Last time, Ally explained what was gone. Also she found her help as well.108Please respect copyright.PENANAwiH8XhpDPZ
The next day, Ally woke up early and called Orioni.108Please respect copyright.PENANA3yPUGjRJXd
Orioni: Orioni.108Please respect copyright.PENANA7cxKGBA5c1
Ally: It's me.108Please respect copyright.PENANAuHk0xmoGvf
Orioni: I thought I would have to wake you up.108Please respect copyright.PENANAH41FdH3IXe
Ally: Ha ha very funny.108Please respect copyright.PENANATHu2WZ0om0
Orioni: I kid. You met the Fae/Goddess hybrid named Reine Iaso. 108Please respect copyright.PENANAoJciBLYW7l
Ally: She works here as a maid.108Please respect copyright.PENANAgYwIgNqbQl
Orioni: Yeah she working here as a part time job.108Please respect copyright.PENANAHuGtsHCxtE
Ally: I'm surprised Sarah didn't kill her or her mother.108Please respect copyright.PENANAAfn2dozRYj
Orioni: A forbidden union indeed.108Please respect copyright.PENANAEJlFTXQGtC
Ally: Poor girl. I pray for the best for her.108Please respect copyright.PENANAqusfkkihCI
Orioni: What did you call about?108Please respect copyright.PENANAC3yvNxkpiZ
Ally: That and why do you think that bouquet was dropped off?108Please respect copyright.PENANA3JOw4Sgbdw
Orioni: Have your nerdy friend look at it.108Please respect copyright.PENANAFDMZId685G
Ally: Why Katsu?108Please respect copyright.PENANAK8qJojcTMD
Katsu appeared half sleep. Hey Katsu, you need to go back to sleep. Ally replied.108Please respect copyright.PENANAw0zZ0SxrfJ
Orioni: Happy nursing.108Please respect copyright.PENANAwY2scXBIz4
Ally: Ori.108Please respect copyright.PENANAOvMxVCl3fm
Orioni hung up.108Please respect copyright.PENANANu0MTdTy7R
Hey Katsu, can you look at the surveillance footage to see who dropped it off the banquet? Ally asked. Yeah let me get my108Please respect copyright.PENANAja9cowL6sM
laptop. Kosuke yawned. Good morning. Kosuke replied. Good morning. Ally and Katsu said. Im surprised your up Katsu. Your not much of a morning person. Kosuke replied. The doorbell rang. Delivery. Luka replied. Ally sighed. She opens the door. Hello Luka, are you delivering food? Ally asked. Of course, Lady Rina asked me to drop this food off. Luka replied. What your saying is. Rina told me to go to drop this off or else. Just say your afraid of both my sisters but more Rina. Ally replied. No comment. Luka replied. Kosuke and Katsu grabbed the food. Katsu smells food. Food. Katsu replied. Calm down, your acting like you've never eaten before, gosh. Ichika replied. Katsu clenched his fist. Hey Ichika, apologize. Kosuke replied. Katsu turns around. It's fine really. I did kind of act like that. Katsu replied. Its still a touchy topic for him. Kosuke thought. That's a very sensitive subject matter. I won't pry until he comes to me. Ally thought. Apologize to him Ichika. Ally replied. Fine, sorry. Ichika replied. Thanks a lot Luka. Ally replied. No problem. Orioni told me to tell Kosuke, Reina Iaso is actually a HQ Aide. She will help assist Ally for the duration of the visit. Luka replied. Luka leaves. Reina runs inside. I'm sorry I'm late. Reina replied. Your fine Reina. Come eat. This is mostly celebrating your first assignment. Ally replied. Really? Reina asked. Yeah you are newbie and we usually treat the new aides today with food. But your here so you will treat you here. Ally replied. Wait then your Rose Maiden? Reina asked. I am. Ally Bellerose the Rose Maiden. Ally replied. Orioni said you would be laid back and sweet natured. Reina replied. I am. Ally replied. Reina looked a good selection. Go eat. Ally replied. Reina washed her hands first and went to eat breakfast. All of you can eat as much as your heart desires. Ally replied. Katsu looks at the food and fills his plate. Hey are you? Kosuke asked. It's fine. After I eat I'll wait a while and then do my morning jog. Katsu asked. Everyone eats and happiness fills their smiles. After they finished, Reina took the plates and put them in the sink. You don't have time to do that shit. Ally replied. Do I need my scrubs? Reina asked. Since your a newbie yes but since your with me today. You can dress normally as you are. Ally replied. Alright. Reina replied. Can you pass me that box from over there, please? Ally replied. Reina retrieved the box. Now you know how to give shots, right? Ally asked. Yes. Reina replied. Your giving Kosuke a shot today. He's your first official patient. Ally replied. What did you just say? Kosuke asked. See today is when the new aides officially work in the infirmary. Orioni and Hatsu wanted her to get experience with me because she's an candidate to become an exclusive aide. Ally replied. Hold on, Ally you were an exclusive aide? Katsu asked. I still am. I was Luka Tyche's exclusive aide. The man who delivered the food. Ally replied. That was Luka Tyche? Reina asked. So that's what he looked like. Katsu thought. A pain in my ass but he's sweet man no less. Ally replied. So will I meet more famous people like Luka? Reina asked. Oh yeah plenty of them. Ally replied. Ally and Reina pin their hair up. Reina gently grabs Kosuke arm. Rubs alcohol wipes the area for the shot. Gives him a shot. Master, by any chance do you have trypanophobia? Reina asked. Huh? Kosuke asked. Ally choked on her orange juice. The intense fear of needle in a medical setting. Reina replied. That's what it is called? Katsu asked. It's a common fear so don't embarrassed about it. Reina replied. Your going to be a damn good aide, Reina. Ally replied. She puts a bandaid on his arm. Hmm? Reina asked. Ally writes down everything so far. You can relax here with me and watch Katsu work. Ally replied. Katsu opens his laptop and ask to get access to the surveillance footage. Why would you want the surveillance footage? Ichika asked. Reina or I may also know who sent those flowers. Ally replied. You mean one of the many arrangements of death flower bouquet. The current bouquet was sent here last Friday? Reina asked. We have a date. Thank you so much Reina. Katsu replied. No problem. Reina replied. Wait you said arrangements as in plural. Ally replied. Yeah but I usually burn them from a safe distance of the house. This batch was sent out the morning of my graduation ceremony. Reina replied. If their poisonous. Why are you able to touch them? Ichika asked. Easy, I'm half fae and were automatically taught about flowers and our surroundings. Poisonous flowers intrigue me. Reina replied. Wait but that means your fairy. You should be small and tiny like those fairies. Kosuke replied. Yeah that's impossible for that to happen me. Reina replied. She's right. He goddess attribute is plays part correct? Ally replied. Yes and no. My father is a humanoid man with wings that comes from Avaritia. My mother is a holy goddess of Acedia. Reina replied. Wait seriously? Ally asked. Yes, it's kind of embarrassing to say that my dad's a Fae. Reina replied. Your fine. Ally replied. Back to the poisonous flowers. Those flowers all together could kill him and make it look like a heart attack. Reina replied. What? Kosuke asked. So you were burning those flowers to protect me? Kosuke asked. Yes, after all those flowers were mature yet anyways. Reina replied. Wait did you just they weren't mature? Ally asked. They were almost mature when you killed them yesterday. Reina replied. Wait what does it look like matures? Ally asked. I found the delivers. Katsu replied. Ally and Reina looked at the footage. I've seen those ribbons before. Reina replied. The door bell rings. Let Ichika grab the flowers this time. Ally replied. Master hide until she comes back. Reina replied. My name is Mika Rhododendron. I'm from All in bloom flower shop. I was sent here to drop off these lovely flowers today. Mika replied. Ichika retrieves the flowers. She came inside with the flowers. Ally and Reina look at the arrangement flowers. So these cause asphyxiation. Reina replied. These cause burning sensation. Ally replied. These cause fever. Reina replied. Glad we're here because if you or Katsu inhaled that's you wouldn't be alive right now. Ally replied. Ichika has she left? Kosuke asked. Yeah she drove off. Ichika replied. Alright time to light them. Reina replied. Not just yet. Ally replied. But these flower are mature. Reina replied. Exactly, we need to keep them around. Sending these to Orioni. Ally replied. Doc? Reina asked. Ally calls Orioni.108Please respect copyright.PENANAslq1Oq2dEg
Orioni: Acedia.108Please respect copyright.PENANALC248sKQ4R
Ally: Hey Ori I got some a fresh bouquet.108Please respect copyright.PENANAjgzRHobegp
Orioni: Good.108Please respect copyright.PENANAyZjDcY3Lc2
Ally: Reina explained something very interesting.108Please respect copyright.PENANAuzl1dWK53X
Orioni: What is that?108Please respect copyright.PENANARJTB7vO76p
Reina: Since I work here. Every time they drop them off. I want a while until the deliver leaves. Go to a safe distance and burn the flowers.108Please respect copyright.PENANAZrV2Taa2x6
Orioni: That's smart.108Please respect copyright.PENANAM9pdX3UBEV
Reina: The thing is all the flowers aren't mature. These sent today are mature.108Please respect copyright.PENANAABT3lXfnet
Orioni: I'll be up their soon.108Please respect copyright.PENANADU9ILrrZt1
Ally: Did you leave yet?108Please respect copyright.PENANAnfv92pOLhL
Orioni: I'm in my car right now?108Please respect copyright.PENANABmZoNoHaKf
Ally: Is she harassing again?108Please respect copyright.PENANAYntNsbZvEX
Orioni: I'll talk about it after work.108Please respect copyright.PENANAUFeoVP4OpH
Ally: Fair.108Please respect copyright.PENANAE66lhNhYAt
Orioni: I'll see you soon.108Please respect copyright.PENANAjp6OH7kuIp
Ally hangs up.108Please respect copyright.PENANAMxwx1qLqur
Dr. Aseco is always so serious all the time. Reina replied. He wasn't always like that. In school we were actually opposites. He laidback drinker/smoke. I was serious one. Ally replied. I can't see that. Reina replied.108Please respect copyright.PENANAW92Igolcdl
Twenty minutes later Orioni arrived.108Please respect copyright.PENANA6BlLvv5lmW
Hey Ori. Ally replied. Hello Bellerose and Iaso. Orioni replied. Doctor, could you please take horrid smelling flowers. Reina replied. You can smell the rotting flesh smell in these flowers can't you? Orioni asked. I was born and raised in Avaritia. I went to med school in Acedia. Those flowers are native of the Bela Forest. Reina replied. Understand Reina, that forest is a direct link to underworld. Orioni replied. I didn't know that. I've been running in and out of the forest since I was child. Learning about the fauna in that forest. Reina replied. If you did that, that means you have a link to the underworld. That only explains why you haven't been corrupted. Katsu replied. Wait corrupted? Ally asked. Yes, my sword Higanbana has a direct link to the underworld. Katsu replied. Then let me ask. Ally replied. Yeah? Katsu asked. Is that why the sword is red? Ally asked. No, the red is a byproduct of the poisons that it was dipped in. Katsu replied. Did you just say poisons? Ally asked. Higanbana represents death and rebirth. Katsu replied. I've always been curious. Not many have seen Higanbana but heard of its abilities. Orioni replied. To be honest, Ori has always been intrigued by the tale of the sword. Ally replied. I can do that. Katsu replied. He summoned the sword and unsheathed it. Everyone marveled. Such a beautiful hue of red. Orioni replied. If your going to ask. No, you can't touch the blade. The original owner, me and if I have children of my own. We are the only ones able to touch this blade. Katsu replied. Fine. Orioni and Reina replied. Ally snickered. Now that I think about it. Katsu is that sword the reason why you were out high school? Kosuke asked. Yes, the only way I could wield Higanbana is if I had to get in shape. Katsu replied. In shape? Ally asked. That's one of your family heirlooms right? Kosuke asked. Yeah the Crimson Eyed Reaper left for three swords for his three triplets. Higanbana, Byakuren and Mikadzuki. My sword is Higanbana. My sword representation of death. Katsu replied. The others saw you revived that girl last year. Ally replied. That's easy. My ancestor has holy and demonic powers. Higanbana is the epitome of death and carnage. Byakuren is a divine sword that heals and blessed by the gods. Midakzuki is one the sword of creation. Ally replied. That's all true Ally. Higanbana has two forms. It's normally in Shinku form. That time it was in Seinaru form. Katsu replied. Katsu looked at the sword as if the sword has meaning to it. Ally thought. Other than that topic. We need to find out why they are after you. Katsu replied. I wonder what they are going to send? Orioni asked. Oh that's simple. The next batch will be from the underworld. Reine replied. What that's forbidden. Ally replied. True, you can disguise Underworld flower easily. Reine replied.108Please respect copyright.PENANAwz1fzX24Ql
Katsu turned around and clenched Higanbana. He grabbed Ally. Katsu. Ally replied. Reine, did you put up a barrier? Katsu asked. Of course. Reine replied. Where are we exactly? Ally asked. Why of course, this is the demon's domain. Juliet replied. Everyone turned their head. A girl with wavy red hair appears in a high ponytail. Why are you here? Asura replied. The red haired girl looked at him with crimson eyes. Asura looked at Ally and Katsu. I'm going to have fun killing you two. Asura replied. She walked up to looked at him. Asura summoned a sword and slashed her. Where are you? I know that didn't kill you. Asura replied. Who said I was running? Juliet asked. She kicks him in the chest . He was sent flying. The impact caused a crack in the domain. She looks at him. He wipes the blood from his mouth. She summoned a sword similar to Higanbana. The blade glowed dark purple hue. Asura got up and took his stance. She moved so fast that when she connected his body a time rift appeared. Asura fell to ground bleeding. I'll murder you little girl! Asura yelled. I know you were sent here to kill the descendant of Crimson-Eyed Reaper and the Earth Goddess. Killing this man because he is descendant of the people who murdered and enslaved your people, correct? Juliet asked. Like you can talk. Asura replied. I know you are curious of my existence. Juliet replied. What are you? Asura asked. I'm neither a goddess nor demon. But I am your peoples master. Juliet replied. Wait, your appearance. The girl grins. She transformed in a demon like firm. Those clothes and appearance. She couldn't be. Ally replied. Her new vessel shouldn't be alive just yet. Asura replied. I don't exist just yet but I was sent here to persuade you to help those two on their help detect the hell flowers. After all your one of the first inhabitants of the Ira. Juliet replied. Your one of the Ira people?! Katsu yelled. Wait what?! Orioni yelled.108Please respect copyright.PENANAk96Kq6Rdfv
Stay Tuned.108Please respect copyright.PENANAUgn56e2yB0
Ira People will be mentioned in future chapters and Books.108Please respect copyright.PENANAfKYT7X4SnX