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_ Castit _
"She did what?!"
"Yeah. Turns out she lied about that apology to us." Setchi told me the day after we arrived in the colony.
And here I thought you truly regretted everything you've done, I guess you didn't, sister. I sighed, rubbing my hair slightly before glancing over at the sight I was seeing. My sister was standing there, waiting for me to follow her with her innocent smile as I just stared at her. Living through this colony isn't going well for me; firstly I had to avoid my aunt's surveillance multiple times to try and hang out with my group. But that got the bad end of it and now, I don't know what to do. At least Winter is actually acting like she's not actively trying to kill us.
Speaking of her, I saw her with a blond guy and wondered if she already found her people. When she walked over to us, she told us that this wasn't a friend or someone more than that, just an ice trainer who was going to help her relearn her abilities as a caster.
The guy's name was Bland, as he behaves the complete opposite of his name. He was friendly, too friendly to me, along with being dumb when it comes to questions about relationships, specifically romantic ones. Carla asked that question as I could feel the "lovey-dovey" aura or whatever girls do when falling for a guy from her. The man was a leoolks, briefly showing his animal form to be of a snow leopard with his pelt colors mutated to be light yellow in his true form, and that excited Carla even more. I don't understand how she can fall for someone that fast based on their appearance and what they are.
I shook my head and got that thought off my head, opening my eyes once more and staring up at my sister. "What's holding you up, brother?" She asked, placing her hands behind her back and trying to look innocently as possible. I'm glad I can detect lies, but I hate it when it doesn't work in some cases.
"Did anything happen recently that turned bad around you?" I asked. Might as well ask and pretend to be as such as if I was on her side.
She blinked with confusion before nodding her head slowly, "... I suppose ... but it wasn't necessarily bad ... well ... maybe it was."
"How ... bad was it?" I asked, tapping my foot.
"Well ... I'm not so sure if that ... weird folk told you but ... on the day when we arrived in the colony. I was trying to ... get used to this group that you and Carla made without us and I wasn't liking it. But that's not the bad part, the bad part was when Sutato retorted to being a literal child when he cried like one in one of the cool-looking shops in the mall-like building." She told me, looking annoyed. "I can't believe he could turn into one.
I stared at her, feeling the anger rise up as I held it back. I continued the tapping of my food as she stared back at me. "... That's the bad part?" I asked.
"Yes..." She narrowed her eyes at me as I could sense suspicion rising in her for me. "That's the bad part."
"Why is it a bad part to you?" I asked.
"Because he tried to make a big scene!" She said as I sense anger rising within her.
"... Maybe ... you triggered something? In fact, have you ever considered that some of us may not be so ... not perfect as you?" I asked, holding back my own anger that wanted to lash out at her for that statement.
"What? I don't even know what you are talking about right now." Purity shook her head. "All I am saying is that Sutato shouldn't have done that. And maybe if he didn't, then I wouldn't have to report him for that."
"You reported him for ... literally not doing what you wanted to do?" I asked, raising my brows as my disappointment grew further.
"Not--- ..." She stared at me as her gaze shifted into a glare. "Are you on his side?"
"Oh. You finally got the hint that I was never on your side." I said, giving her a round of applause. "What makes you think I would be on your side after the shit you have done to me and to him?"
"... I apologised!"
"And now, you ruined your second chance," I told her, displaying an annoyed expression.
"You guys are just overreacting! And besides, how do you see that being as normal?! When I first saw him with you on that day, he literally cling to you like a child--- how do you see that being normal?!" She shouted at me.
"... Well, first off, I don't judge people and assume that they are stupider or whatever you thought when he acted that way in your mind," I answered. "Why judge people when you're just wasting your time? Even when you don't even know what the person has been through. You immediately try to steal his things after you looked through his journal--- which is a private thing that you clearly seem to miss or that your brain was just lacking brain cells---"
"But the rabolk leader kicked him out---"
"But he has us." I interrupted her after she interrupted me. "My group has his back and cares for him unlike you would do."
She glared at me, crushing her hands into fists as she clenched her teeth. She sighed and stopped her reactions, breathing in and out before folding her arms. "Fine. I guess your new group do--- let me guess ... who is the leader of your group? I bet it's not you."
I stared at her, "We're all leaders."
"You can't be all leaders." She glared at me.
"Well, if we go by that logic then my group votes me to be the leader," I said, leaning against the railing.
"..." She narrowed her eyes before turning over to two folks walking over to us. I recognized them to be my mother and ... my aunt. I frowned at the sight, dropping it a second later as I sighed. Welp, I'm caught at last. I blinked in realization. I just realized I haven't eaten anything yet since I arrived in this colony. ... Is that bad? I don't know if it's bad to not eat anything when you haven't eaten anything--- then again I'm not hungry. What is going on with me?
"Heya, mom!" Purity waved at her before spotting Aloe. "Hi, Auntie!"
"Hello, Purity. How's your morning?" Aloe gave her the warmest smile as she gave me a cold one.
"Good! I'm just ... talking with my brother, here." Purity smiled, shooting me a glare before dropping it.
"That's good to hear!"
"Indeed dear." Our mother nodded her head. "Are you ready, my dear?"
"Ready--- oh yes! I'm ready for my first test!" Purity chirped, nodding her head quickly.
"Good. Come." Our mother said, turning and walking away. "You too, Castit." She called. I looked confused as I was dragged by Aloe, shooting her a glare. She grinned at me with her stupid smug expression.
"I hope running away from me helped you prepare for what's coming to you." She grinned widely.
"Oh? Purity didn't tell you yet?" Aloe pretended to be shocked, gasping as I grunted. "I thought she would. Well, let me tell you something then. Aurora offered enchantment training to your sister and she accept it." She whispered.
"... Am I going to watch her train or is it something else?" I asked, eyeing her as to why she was whispering.
"Well, she needed a dummy and it turns out, I offered for you to be in the arena for her and Aurora accepted that." She grinned widely.
I glared at her as I grunted, "You really can't ask me for anything, can't you."
"Why should I? You are perfect for everything!" She chirped, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me over to her. "Isn't that right? You'll definitely make a perfect little feaolk for another feaolk shortly.
"Hell no--- ACK" I coughed as my throat started to hurt and soon I realized before I was talking. Wh... What the hell? Why did I talk without feeling no pain?
"Are you coughing up blood again? Aw, don't make this much worse than it already is, Castit." Aloe frowned as I glared at her. I pushed her away from me, stepping an inch away from her.
"Wow, you're really taking down your officer?" She raised her brows.
"O-Off-fficer?! H-Hell no in e-every right you a-are!" I stammered, wincing from the pain in my throat. So I can still talk but I hurt every single time I do. Seems like it wasn't worse than before. When it was at that limit, I couldn't speak. So ... there is something that is controlling it.
"But I am, and you shouldn't be talking down at me." She said, walking over to me with her glares.
"What- what are you ... g-gonna do if I---" I was interrupted when I got smacked across the face, making me flinch during that. The impact of the smack sent me a moment in the past, making me shake my head and glare up at her. She grinned widely as I hissed. I lunged at her, punching right into her face as she tumbled to the ground, I was about to do even more damage before flinching at a shout from my mother's voice, "CASTIT."
I slowly turned towards her, drooping my wings as fear came over me. She stormed over to me and gave me a hard smack and I felt some of my teeth knocked out of place. They weren't but I feel like they were. I coughed before backing away from her, frightened. Did she enchant her hand to hit me that hard?!
"Why did you harm one of the councils?" She hissed, glaring daggers down at me with the coldest look I've ever seen.
"She hit me---"
"Nonsense, Aloe wouldn't do that." She spoke. She narrowed her eyes I could see the disappointment in her eyes. "I'm glad we're going to the fighting area." She turned and walked over to my sister who looked in shock at my actions. She stared at me, giving me a disgusted look before turning and walking with our mother.
I teared up before getting shoved forward by Aloe. "Don't you dare cry." Aloe sneered, rubbing her cheek. "Men do not cry so don't you dare show those ugly tears."
I slowly gazed over at her, wanting to shriek out and ask her why am I crying when that myth is a fucking lie. But no matter how much I wanted to do it, the words won't come out. My throat was stinging again causing my own voice to be locked away once more. What is happening to me?! Why can't I stand up for myself anymore?!
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We arrived at our destination, getting greeted by some folks who were there. I didn't bother to greet back, though Aloe did force me on the third greeting. I obeyed her as I didn't want my mother to look at me like I'm a disappointment. I already am when I wasn't born as an enchanter. My sister and I were placed together as our mother went to discuss something with some of the folks there. Aloe went with her, leaving us alone. I sighed in relief, turning over to my sister who was glaring at me. "Why did you hit, Aunt Aloe?"
I frowned, gazing down at the ground. "It's because she hit me first."
"Just because she hit you, doesn't mean you need to hit her back. Don't forget what position she is in." She grunted.
"It definitely does! I'm not going to stand around and let that bitch take hits on me!" I hissed, snapping at her.
"DON'T CALL ALOE THAT." She hissed, almost lunging at me, however, she held herself back from doing so. "Jeez, Brother. You're not respectful of anyone's choice at all today."
"I'm not respectful?! I'M NOT?!" I glared daggers at her. "Oh, so I should allow her to hit me at any time?"
"Yeah! Why would you hit a girl in the first place?" She questioned me. "And why does it have to be Aloe, where she is much, much stronger than you are."
"Wow." I rolled my eyes. "Don't need to shove it in, sister." I sneered. "Besides, she deserves it for tossing me around like I'm a piece of shit."
"She has NOT!" She snapped. "You're just being the trashy and worthless piece of shitty brother you always are! Ever since you changed your ways in the wilderness back there, you were becoming like a dead weight to the entire group! I wish we could have tossed you aside and left you behind--- but Carla wanted to keep you instead. I don't know what she sees in you- but it's definitely not something you are worthy of doing---"
"Worth of doing? WORTH OF DOING?! WHAT COULD I EVEN DO WHEN I HAVE MULTIPLE OF PEOPLE ERASING WHAT I HAD WITHIN ME? Insulting me or whatever you guys were trying to do, but I bet it was more insulting than the TEASING you pulled. Trust me, you're one trashy sibling OUT OF THE TWO OF US! But I know you won't trust me because of that reason. You'll just go with your stupid-ass decisions that you ever so came up with your wasteless brain. So, please, or at least try to do something for once, don't. SET A FOOT NEAR ME AGAIN." I shouted right back at her, more so snapping but I couldn't care at the moment. I was so furious, and out of my mind that I didn't realize the tears were streaming down my face like a waterfall. My breathing was tight and my limbs were shaking violently.
My sister had wide eyes as she was shocked at the words that came out of my mouth. I swear I wasn't done because I wanted to say something else to her face. But I couldn't when Aloe dragged me away and handed me a spear. "Okay. Go take the spear and stand out in the arena." She ordered me, pushing me away from the two.
I hissed before wiping away my tears. I walked down the steps and stood as far away as I could. I grip the spear tightly as I could still see the tears coming down onto the ground. I don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to endure this pain anymore. I just ... I just want it to all end right here, right now. I lifted up my head and turned around, spotting my mother who stood next to the two. As I stare at them further, I knew that I didn't belong in this family. Nobody wants me here. Nobody wants me alive. And after what happened between my sister and me, I don't think ... I have anyone else to hold on to, to call as family. Did I even have a family in the first place?
I grip my spear tightly, continuing to wipe my tears away until I was done or the tears stop coming out. I watched my sister walk down the steps as I saw two of her hands glow slightly with white color. She halted and slowly looked up at me, giving me a cold expression. I narrowed my eyes, hearing my mother declaring that the test has begun.
My sister lifted up her hands and whispered something. I glanced around, spotting some rocks that lift themselves off of the ground, and zoomed right at me. I put my spear up at different angles to block them, however, something decreased my strength, causing me to slow my movement of the spear. I got hit in the face by two of the last rock as I winced from the pain. I rubbed my head before jumping back from my sister's sudden attack on me.
It looked like she was reaching for my spear, I gulped and kept it close to me as my wings spread wide, curving them around and shielding me briefly. "Be a proper, dummy, wouldn't you?" I heard her say as I was thrown off balance by the wind that my sister generated--- no ... I think she enchant the wind to make her generate more gusts when she flapped her wings towards me. I fell onto my bum as my spear was snatched away from me. I flapped my wings, making me jump away from her. I watched her every move as she whispered to the spear.
The spear glowed a pink color, lifted up from her hand, and pointed straight at me. I widened my eyes and swiftly dodged as the weapon came zooming at me. I closed my wings up behind my back as I winced at the slice on my cheek from the spear. I clenched my teeth and grabbed hold of the spear, only to be flung off of my feet and onto the ground hard. I panted before letting out a yelp from the sharp object piercing through my leg. I turned and winced as it twisted and tried to move towards the rest of my body.
I turned and swiftly grabbed the spear, using my other feet, and snap it in half. It didn't work the first time as the pain was getting unbearable. I immediately attempted again and again until I was finally able to snap it in half. Soon the sharp object halted as I breathe at last. I sat up and glanced at the remains in my leg. I hovered my hand over the wound, as it started from my ankle, all the way up to half of my leg. Blood was oozing out of it as it dripped onto the wooden platform. My breathing sharpened as I panicked about what to do. "Jeez brother. I thought you would put up a good fight."
"You told me ... you told ... me to be a ... proper dummy, what'd you ... except?" I said, looking over at my sister who was glaring down at me.
"Nothing." She spoke coldly before turning over to the two feaolks, skipping over as I assumed she placed a cheeky smile on her face.
I hissed, whispering, "fuck you." as I felt myself crumbling down from the inside I saw the tears that took a break go back to dropping from my face and onto the ground.
"... well, it's not your fault for not doing a good job but ... in the state I saw you once in over by your sister ... All I can say is that they should have done it when you felt better." I slowly turned my head over to the familiar voice, spotting Winter with Bland. She looked like she was concerned about me.
Why are you? Weren't you the one who told me I sucked in my skills? And that ... you were the one that tore down my entire image? Why do you care about me now all of a sudden?
"... Purity should have watched herself." She said coldly, glancing over at my wound. "If the training continued, I might have to intervene with that expression of hers."
"Should we instead focus on his wound?!" Bland questioned, panicking. "That leg wound looking a ... little horrible."
"A lot more horrible than before." Winter nodded, crouching down beside me. "I know it's not my place to get in between sibling drama but ... seeing you like this ... it's not normal at all or healthy at all---"
"Why the fuck do you care about me when all the times you say I was terrible at my job in the wilderness?!" I snapped at her, hearing the upset tone and whimper in my voice.
She widened her eyes, staring at me. She looked like she wanted to snap back but didn't, instead, she said, "... You need to calm down, this isn't the place to get mad over that."
"I think it is!" I hissed, turning and getting up on my own while I struggled to do so.
"... You should---"
"No. I ... I don't need your guys' help." I snapped at Bland, glaring daggers at him. "I don't need anyone's help!" I spread out my wings and pushed myself off of the ground and into the air.
I lowered myself to the platform and landed, collapsing down as I caught myself with my hands. I hissed quietly while wincing as the tears coming down my face were not helping it. I got up carefully on my own, wiping the dust off of me before wincing from a splinter in my hand. I ignored it before the time being and limbed over to the door, falling over and grabbing onto the handle. I slowly closed up my wings and opened the door, holding myself up against the wall as I entered the house. I closed the door and continue to use the wall to hold myself up. I passed the kitchen and first room before arriving in the living room. I leaned against the wall, glancing around as that large wolf was nowhere to be seen. Good. I don't want to deal with their shit right now.
I hopped over and grabbed onto the back of the couch, panting before using it to guide right on over to the seat. I sat on it and put my legs up. I wrapped myself with my wings and rested my chin on my knees as I stared at the black screen of the TV, still feeling the tears coming down my face. I covered myself further, hiding my head behind my wings.
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I heard a door opening, making me grumble quietly. Fuck, well damn, they better not bother me right now. Ignore my sniffles and continue doing whatever you do. "... What the--- WHY IS THERE A BLOOD TRAIL IN THE HALLWAY?!"
... I didn't respond to that question as I completely forgot blood can do that. Or that I saw that was the norm for me. "... Castit? Why ... why are you leaving a blood trail?"
I continued to not answer their questions as I looked away, even though I couldn't really see anything through my feather wings. I felt the couch bounce a bit as I assumed the wolf was on the seats, "Why won't you answer my questions?"
"What is it to you?" I hissed, glaring at Neptune.
"... I just wanted to know why your ... bleeding ... and not ... seeing the hospital right away-"
"Why do you care about me? We barely know each other!" I snapped at them, moving my head out from hiding behind my wings. "You're the one who wanted to have me get mad and get insulted! What else is there for you to insult at?!"
The wolf widened their eyes, blinking as they slowly shook their head, "None. There is nothing for me to insult you."
"Well, then fuck off another time. I want to be alone." I hissed, turning away.
"... Do you need a hug?"
"I don't!" I glared back at them.
"You need a hug."
"Don't you DARE TOUCH ME." I hissed, spreading out my wings as I yelped from the pain in my leg.
"Castit ... you're injured and you're lashing out---"
"JuST. JUST... leave me alone." I whimpered, watching the tears stream down my face once more after I had just got done crying. Why can't you just UNDERSTAND ONE SIMPLE THING? I flinched when I was pulled in close as I felt arms wrapped around me. I struggled to get free but I couldn't move at all as I faceplanted my face into whoever's shirt. And soon enough, the tears were coming down fast as I couldn't hold back what has happened today to me. I cried silently, trying to hold back any sounds.
After what felt like hours, the room was dead silent with only my sniffles interrupting it every five seconds. "Are we all better now?" I heard their voice again, feeling my back getting rubbed.
"I ... I didn't want ... to be hugged." I whimpered quietly.
"But ... it felt good, right?"
"... it still feels wrong," I said quietly. "... but I guess it was."
"That's good!" They soon released me as I leaned back, hoping to glare at a wolf, only to widen my eyes at Neptune's humanoid form. I blinked in confusion as they turned, got up to their feet, and walked over to the bathroom. I tilted my head as I didn't realize they had one. Does ... does that mean they hugged me in that form? Is that why the form felt very different from before? I blinked at the coffee table before looking back up to their return.
"... Did you not ever see someone in their humanoid form?"
"Do you take me for someone stupid?" I asked.
"... No." They shook their head, "I'm just asking since you never saw mine."
"Because you never show yours to me." I hissed quietly.
"Oh stop hissing. Do you need me to hug you to make you stop?"
"No," I grunted, turning away.
"Jeez, it feels like I'm dealing with a child." They commented, sitting down with the medkit. I slowly looked back at them, examining them quietly. They had russian blue hair with wolf ears on top, turquoise eyes, and those same three tails where one of them was wrapped around my waist. I blinked before glancing down at their legs that appeared like wolf legs but had enough weight to ... lift up their human-like traits, such as their torso, arms, and face. They had simple plain clothing as they already had opened up the supplies from the first aid kid out on the table.
"... I never saw a wololk up close," I commented.
"Never. They're always territorial for me to approach." I nodded.
"Well ... just letting you know, I'm not fully one. Also, lift up your leg." They turned and glared at me like a stern mother. I obeyed and lifted my injured leg up on the couch, wincing from the pain as I closed my wings up.
"... Fully one?"
"Yeah ... parents were a wololk and a foxolk." They told, going over and cleaning up the wound.
"... Oh, does that explains your multiple tails?" I asked, glancing at the one that is still wrapped around me. Do they have a mind on their own or are you just doing this on purpose?
"That came from my foxolk's side." They nodded.
"Oh... interesting." I nodded slowly.
"Suddenly my humanoid form is interesting?"
"... Is that wrong?" I glared at them.
They snickered, "I'm just saying, anyway, I hope you realize some of us folks or ... animalic folks have two true forms, right?"
"Well duh, I've seen rabolks shift from their rabbit forms and into their humanoid forms. I know animalic folks have two forms. I just know that some don't have two true forms." I grunted. "But ... I am curious as to why they need two true forms."
"To live longer of course. Animalic folks die out there in the wilderness by other folks if you haven't heard." They spoke, continuing to treat my wound.
"... I ... find that terrible but ... it's what natural selection is." I answered, "Even if we have the intelligence to stop it."
"Usually, most of us can't tell if an animal is a part of the folk or not. That's probably the reason why they need it." He spoke. "It's like receiving a second chance at life."
"Second chance--- well, at least you're not immortal yet."
"As if I should be. If I was, then I would be a god right now. Wish I would love to be, by the way." They smiled.
"Of course, you would love to be," I grunted, narrowing my eyes at them.
They chuckled at my response, going over to wrap my leg up in bandages. "Hey, it's a dream I want to become."
"I don't think being immortal is good. You get to watch life pass on, everyone dies around you and you are now left alone with no one by your side. I'd rather stay mortal, you know?" I said, resting my head on my other leg's knees.
They slowly nodded, finishing up bandaging my leg. They glanced up at me, eyeing something else on my face before looking at me. "Yeah ... I guess immortality can have its downfalls. Would you allow me to treat the cut on your cheek or are you gonna try to push me away like you tried to do before?"
"... You can treat it," I grumbled, looking away as I pulled my leg off of the couch. I flinched at the touch of a cloth brushing gently against my cheek. I felt myself holding my breath as I kept still as a snail.
"... You don't need to hold your breath when I am doing this." They spoke.
"... Well, first off, I'm not used to having people touching me, secondly, I don't like people up close around my face," I said, lifting up my left hand as I stared at the splinter in my palm.
I felt something press against my cheek as I could sense them getting away from me. "Fair enough." They spoke as I slowly looked over at them putting up all of the medical supplies back into the first aid kit. "At least you're not crying anymore." They commented, turning their gaze at me as they grinned.
"... Why does that matter again?" I asked, grumbling quietly as I turned my head over to my left hand. I grabbed the end of the splinter and slowly pulled it out as they talked.
"It matters because ... seeing someone cry after a bad incident is not a good sign. So, someone would try their best to cheer up that person and get them on the right path." They answered. "So that's what I tried with you."
"... It's not a sign of caring about me, right?"
"If someone helped you, I think they cared about you, Castit." They spoke, nodding their head. "So, yes. I did care when I saw what happened." They added on with a lie.
I narrowed my eyes as they turned and got up. "Anyway, what happened to you really?" They asked after the lie they pulled as they eyed the splinter I pulled out. I guess ... you can treat someone and not give a shit about them at the same time.
"Just the usual beatings--- being used as a dummy in my sister's enchantment training," I answered casually, flinging the splinter at them.
They slowly turned towards me, perking their ears as they narrowed their brows at me while they caught the splinter. "... Did Aloe beat you up again?"
"I dunno." I lied, shrugging.
They perked their ears once more, turning away. They grabbed the first aid kit and walked over to the bathroom to put it up. I glanced over at the bandages on my leg, staring at it for a moment. I won't question it, I don't want to be in a place where I must question everything. They probably didn't want to treat me when they got home, but they did it anyway. So, that's probably the reason why.
I watched Neptune return, walking over to the couch, and sitting back down, turning over to me. "... You don't really have to lie about your aunt beating you."
"And you didn't have to lie about caring about me." I retorted, giving them a dull look. "It's perfectly fine if you don't want to. I'll understand."
They frowned, lowering their ears, "Sometimes it's better to believe the lies instead of the truth. That way you can gain some form of hope for yourself."
I can't when I have a 24/7 liar detector built in me. Not literally, but I won't tell you that until I do see you are trustworthy. "... I suppose," I mumbled.
They slowly nodded before looking over at the TV screen. "You know, I guess you are different from the other feaolks I've come across."
"You finally saw past the stereotype that my kind shows? ... whatever that is," I asked while keeping that last part to myself.
They nodded. "I suppose I did buuuut you still need to prove to me that you're not like the rest of your kind." They turned towards me with a smug grin.
I glared at them, thinking of something. "Well, how about this. What gender are you?" I asked.
They widened their eyes at me, looking shocked as I sense the surprise within them. "... I did not expect that to come out of your mouth."
I shrugged, "I didn't either, but here we are."
They narrowed their eyes, huffing, "Smartass--- oh wait, let me correct that." They clear their throat before speaking again. "I'm a male, smartass."
I snorted quietly, feeling proud of myself after all of those teasing methods he made against me. "What about you? Are you a male too?" He asked.
"'Course. Always felt like one ever since birth." I answered, oblivious to the smile on my face.
Neptune narrowed his eyes at me, "How long since you ate something? I'm about to go fix something."
"Since Five--- no ... It was--- yea ..." I nodded my head slowly, remembering I ate nothing on that day when I was helping Paradise's clothes. "Six days since I last ate."
"... How---"
"It's a feaolk thing," I commented, blinking before shrugging. "Actually, I have no idea if it's a feaolk thing, it might just be a 'me' thing."
"Okay ... I'm fixing both of us something." He announced, getting up to his feet.
"Works fine to me." I shrugged.
"You sure you want a wololk to trust you with your food?"
"You're not completely wololk; you're half of it while being part foxolk. Plus, why would that be a bad thing? Also, I don't wanna move since I don't want to open up the wound on my leg." I told him.
He smiled widely before turning and walking over to the kitchen. I became confused as to why happiness--- actually great happiness rose up within him. Is ... there some beef going on between wololks and feaolks I'm missing? If there is then ...
I want no part of it.
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- End of Chapter 15
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