Last time, Katsu ran away to go on a mission to get the antidote to Higanbana's poison. Yukimoto fights to prove Katsu's innocence.
Rin, this is Yumi Yukimoto that you were taught to fear. I replied. Scarlett ran over again and slashed a fire attack at Yukimoto. She emerged out the attack with twin blades in her hands. You know that hurt like hell. Yukimoto replied. I threw my most powerful attack at her. Scarlett replied. My turn. Yukimoto replied. Yukimoto threw her swords into a void. Come forth, the fallen angel of all Revelations*. Yukimoto replied. What the hell, you are summoning that forbidden sword? Shinjiro asked. She wanted to go all out, I will give her the same treatment. Yukimoto replied. I saw her use that sword once or twice when Ally, Ren, and my childhood. Yumi, that blade you are not going to..?I asked. I will not go that far, Kaoru. Yukimoto replied. What do you mean? Rin asked. You haven't heard of her nickname, she is called Maiden of Revelation for a good reason. I replied. For you who don't expand their knowledge, in Hebrew; Abaddon is the angel of the abyss or death. Aoi replied. How would you know that? I asked. My biological father believed in Christian belief. Aoi replied. Yukimoto looked at Scarlett and sheathed her sword. Scarlett dropped. Abaddon, the angel of the abyss or in Greek Apollyon means the destroyer. A sword shows me how to take out my enemy with death or with mercy. Yukimoto replied. As everyone was appalled at what they witnessed, Megumi walked around the corner. Abaddon is a dangerous sword, in the wrong hands that sword can slaughter an entire army with one swing. Megumi replied. Mom, how did you appear so quickly? I asked. My Acedia Magic signaled me you and the others were in trouble. Megumi replied. Megumi Shura, the War Empress and one the Maidens of Tempus Magic. Sophia replied. You are right about that. Megumi replied. What brings you here Maiden of Tempus? Sophia asked. Katsu is innocent of all charges. I know of his whereabouts but I will not let you touch him. Megumi replied. Master like a student. Sophia replied. Still bitter as ever, is it because I look like Hajime Tempus? Megumi asked. Sophia becomes flustered. Miki, tell us where he is. Gabriel replied. Gabriel, all the years you helped me. I am grateful but that young man is being falsely accused of another crime he never committed. Megumi replied. You and my father of all people should know what it feels like to be discriminated towards and false accusations upon your names. Yukimoto replied.
In Dolos-Apate, Katsu was walking through the toll gate to the country of *Anu. He is right behind a man and his grandchild. As he was walking through he was being harassed by the knight guards on the post. You must not be from this country, we show respect to our knights from the capital. Ragual replied. Is that so? Katsu replied. You look like your hiding something under your cloak you are wearing. Ragual replied. Katsu rolled his eyes at the guards. You dare show disrespect to Ragual Gier! Micheal yelled. Ragual summoned his sword and tried to stab Katsu. Katsu blocked it with his Wrath of the Crimson Goddess Sword. The old man turned around. Is that Wrath of the Crimson Goddess? Tatum asked. Yeah, how would you know that unless you are...mmm. Katsu mumbled as Tatum covered his mouth. Hey, you know what Amerila we are going to have a dinner guest. Tatum replied. Really Grandpa? Amerila asked. Yup, he's going to pay for all the ingredients too. Tatum replied. Tatum Gullveig, once a master swordsmith who had ties with the Crimson Eyed Reaper, Katsu Tachibana. Ragual replied. Katsu Tachibana? Katsu thought. You are right but now I am an old man who has a family. Tatum replied. Hey, what are you pulling? Katsu asked. What is your purpose of you finding me? Tatum replied.
Stay Tuned
End of Part One
Quick History Lesson.
Anu is the Irish goddess of wealth, death and cattle.
In Revelation 9:11 the name Abaddon is the angel of the abyss and his name in Greek means Destroyer.
Yumi's ability with her sword Abaddon gives her the power to see revelations of her opponents of how to take out her enemy.