When I looked up at Luke I saw he was asleep as I got a call from someone and when I answered it I started to hear yelling from a guy's voice I know, he started giving me directions of what to do unless he will take something of mine. I got up slowly to not wake up Luke as I got dressed and put back on my shoes, and walked out the room and out the house, I started walking towards a bridge as I saw a person in all white. I walked up towards him and he lifted my head up as I did “I see another guy fucked you” as he looked at the hickeys I got “What do you want” said making him let go, I reach in my pocket and give him the money, “Happy now” I said annoyed as I walked away, and as I did he grabs my arm and pulled me near him “ YO LET GO OF ME” I said yelling trying to make him let go, “Sorry little bunny but I can’t let you go now..we still didn’t have are fun yet” he said pulling me closer and putting his hands on me,I push him away as I punched his nose and kick his balls running away. “Stupid angels” I mumble under my breath, I grab my phone and call Luke, he answers “umm...Luke can you pick me up” I said hiding in a corner somewhere, Luke looks around not seeing me “Where did you go and why did you leave without telling me,” he said as he rubbed his eyes, “I’ll tell you la-” I hang up. Luke get up and start to get dress quickly and he runs out of the house getting into his car as he does his eyes turn blood red to find where I am as he drives towards me, as he pulls up he see me fighting an angel, he gets out the car and pop out an AK-47 and shoots the hell out of the angel, he walks up to me a little mad “ Oh shit” I say to myself, “ Hey Luke” I said a little loud, Luke grabs my arm and hugs me as he cries a little “Don’t ever do that again” he said making me look at him “I’m sorry Luke…” he kisses me as I kiss him back “ I love you and I can’t ever lose somebody like you understand” he said in a mad way still “Yes sir” I mumble, he held my hand and took me to his car put the gun in the backseat and opened the door for me as I got in and he closed the door and went to the driver seat starting the car and driving back to his place. Luke was still mad at me for leaving without him knowing, “Luke…” I said quietly “I’m sorry..” I told him “Listen just never leave me like that again when you called me you scared the hell out of me because you could have got hurt or even raped..” he said a little loud and got quiet as he spoke. “I’m just used to doing things on my own….” I said to him looking at him a little, “You got to get used to me around Paris and you got to get used to telling me things like this I care for you and love you very much so please trust me ok” he said looking me in my eyes “ok...and...I love you too..” I said as we pulled up to his house, he opens the door for me as he held my hands taking me back into the house “Where’s Kai and Blake” I asked him “Their probably still sleeping or doing something else” he said smirking and started looking at me, well not really me I wanna say he was looking at my ass, as he picked me up and took me back in his room locking the door behind him.