and the two almost hit Ally. The girl turned around and kicked Hironori in the face. Hironori glared. Hey dumb ass don't harm her. Yu replied. Why do you care? Hironori asked. That woman is a vital for the future. Yu replied. Vital? Hironori thought. Those two will have your descendants who are on par with you and I. Yu replied. Hironori, do you know that girl? Katsu asked. You bastard! I already went through one life threatening experience a week ago. Ally yelled. As Ally said that, a beast appeared. Rumiko and Tomoe summoned their weapons. The girl looked at the monster and appeared above the monster. How did she appear above it? Rin asked. She summoned her Imperial Treasure. Imperial Treasure release! Blake yelled. The monster looked up. Blake unsheathed her sword. The sword turned the color of Tyrian. She jumped to the ground and sheathed her sword. She didn't cut anything. I replied. She did. Aoi replied. Who are you really? I asked. My name is Blake la Gula. Blake replied. Wait the Gula I ever heard of is like the Dragon King. Rumiko replied. You are right, I am half-dragon half-human just like you two. Blake replied. Really you work for the king and queen of this country? Rumiko asked. Unfortunately. Blake replied. This is an old buddy of mine, Blake la Gula is the daughter of the Gula Dragon King. Katsu replied. Are we in Gula? I asked on the outskirts of the capital near Ancient Gula capital, Miluina. I heard Miluina is domain of the Gula Dragon King, Miluina. Aoi replied. I see, so that man really did it. Yu replied. Who are you? Katsu asked. I will tell you in due time. Yu replied. I do have a prophecy from you all to hear. Yu replied. What are you going on about now? Aoi asked. The mysterious girl walked over to tell all of us news. So you are telling us four children with the power of the Seven Shields will appear before us in danger? I replied. I don't believe you. Ally replied. Still,that is sounds pretty cool. Ally replied. I can't believe they are a boy and three girls. Rumiko replied. We were all psyched about what we heard. In the back of our minds, we all know we are going to fight Kuroyuri and her forces. I thought.
This is the end of Part 1