I woke up late in the afternoon to the sound of pounding against the door. Groaning, I scrambled out of bed in my ratty band tshirt and panties. My cousin remained asleep on the other side of the bed, a bottle of tequila cradled against her chest. I swear, she could sleep through anything after a night of tequila.
"Okay, okay!" I shouted to the continuous rapping, my hands shooting up to block out the noise. "Hold your horses!"
Making it across the hotel room was like running through a jungle, blindfolded. There was shit everywhere, empty bottles, pizza boxes, clothes and shoes. I kicked some of it aside and tripped over the rest.
"Fucking impatient," I grumbled to myself when I made it to the door. Whoever was on the other side was about to get a hell of a talking to. I ripped the door open, chin raised high. The male specimen on the other side was a gift from the Gods. Absolutely drool worthy.
In a split second I went from raging cunt to seductress. Despite the frazzled state I was probably in, I leaned back against the frame of the door, twirling a strand of my dark hair around my finger.
"What can I do for you sugar?" I asked, voice dripping honey.
A deep frown pulled at his eyebrows. "Last night was the last straw. We want you out of here within the hour, you have until then, or we'll call the authorities."
Shit sticks.
"Don't be like that sugar," I said sweetly, inching closer. "I'm sure we can come to some sort of arrangement, or--"
"You have exactly one hour." He said firmly. "Good day Miss."
He turned and stormed off back towards the elevator.
Oh well, there were other men out there.
An hour. Great. I sighed deeply, making my way back to the bed. I kicked my cousins feet until she started to groan. "Get up, we have an hour to get out of here. Pack the essentials."
She curled over onto her stomach, letting the bottle of tequila roll over the side of the bed and crash onto the floor. "I told you inviting those fucking people over was a bad idea."
A sly grin pulled at my lips when I thought about the chick with the red hair and her best friend, the guy who had muscles of stone. "But it was so worth it."
"If you say so."
"C'mon," I kicked her shins again. "We have to make like a banana and split."
"I'm fucking tired."
Flicking my hair over my shoulder, I started for the shoes on the floor, at least the ones that were mine. "I don't give a fig."
She grumbled to herself, dragging her body to the edge of the bed. Her eyes shot daggers at me. "Now where are we going to go? We've been kicked out of nearly every fucking hotel in the city."
"The Rose."
Her eyebrows lowered even further. "That's too close to home."
I shrugged, shoving all of my things into a duffel bag. "I know the guy who owns it, we won't have a problem staying there."
She rubbed her knuckles into her eyes, her gaze then sweeping across the room. "This place turned into a shit hole real fast."
I snickered, throwing some jeans at her face. "Get dressed, we'll freshen up at the hotel, then head over to this awesome club I've been wanting to check out."
She rolled her eyes, took a swig of Jack Daniel's from the night stand, then began dressing and packing what little she'd brought with. We were out of there in twenty minutes, it took us another ten to drive across the city. I booked us a pent house at the Rose hotel, where we took showers and prepared for another night of total chaos and bliss.
"Hurry your ass up!" My dear cousin shouted from the bedroom. She slammed her palm down on the bathroom door, causing what was a perfect wing of eyeliner to veer off track.
"Fuck you!" I yelled back, angrily wiping off the liquid eyeliner. "Who lit a fire under your ass anyway?"
"That dork you danced with three nights ago, remember?" Her snarky reply came.
"Oh yeah," I laughed to myself, recalling the accidental fire he caused. Fringed her hair and nearly lit her dress on fire. She'd been pissed to high hell. The night ended with us banned from ever going back to Kitty's Night Club.
"Besides, I'm hungry."
"Then go across the street and order us from vietnamese," I suggested, exiting the bathroom after perfecting the wings and applying my signature purple lip stick. "I'll meet you there."
"You want to have dinner dressed like this?" She gestured to my thigh high boots and short black dress.
"Cards on the table," I pointed at my credit card while searching the floor for my phone and clutch.
She sighed, swiped the card from the table and strode out of the hotel room.
"Oh, and Kaylee!" I shouted after her retreating figure. "I want egg rolls, no more of that shit made with squid sauce."
She flipped me off over her shoulder, not bothering to spare me a glance. Bitch better get my egg rolls. I returned to my searching until I found both by the window. Before I left, I gave myself one last look over in the mirror. Hell yes. I was going to win this bet tonight.
I took the elevator down to the lobby, where I blew the receptionist a kiss over my shoulder before exiting the building. The night air was a bit chilly against my exposed skin, but the freedom felt amazing. After six months in rehab, I was finally out and ready to party.
Ugh, that nasally voice. I plastered on a fake smile, swiveling around to face the minor inconvenience. "Toni, darling, how are you?"
Her eyes narrowed warily. "What are you doing in town, I thought you were in rehab?"
My gaze swept over the hottie standing beside her. By the gods he was gorgeous. I licked my lips when he met my gaze, giving him a sultry smile.
"Hmm? Oh, yes," I waved my hand half heartedly. "I'm back now, what does it matter?"
"It doesn't, I could care less," she said honestly, her eyes searching the area. "But whenever you come back to town, you always drag Kaylee down with you. She's been with you this entire time, hasn't she?"
"I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about," I said lightly, eyeing the man beside her up and down. "I'll let you know if I see her."
I swiped a finger across the dark haired, blue eyed beauty's chest. "Now you, on the other hand, are welcome to join me at the Neon Night Club tonight. Maybe afterwards I'll let you come back to my hotel with me."
I sent him a wink as I turned away, noticing the fuming look Toni shot at me last second. That bitch liked to ruin my fun, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to flirt with something that was hers.