Last time, Aoi told me his lover that betrayed him.
I hugged him.
Kaoru. Aoi replied. He can tell from her response it's out of concern. I replied. No, you're fine. Aoi replied. He hugged me back. I don't want to lose her again. Aoi thought. Aoi, you're crushing me. I replied. He looked down. I'm sorry, Kaoru. Aoi replied. As we hugged each other, I didn't realize "he" came to visit me.
So what I've heard was true. How long have you been here, Aoi? Ren asked. Ren, how long have you been here? I asked. You left the front door open. Ren replied. No, I locked it behind your mom. Unless she. Aoi replied. What's wrong, Aoi? I asked. That little sneaky. Aoi replied.
In the hallway, I heard a child yelling.
Aunt Kaoru! Tomoe yelled. Tomoe, look how much you've grown. I replied. Aunt Kaoru. Tomoe cries. Tomoe, I'm never going away. I replied. Tomoe cries. Thank God you're alive, Kaoru. Saffron replied. Hey Saffron. I replied. You look well for dealing with my brother. I replied. Haha. Ren replied. Haru, why are you here? Saffron asked. I am playing babysitter for a while. Aoi replied. So you're going to be living with Kaoru? Saffron asked. Yup, Megumi ask me to monitor her. I was told she has a tendency to not following rules. Aoi replies. It was only once. I replied.
He smiled.
Ren scuffled at him.
Oh, I have something for you Tomoe. Aoi replied. A gift? Tomoe replied. Aoi walked downstairs. Sounds like he went into the kitchen. I replied. When he came back upstairs, he had a box in hand. What is that? Ren asked. Tomoe remembers when we went to Amaranth. Poppy bought you a box of cookies. Aoi replied. Poppy? Tomoe asked. Remember Ally and Rumiko? I asked. He nodded. Poppy is my friend we met at the train station. I replied. The nice lady? Tomoe asked. Yes. She knew you were sad, so she bought you a box of cookies. I replied. Cookies! Tomoe yelled. He pulled and pulled on the box. Tomoe. I replied. Aoi grabbed the box.
It's a box embedded with magic. Aoi replied. He put his hand over the box. A spell circle appeared and cracked. Tomoe, now open the box. Aoi replied. He saw the cookies. Mommy. Daddy. Can I have all of them? Tomoe asked. Not all of them. Saffron replied. Ok mommy. Tomoe replied. You know that box brought back memories? Saffron asked. Yeah, mom would buy those cookies from the Royal Bakery. Aoi replied. Luxuria's Royal Bakery isn't cheap. I barely buy anything that has "Royal" in it. Ren replied.
I called Poppy.
Poppy: Does he like it?
Me: Oh he loves your gift.
Tomoe: Thank you, Poppy.
Poppy: Your welcome, Tomoe.
Me: What compelled you to buy something from the Luxuria Royal Bakery?
Poppy: The baker said when he saw Tomoe with Hedone. He was down.
Me: Thanks Pops.
Poppy: Anytime girl. The girls and I are coming by now.
Ally: Hey girl.
Me: I hear you three outside. Come inside already.
Poppy hangs up.
Ally and the others are loud in the living room.
Poppy, when did you comeback? Ren asked. I am the current shield of Luxuria, Ren. Poppy replied. They finally gave you the position? Ren asked. Hey, I deserved that title without my family's influence. Poppy replied. Family influence? Aoi asked. Oh yeah, I never told you my real name. Poppy replied. No. Aoi replied. My name is Colette Poppylin Carnelian is my full name. Poppy replied. You're the great-grandchild of the previous King of Luxuria? Aoi asked. Yeah, I just don't use my influence much. Poppy replied. It's been a while, Saffron. Poppy replied. Poppy? Saffron asked. Yeah? Poppy asked. You don't look as stressed out as you were before? Saffron asked. I am on the verge of being in a better place. Poppy replied. So you're still dealing with "that"? Saffron asked. Girl, I don't even like thinking about him. Poppy replied.
Liam walks upstairs.
Sorry, I didn't see you wake up. Himeros replied. You're fine Liam, Poppy told me you were told to come back to the capital. I replied.
Ren looked at Himeros.
You say you're a part of the Luxuria Royal Army? I thought half-demons or in your case, mmmmmm. Ren replied.
Stop it Ren. Why do you do this to people? Saffron asked.
Himeros turned his head to the right. He walked downstairs.
What did you say to Himeros, Ren? Poppy asked. Saffron walked downstairs and caught Himeros leaving. I'm sorry, Ren was in the wrong. Saffron replied. You don't have to apologize. I actually have to get going. Himeros replied. Liam, ignore my brother. You came to check up on me, right? I asked. Himeros looked surprised.
Poppy grabbed Himeros' wrist.
Bump Ren. Let's go out drinking later. I asked. You can under supervision. Aoi replied. I know. I replied. Oh and where was my liquor, anyway? I asked. Oh, I drank that last night. Aoi replied. You did?! That wasn't cheap, Aoi. I replied. Stop complaining. I have plenty more bottles at my house, twice that size. Aoi replied. Wait, you have that bottle in a bigger size? Poppy asked. Yeah, that house is my foster father's bachelor pad. Aoi replied. So he has liquor downstairs? Poppy asked. Yeah, how did you know that? Aoi asked. He put two and two together. Stop taking advantage of her when she's drunk. Aoi replied. No, she told me about the treasure trove of liquor at your house. I just had to ask permission to have it. Poppy replied. Why are you giving me that look? Aoi asked. You are in a better mood. Remember, we told you all about him being all bent of shape for two and a half months? Poppy asked. He is definitely in a better mood. Yes, he was very melancholy. Himeros replied. Yes, very melancholy. Ally and Rumiko replied. Not you two. Aoi replied.
I walked downstairs and sat on the couch and smirked.
Tomoe sat in my lap and ate his cookies.
Kaoru, we're sorry. Saffron replied. Tomoe, are you ok? I asked. Yes, Aunt Kaoru. Tomoe hands me a cookie. Oh my, these are melt in your mouth good. Poppy, give me the Bakery's number. I replied. Tomoe hands one to Aoi.
Your right, this batch is good. Aoi replied. Tomoe get out of Aunt Kaoru's lap. Ren replied. Listen, Ren, he's fine. He misses spending time with me. Right Tomoe? I asked. He looked up at my face. Yes, Aunt Kaoru. Tomoe replied. I don't want him taking advantage of you, Kaoru. Ren replied. Your son is too honest. I replied. Fair point. He's a good kid and never change, Tomoe. Aoi replied. He patted his head. Haru, you see a lot of yourself in Tomoe. Saffron replied. Something on those lines. I'm not proud of the man I've become, Keon. Aoi replied. What do you mean? What happened to you after we were adopted? Saffron asked.
Aoi looked at his phone.
He smirked.
I'm going to throughly enjoy this. Aoi replied.
At that moment, Aoi smirked. I could tell he was hiding something from me.
Stay Tuned.