Last time, Aoi and Saffron were reunited. Kaoru hides the clients information from Aoi.
As we entered the house, Saffron brought Tomoe's dinner in. I didn't want you to cook for him. Saffron replied. My brother and I may work but I am somewhat a little more flexible with my schedule. Cooking for people is no problem for me. I replied. I know Kaoru but. Saffron replied. Keon, you are turning into mom. She is always cautious about every single thing. Aoi replied. Haru, I am a mom now and he is infamous for getting lost and runs off. Saffron replied. Where did he get that genetic trait? Aoi asked. My brother always had poor direction. I always knew my way around. A good example is when we were on a team. Since I can read and speak many languages, I directed everyone majority of the time. We were in Gula in the ancient ruins of Baal Zebul. He got lost and trapped in an ancient seal. I had read the ruins of the seal. Ally had to break the magic circles binding him. We had our work cut out for us that whole trip. I replied. You went to that ancient civilization? Aoi asked. Yes and I want to really go to the Forbidden Libraries in Acedia, Gula and Luxuria. I replied. Why don't we go on a tour of the Luxuria Forbidden Library tomorrow? Aoi asked. This would get Tomoe out the house for the day. I thought. Sure, isn't it Founder's Day down in the capital? I asked. Yes and a friend of mine owes me a favor. He works at the library. Aoi replied. Tomoe? I asked. Yes Aunt Kaoru? Tomoe asked. Do you want to go to out to parade in Luxuria tomorrow with Aoi and me? I asked. We're going on a trip! Tomoe yelled. You really don't have to. Saffron replied. Keon, you look stressed out from everything. Relax for the day, we can take care of him tomorrow. Aoi replied. Yeah, when have I ever put Tomoe in harms way? I asked. Saffron thought about it. You have a point. Saffron replied. I need to head home myself. Aoi replied. Tomoe opens the door. Bye mommy. Bye Aoi. Tomoe yells. Saffron turns and waves. Bye baby bear. Saffron replied. Bye Tomoe. Aoi replied. They got into their cars and drove off. Seeing those two get along brought me so much joy. I thought. After Tomoe finished eating, I made him take his bath. After he took it, got into his pajamas and went to sleep. A little later I took a shower and got ready for bed. As I was about to sleep, I got a call from an unfamiliar person. I answered and they were speaking in a foreign language to me, I could understand it perfectly. I hung up the phone then. As soon as the phone call ended, Aoi called me. Hey are you ok? Aoi asked. Yeah, I am fine. I replied. No your not, I will come back over there. Aoi replied. No, you don't have to. I replied. Your stubborn, I am staying the night. Aoi replied. As he said that, he hung up the phone. I heard Tomoe's feet patter in the hallway. Tomoe are you up? I asked. I walked to the door and opened it. Aoi is sleeping over too? Tomoe asked. Yes he is sleeping over too. I replied. Tomoe smiled. He likes being around Aoi. I thought. As time flies, Aoi was downstairs knocking on the door. As we both walked downstairs, Aoi had a duffle bag with him. Aoi. Tomoe replied. Hi Tomoe, aren't you supposed to be in bed. We have to wake up early to go to Amaranth. Aoi replied. Your right. I replied. Tomoe runs back to his room and goes to sleep. We have a long day ahead of us. I replied. You and me both. Aoi replied. As we talked, we headed up to my room. We fell asleep in my bed. As my alarm went off, I rolled over and saw asleep Aoi on his side. I know people always say "Aoi Yoshida is so sexy, I would kill to sleep by him!" He is handsome close up. I should shake him. I thought. As I sat up, I saw his beefy body Yumi talked about. I almost pulled up his shirt. He woke up with Lavender eyes. Your eye color... I replied. My eyes turned from lavender to cognac? Aoi asked. It just started happening recently. He replied. As I thought about, his eyes were that color when he was on top of me. I thought. He sat up and walked to my bathroom and took a shower. As he did that, I woke up Tomoe and got him dress. Then I got myself ready. When I took my pajamas off, Aoi just got out the shower in a towel. How long have you been watching me? I asked. Just now. Aoi replied. He went back into the bathroom to change as I stayed in the bedroom to change. His eyes were fading to lavender again. I thought. After Aoi and I were ready, we rode in Aoi's car to work. Everyone looked at Aoi and I holding his hands. Hey, I knew you guys had a secret... Gyra said. What are you talking about, that's Tomoe, her nephew. Ally replied. Hi Tomoe. Ally replied. Hi Ally. Tomoe replies. What adventures are you taking him on today? Ally asked. We are going Amaranth Founder's Day. I replied. Who thought up this trip to Amaranth really must know the safe sides of the capital. Ally replied. Your right, I use to go to Amaranth as a child with my biological family. Aoi replied. Well we can't really talk, the train ticket to Amaranth is hard to buy. I replied. You mean these tickets. Aoi replied. These are first cabin seats. I replied. Shocked at how he had these tickets were real. He must have had these or scrambled at the last minute to get these. I thought. We rushed to the trains dock. As we got there everyone was doting over Tomoe and shocked to see Aoi interacting with people.
Stay Tuned.