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Back in the present.
_ Castit _
"Where did Carla run off to?"
"Oh. Never realized she did." I answered, blinking with surprise. "She must be really excited to show you the rest of the group. I bet she's setting everyone up back at ... the "headquarters."" I added on. It's starting to sound like one with every meeting we have.
"Headquarters." Purity snorted, shaking her head as we walked along with the particularly snowy wooden platforms of the colony. Folks passed on by, talking in the usual of their chatters. "You guys make it sound like a hidden secret thing."
I shrugged, "Eh. They make it seem like one, I'm just riding along with the ride."
"Like you always do." She retorted rudely which I completely ignored. "So, you don't have any ... sayings in ... the headquarters, right? They all make you do the dirty work?"
Jeez, is that what she sees in me? "Yes. They don't allow me to do anything with their planning. After I left them when you and Aloe ... confronted us on that day, they hated me from that day on." I answered, frowning with a guilted expression.
She snickered which hurt me a little inside but it soon disappeared when I reminded myself this is just the fake version of my sister. I turned my frowned face to her when she turned to me with a grin; an immoral little grin. "You should have listened to us, then you wouldn't lose your friends' trust. Now, look at you, disobedience and neglect by the wrong kinds of good. Why did you stop listening to Aloe?"
"Aloe told me to fly away and so I did." I looked away from her gaze.
"... I ... mean the times before that when we were young. Why were you so hesitant on doing what you were told? Why did you need to get strong to show how "tough" you are?" She asked, sounding like she made up a lie. Purity ... the times before that, I never had friends ... so ... your point doesn't match up with this new one.
Though her expressions didn't match up with the lie she made. Her facial expressions twist with hints of irritation across her face, along with hatred that seemed hidden but I also could have sworn I saw jealousy noted somewhere. And all three of those emotions weren't fake at all. ... Why is she jealous of me? She's getting all of the attention, why would she be like this? "I didn't. I...- Like I said before, I'm just riding along with the ride. I don't have hope for what could change the best for me. I look at things with a dull view. Do you worry that I might overpower you two?"
"No! In hell way, you would! You're too weak to overpower us!" Purity barked a laugh, turning away from me. "Why would you say such a thing? Don't be stupid. Think less of it--- oh wait, you can't. You were born stupid. What am I saying?"
I glued my stare down on the wooden platform, keeping my head low. Yes. I know, I am always stupid in your eyes. You see me like the pathetic brother I was always am. Maybe pretending to be pathetic and useless was the right thing to do back then. I could have gone out and shown how useful I was to the group. Which I did, but only in secret where Winter and her wouldn't see it at all. I always did it around Carla and Tyler, who were the most trusted people I could trust.
But I feel like I was playing too much into that pretending plan since I had my downfalls for when I felt like shit.
I guess my mind was still suffering from the events of the abuse that happened to me. Back then, my mind was a mess--- a scatterbrain you could call it. But I never forget my one plan when I was with my family. I didn't plan this during Tyler's group, I planned this when Aloe was still around. During the first years of our move out of the Eastern Feaolk Colony. I think you can get the hint for the rest of it, but the reason for it all?
I wanted people to see how weak I was, that I would get less attention and be left out, out of everything. Back in Aloe's group, it was easy because I could trick everyone in that group who was mind-controlled by Aloe's enchantments. But in Tyler's group, it wasn't. I still managed through the plan, but the constant asking from Carla's worries for me made me spill out the trauma I had. Even then, I don't remember what I told her.
And now in this new group, I am in ... I feel a little free. But it feels too much like a dream coming to life, so I am still sticking to that plan I had in my head. I don't want to tell them too much but if they ask for it, then I'll give them it so I won't have to lie my way out of it. Coming up with lies is tiring, don't you think? But they're easy to make when the ones believed you that you couldn't come up with something smarter than their brains.
I don't mean my friends, you know what I'm talking about. But if you don't, that is fine.
We walked past the plus section and into the residential area. I showed her the way to the "headquarters" as Purity reacted a bit differently than I had in mind. "This house? What a waste. You guys could have picked something so smarter than this dump." She folded her arms, shaking her head. "This making me think we might be spotted."
"... I thought it was normal like the other houses..." I said quietly, looking confused at her. When in reality, I wanted to give her a look of "Are you really that fucking dumb?"
"With a lot of windows all around? No brother, it isn't a good choice for a headquarter." She said, giving me a look, assuming it means, "Such a dumb move."
"Well ... if the others listened the first time around, then ... it wouldn't be a problem," I said quietly. She soon walked forward as I followed behind on the bridge between the lobby platform and the house one.
"Right, right. You found more people that were like you with your stupidity." She retorted. I looked away and nodded slowly, agreeing with her remarks. I felt a twinge sensation in my throat, becoming more of a sore throat in seconds and much more severe. I gagged and coughed a bit before continuing my steps. Soon the severity settled down but the sensation lingered there still. ... Aloe is here, isn't she?
Whenever this happened, Aloe is near but somewhere around us. And this makes me think that we are being followed by her. So she is still getting in contact with her niece, just in secret. Of course, she will never leave her behind in a colony like this.
We halted in front of the door as I opened it and left it open for her to enter. "Jeez, you have no respect for me to hold the door for me." She retorted. I turned towards her, wishing that door could just smack her in the face when she walked in. But I know--- I stood in frozen, watching Purity fall back as she rubbed her head from the door hitting her. I blinked with confusion, slowly turning my head away from the scene. "Maybe I should, sorry about that," I said, frowning with a guilted expression. At least my throat is allowing me to speak, but the sensation is still there. Also.
Did the door just listen to me? What the hell?
"Ugh, it must be the winds." Purity grumbled, standing out of the way of the door and slamming it shut. I turned my head over to the squeaks on the couch, walking over to them. I halted by the couch and two heads looked up at me with slight fear in their expression.
"It's happening, isn't it, Casy?" Bambi asked in a whisper. He had a frown on his face.
"Just be silent and pretend ... you hate me," I whispered, smiling nervously. "I may have said something to her that you all did." I gotta stop changing the darn plan.
Bambi gave me a look before nodding. "I'll tell the others!" He gave me a disgusted look before turning and running away over to the staircase. Sutato gave me a cold look that terrified me to the core. I frowned with real guilt this time as he managed to sneak in a small smile before turning away and continuing his work. Gosh. ... Maybe the quiet ones were always the scary ones. I don't even want to know what he'll do if I get on his bad side.
"Did you scare the kid, brother?" Purity asked, walking over to the couch.
"... Maybe ... I think he didn't want to see my face." I frowned, looking over at her.
She snorted. "Serves you right." She turned her head over to the staircase. "I assume the others are upstairs? Waiting in the secret, DUPER place?"
I felt my hands gripping the couch tightly, but I relaxed them, making them let go of the couch. This isn't the real Purity, remember that. "Y-Yes," I said, wincing from the pain in my throat. Is it becoming severe again? God ... it's a good ... "condition" to know where Aloe is near but it takes away my ability to speak and I hate that.
"Let's go then." Purity said, walking over to the staircase. I nodded slowly, gulping with nervousness as I followed her. I took one glance at Sutato who frowned at me before dropping it and looking away from me. I gazed back at my sister, who was already halfway up the staircase. I followed in after her, climbing each step at a time. We arrived on the second floor as Purity announced her presence. Asshole. No, no, don't think negatively, this is just the "Fake Purity" we'll get our sister back. After we ... negotiate with her for a bit.
I stepped right beside her but she just continued over to the cozy area with a smile that I wanted to remove so badly. Every inch of my body wanted to just scream at her, say all sorts of mean stuff to her. But I know deep down they'll be a waste because after this fake self tells the tale, she is gone for good. I glanced over at the group: Setchi was leaning on the couch, glaring daggers at Purity before turning it over to me. Is he mad at me? He turned away as Paradise did the same. I think they're mad at me. Maybe I should have talked about this with them but if only I contacted them from a long distance.
Too bad that doesn't exist in our world.
Winter--- which, why is she here? Did she want to join in this too? Well, for one thing, she's doing a good job at glaring at me coldly from the corner across the room. Carla was there and she frowned, glancing at me before perking up at the sight of Purity. She smiled with a false sense of friendliest to her as she greeted her. Bambi was there but he turned and bounced over to the spiral staircase and climbed down it. So, that just leaves with an irritated Neptune who's just standing right in front of me.
I felt fear rising within me as I lowered my head and stepped away. "You don't bother telling us nothing, huh?" He whispered.
"I---" I coughed violently all of a sudden, gagging on the liquid that knocked back and forth in my throat. I saw hands reach out for me but I quickly shove them away as I turned my body away from him and continued coughing until all of the blood was out, spatting on the ground below me. Oh god. I didn't even feel that sensation of pain. That ... that came out of nowhere. And now, I am feeling extremely uncomfortable.
I squeezed my hands tightly as I made a squeamish expression. I panted quietly before slowly looking over at Neptune who had a huge concerned look on his face. I noticed he dropped his whole facade in one go with a frown displayed on his face, alongside his ears lowering to his hair. He sighed and turned back to the others, "We'll be back. I think ... Mr. here forgot to tell us something about ... earlier before you arrived, Purity. We will be back, don't you worry." He told them before turning and grabbing my wrist and shushing me down the staircase.
I obeyed and followed the steps until they reached the first floor. I stepped off of the steps as my wrist was free of his grasp. I halted as he stopped right in front of me with folded arms.
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"That was sudden."
I slowly nodded, avoiding his gaze.
"... Does that mean you cannot talk?" He asked, looking concerned once more.
I nodded, turning back to him.
"Great. How are we supposed to do this now?" He asked, looking annoyed, and turned away from me. "In fact... how did this even happen?"
I gazed down when I felt weak all of a sudden. Probably from the amount of blood I lost. I don't know how much I threw up but ... I feel like it was a lot to get me into this state. But that shouldn't even work, to begin with. I closed my eyes, wanting to lean on something rather than standing up here without support. This isn't going exactly how I wanted. Aloe is here and this isn't going anywhere. "Oh... He's fine, Sutato." I looked up to Neptune's voice, turning over to Sut who stood there, frowning at me.
"Here!" Bambi called below me, holding out a napkin. "You got something on your mouth!"
Right. I nodded and grabbed the napkin, wiping my mouth. Once I was finished, I gazed down at the remaining blood. It stained into the light blue texture, ruining its color. I looked over when Sutato was handing me a book and a pencil. I tilted my head before realizing what he wanted me to do. I placed the napkin down and grabbed the two, staring down at them. Well, this is another way to communicate, isn't it? I begin writing down what I wanted to say.
"Oh. Didn't realize you could write." I heard Neptune's comment, pausing for a moment before going back to writing. Feaolks in each colony are required to learn how to read and write. I expect you to know this Nep since you know everything from the books you've read.
I showed it to them: "I'm fine, just ... something that happened to my throat. And I think you know what happens when I do try to talk. Also, Neptune. Why say that at a time like this?"
Neptune snorted, grinning up at me as I glared at him. He seriously has time to tease me? At a time like this? Hell no.
Sutato pointed at his throat and drew an invisible question mark. I tilted my head, turning the page back to me. I wrote the answer to his question, showing the page to them afterwards: "I think Aloe put an enchantment on me, an enchantment where if she is near, I cannot talk. But there were situations where I could when she was around, but all I could feel was an irritating pain that could last forever. I can talk but I will be spilling more blood right now if I tried."
"... If that's the case, why don't I remove it for you?" Neptune offered, lowering his ears. I could sense anger rising within him as I stared up at him. That ... could work but ... I don't want that to happen.
I shook my head 'no,' turning the page back to me and writing something else below the sentence. Once I finished, I showed it to them: "As much as I would love that, I don't want that to happen. I want to at least know Aloe is there still and she is still following either me or Purity around as we go. Do you know an immunity enchantment thing? Whatever it was called. Can it work on these enchantments that currently are happening or not?"
"There are some immunity enchantments that work differently from one another. The one you are talking about can stop an enchantment for a short period. At least ... the basic one." He answered before frowning. "You sure ... you don't want it removed?"
I shook my head. We'll remove it whenever Aloe is no longer a threat to us. As if he read my mind, he blinked with confusion and tilted his head slightly. I stared at him, wondering if he did actually read my mind. What is going on with me? He sighed and nodded, lifting up his hand and making a gesture with it. A blue circle appeared and soon floated towards me. I watched it do its work, fading towards me and then making me glow blueish before disappearing. I felt my throat being freed from what traps that held it close forever.
I sighed with relief before handing back Sutato's book and pencil. He grabbed them and stared at me with a frown. "I'll be fine, Sut. Don't worry." I said softly, missing the sound of my voice already. Jeez, it's been 10 seconds since I've heard it. Don't be so pathetic right now. I turned back to the three, feeling that same nervousness from before. Gosh, I am so panicking about this all.
"Since that is fixed, should we be moving on then?" Neptune asked.
"Ew, Adult business, Come on, Sutato. It's a boring thing you don't wanna join in." Bambi said, walking over to him and tugging on his hand. Sutato looked down at him before looking at both of us. He gave me one last soft smile before following Bambi to the couch. He's really trying his hardest.
"Ew, children---"
"Oh stop that." I cut him off as he shrugged.
"It's true. Why is he here?" He asked.
"We're getting off-topic and we can't afford to waste time any longer. ... I'm ... a bit afraid of this ... movement but I should be not. Eh, this is cringe." I shuddered, turning over to the staircase.
"I can do the talking if you're so nervous." He offered.
"No, no. I think I got it." I said, climbing up the staircase. I halted midway as I felt my wrist being grabbed again. "I forgot about that ... thing I said to you guys."
"You know, it's very hard to hate someone who's completely on the opposite side of hate," Neptune commented, giving me a look.
"... What does that mean?" I asked, looking confused.
He blinked at me. "You don't know the opposite word for hate?"
"No. And I know it's hard for you." I answered. "You like me too much."
"As a friend!" He huffed.
"No. You like me more than that." I joked, giving him a look as he stared at me with a hesitant look. He turned and pulled me upstairs as I tilted my head. Wait, don't tell me that's true. I joked about that! Gosh, I feel guilty for saying that joke.
"Nope. Always as a friend." He whispered back to me at last.
"I prefer to disagree." I retorted as he halted on the second floor and glared at me.
"Well then fuck you too." He hissed as I snorted. I covered my mouth with my free hand, realizing what floor we were on. Shit. Shit. Shit. He shook me before pulling me closer to him. "Don't fail on your plan now, this was your idea." He whispered quietly before letting me go and walking away.
I frowned, looking down as I tried to look sad and guilty. Gosh, I enjoyed his company for a split second and forgot what I was doing. "Looks like he gave quite a beating at you." I turned over at my sister's voice, who looked suspicious at me. "Look at those bruises on your wrists, dang he really must hate you. Guess Verde picked well."
One of my eyes twitched as I sighed, "I guess so." I walked forward to the others, halting before turning over to her who followed behind.
"You know, I like this." She whispered, halting beside me. "But you're acting way too suspicious my brother."
"... How?" I asked, tilting my head with confusion. "I thought I was the dumb one."
"Oh, you are! But you're too suspiciously dumb. It makes me feel like ... whatever was hurting you now is gone and I wish it would have continued." She sneered at me.
The same eye twitched as I held back my anger that wanted to slip through, but I didn't need to do anything. Carla, in her lioness form, tackled her down. "OKAY, THAT IS ENOUGH INSULTING!" I jumped away from her and widened my eyes.
"NOPE. I WON'T LET THIS CONTINUE. I CAN'T HEAR THIS ANYMORE FROM YOU." Carla roared, growling loudly at the pinned-down fake Purity.
Purity glared up at her. "I KNEW there was something up. ALL YOU IDIOTS ARE FOOLS."
Well ... this isn't what I was expecting but ... it worked after all. "If you knew something was up, why did you still follow me anyway?" I asked.
"Because I know I'm going to get rescued by Aloe. She's here, waiting for the right moment to strike all of you down." Purity answered, grinning widely.
"I'd like to see her try, I put everyone here under an immunity enchantment. So I don't think Aloe is doing much damage to us." Neptune spoke.
"WHAT?! YOU'RE NOT A ENCHANTER!" Purity hissed, turning her head to glare at Neptune. But he was nowhere in her sight.
"So. Anyway, you seem to spill out something you're not supposed to say." Neptune continued, walking over to me as I glared down at my fake sister.
"So? She will come and RESCUE ME. RESCUE ME FROM YOU FREAKS." Purity hissed loudly, not even struggling one bit. Let's see if Aloe really cares about you, Purity.
"Gosh, I wish I could set you on fire right now, but that wouldn't be fair." Setchi threatened, breathing smoke out of his mouth.
"Careful, weird gonolk," Winter spoke coldly. "We don't need all of the fire going on her now. I do, would like to freeze her to share."
"Maybe in another timeline we do," Setchi said, giving her a wary look.
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"Do you know any of Aloe's plans?" I asked, walking over to her before crouching down.
"Tsk. Why should I tell you? What would you do with that information?" Purity asked, glaring at me.
"Don't you want Aurora to know too?" I asked.
"Aurora ... Mom. Wow, you despise her so much? Wow, that was a lie when you met up with her today. What a sick brother you are. You should join us, Castit. We will make the perfect team." She grinned sinisterly up at me.
"If you tell me what Aloe is planning," I said. I heard gasps from the others as one of them was shushing them up. I'm not joining her, I'm smart enough not to.
"... You're willing to join...?" Purity asked, looking shocked at me. "To abandon your friends and join us?"
"Why not, maybe I did see the wrong in everyone," I mumbled. Please, please tell me after this. Please be stupid and tell us everything or do I need to say wish? Because when I thought that last time, that door smacked you across the forehead. And I'm glad it did.
"Heh. Well, since Aloe is going to rescue me and punish you all, why not?" Purity said before snorting. "Nah, that would ruin her plans."
Oh, I wish you did. I glared at her as Purity's expression changed with an invisible force. Whoops, I did it again. "OKAY FINE, as long as you guys let me go and let me leave this place, I will!"
I kicked Carla's paw when she was opening her mouth to say something. "We will," I said.
"Okay. Aloe has a special plan for us. Me and you, brother. She plans to have us on a project very soon with some other person she's working with. He's friendly, I think but Aloe thinks you two will get along perfectly! You both grew up terrible a lot of stupid trauma you both had." She grinned sinisterly. "Also ... she told me this once. When it's all over and you are tossed aside, Aloe says I get to kill you as the final assignment of my enchantment training. I think I'll-" A paw was placed on her face before she even finished her statement.
"Oh my GOD. YOU ARE SO EVIL." Carla said.
"Don't kill her!" One of my friends said as I sat, too frozen to move from what I just heard. I felt someone moving me away from the two before shaking my focus out of my mind or at least before I dived deep into it. "Don't break down yet, I know what has been said is shocking, but don't do that yet. We need you." Neptune's voice told me as I stared down at the floor, slowly nodding. I breathed in and out, putting a lock on my mind and looking over at my sister who was thrashing around now.
"... Remove it," I ordered. Neptune nodded and stood up, padding over to her.
"Shut." Neptune covered her mouth with one of his tails.
"Thank god. She was getting ... too much unlike herself." Carla frowned. I curled up as I wrapped my wings around myself. I frowned at the sight, lowering my body to the floor as I felt myself crumble down. Once again, I was falling off of a tower, falling to my doom. I thought put a lock on--- I flinched from the ice freezing underneath me as I sat right back up. I looked up at Winter who crouched down in front of me.
"Don't try to do that method." She told me, looking coldly as usual before dropping the behavior. "I think these people need you rather than a leader who just drops dead to the floor."
"I'm no leader," I whispered to her. "We're all leaders here, we decide what to do."
"... But they surely listened to what you decide for them." She said. "Carla told me and ... said that she liked the ideas you've been sharing with everyone."
"... Everyone can decide, I'm not their leader," I said, refusing the truth of it.
"You're really stubborn, aren't you?" Winter commented before turning over to the scene. I stayed quiet before following her gaze to the commotion. Neptune removed his tail as Carla was told to get off. She did as Purity lay there motionless. My heart stopped for a moment, looking panicked as if we were too late to stop it or something. Soon all the worries came to me, making me grab my head before flinching at the cold icy touch. "I'm here to keep you from diving into that mess."
"Yeah. I think you're doing a good job with your freezing touches." I said, giving her a fearful look.
"Good. Let's keep that going." She gave me a cold look before turning her gaze back to the three. "You should be over there for this Purity, she only knows you ... not the rest of us."
"Riiiight..." I said, breathing in and out before getting up to my feet. I walked over to her and sat down right next to her. I flinched when she gasped and sat up quickly. She turned her head quickly as the others backed away from us. She turned her gaze to me and sighed in relief.
"You're okay!" She cried, wrapping her arms around me and hugging me tightly. "You're okay, right? My mean comments didn't hurt you or anything?"
... She must only remember that ... moment ... ugh... my mind is so tired. I want someone else to take over but I need to do this. She doesn't know anyone in here. "They didn't, Purity," I whispered softly, hugging her back but with a great force of affection showering down on her.
"Don't kill me with your squeezes, I know how you get with your hugs." She whispered to me.
"... I ... okay," I whispered, letting her go when she did the same. I stared at her who stared back at me with a smile that felt real. This ... this all feels like a dream. I got the real sister back and all of a sudden, I feel dizzy. I feel like I'm hallucinating but I know I'm not. ... I feel like I'm drifting in and out of reality. Was Aloe really just going to use me up like a tool and just kill me like that? I thought-
"HEY." I flinched at her voice, getting dragged back into reality. "... Brother ... who are all of these people and why are they staring at us?" She asked, looking wary of them all. "... Are ... these ... Winter, Carla, and Tyler ... here you spoke of minutes ago? But then again ... I don't think five people are named like that, maybe three of them are." She continued to whisper to me, eyeing them all.
I hung my head lowly before grabbing her hands and getting up to my feet. Carla has already shifted back into her human form and walked over to us. "Hello! I'm Carla!"
"OH. You're Carla!" Purity gasped as I let go of her hand. "So ... there's one. Where's the other two?"
"... Other two of what?" Carla looked confused.
"Winter and Tyler."
"I told her the names ... of our ... old members," I said tiredly.
"... Are you okay, Castit?" Carla asked, looking worried at me.
"I'm fine. When is this all over, I'll be done." I spoke, not moving a step because if I do, I feel like I'm going to fall over.
"... Well, Winter is here but Tyler ... is in the hospital."
"Oh... I hope he's alright. Which one of these is Winter?" Purity asked, looking around before Winter walked over to them.
"I am." She said as I stood frozen. Are we going to gloss over that face that TYLER is suddenly here and IN THE HOSPITAL?! I held my head as I groaned quietly. Oh god ... I gave myself a headache. Maybe I shouldn't really think too much about it. So much has happened. I flinched from a hand, looking up at Neptune who looked concerned.
"You really need to sleep." He whispered, with a concerned look. "You look dead."
"THANKS." I hissed at him.
"... And grumpy."
"NOWS not the TIME TO BE TEASING ME." I hissed at him.
"Settle down. I don't need to freeze you, do I?" Winter told me, glaring me down.
"... I'm sorry. I'm not ... there." I said quietly, rubbing my face before standing up straight. But that soon broke apart as I was leaning against something to hold up my balance.
"Is brother okay?" Purity looked worried at me. "Did Aunt Aloe do something to you?" She asked, walking over to me.
"I'll be fine," I told her, pushing her away.
"No. I'm not leaving your side. Not again I will. Hey--- wait a minute." She turned and looked down at the ground. "I'm not glued to the ground!"
"Because ... you're in a different ... place," I answered, keeping my focus on her, even if my vision was starting to spin.
"Okay. You don't mind if I introduce you to everyone, right?" Carla asked Purity.
"... But brother..."
"We'll take care of him. I promise you that." Carla told her.
Purity frowned at me before turning over to her. "Okay." She nodded.
Carla nodded and turned to Neptune. "Take him to one of those rooms or at least allow him to borrow them."
"He can sleep on one of the couches!" Setchi jumped in, looking at me. I ... told you guys ... I was fine. Can't even ... think for myself anymore...
"I'd rather have him in a bed, he doesn't look so good," Carla said.
"Okay fine, he can borrow my room." Setchi nodded. "Come." Setchi walked to my side and wrapped an arm around him as Neptune had the other. I could... oh... even my legs don't wanna move. Great... Just great. My head hung down to the floor as the two carried me to Setchi's room. We arrived and entered, setting me down on the bed as I just collapsed into the soft sheets. "Should--- Yes. I should make something." Setchi said before rushing out and down the hallway.
Neptune turned towards me and fixed my pose on the bed as I shut my eyes. I can't believe this ... I ... ugh. Just let him take care of you, for once. A voice told me in my head. I sighed and listened to it as I was underneath the sheets. "Now rest, we'll be by your side when you wake up, okay?"
I slowly nodded my head but it was slightly as I was getting kidnapped by sleep already. Perhaps, I will feel better on the other side.
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- End of Chapter 27
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