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_ Sutato _
Just two more days and I can stop looking at this colorful poster in my hands. But ... It'll be sad to miss all the different colors invading the other colors on the poster. Red and blue attacked the pink and green up top while red and blue settled close to the bottom with purple. There were also big letters in the center that read: "Come! Come! All Welcome to Leisure Within the Tranquility!" Under the title, a sentence read: "A Festival where all are here to relax, take time from the war, and have fun with one another!" And then another listed where the festival will take place, along with the date and time: "In the center of the colony, left from the Massive Mall. 30th of Revon, and Night of 8."
... Night of 8? That's a weird time now that I think about it. The humans would usually call this 8 o'clock, but ... I think that's how The Folks list their time as such. Or just this colony, I don't know. I don't know if other colonies are the same as this one.
I'm not the only one who's excited for this day to come. The others are excited to come, Especially Carla. Yesterday, she got all of us to find this place and memorized it all the way from our homes to there. So that, we won't get lost on the way on the final day. Some of us complained ... I don't know why they would complain, that got me more excited, especially when I met Pearl and Dan again. They greeted us there and I got to hear some secrets that Dan decided to spill to me. And then Pearl got on him about them as I chuckle at their bickering.
I seem to understand them much more because the others look at them as if they do not belong here--- except Castit. Castit ... is very open to everything. Though, he did give Dan a weird look but soon shook it off as it being normal. I think he did that because of Dan's eyes, I would do the same thing if I never met these two last time. Soon it was time to go, and I was saddened to leave the two. Setchi had to drag me away because the others were waiting, and I didn't want to leave.
Today, Carla was discussing some ideas and plans for all of us to do there, however, Paradise interject and told us their idea of splitting us up into smaller groups. The group agreed with their idea, which made Carla shoot a glare at Paradise. Though she dropped it when she realized that both Setchi and I had to be alone for our experience. ... That's a weird way to put "date." I never knew what "date" was until Castit explained it to us the other day.
It just seems like a regular hang-out with a friend, I don't understand the difference. Though I didn't complain out loud since the last time I did that, Carla looked like she was ... giving up on life. So, I don't want to make her sad again.
Carla continued with her ideas, mentioning that she wanted all of us to wear something pretty to the festival. Most disagreed but she continued, and eventually, this conversation is still going on when I am looking at this poster. It has not ended, and I don't know why it has not ended; it's ...--- sorry Carla, but it's getting annoying to listen to. "That may just be you, but I'll go with a little jewelry here and there," Neptune said, leaning back on the couch across from mine. Setchi was on my left, sitting next to me. Paradise was on their chair to the left of me and next to the other couch that is also left of me. Bambi was standing next to them, having a frown on his face, though his expression is mixed with anger and sadness.
"You're not helping this, wolf," Setchi grumbled with annoyance on his face.
"Hey! At least he's agreeing with meeeee~" Carla chined, grinning at Setchi.
Setchi shot her a glare before leaning back against the couch. "I just don't want to wear any of that."
"And that's fine." Paradise. "Can we---"
"BUT I WANT SOME!" Bambi burst out with a shout, interrupting, and making Paradise jump. "I WANT SOME TO WEAR! I WANT SOME---" During his shouting, I could see Neptune twitch with annoyance before scooting over to the kid, who was jumping and down with a tantrum. I raised my brows when he reached over to him. "- I WANT SOMEEEEEEEHEEEY!" Bambi turned over to Neptune to grab him and placed him in his lap. "UNHAND ME--- I WANT---"
"SHUT," Neptune told him with a hiss with his breath, along with covering the kid's mouth. "THAT is Paradise to decide for you." He finished before hearing Bambi grumble loudly through his mouth. Neptune gave a grunt before removing his hand from the kid's mouth, who is now throwing a quiet fit in his lap with his arms crossed.
"... Sometimes we need to take Bambi out of our conversations like these ... but ... at the same time, I feel bad if we don't involve him." Setchi leaned over and whispered to me.
I slowly shrugged and turned over to the other's reaction. Paradise looked annoyed as heck as Carla sighed quietly. "... We ... could find him a little necklace for him ... to wear." She suggested.
"Not too fancy! Just ... the right about of simple." Paradise spoke, shooting a glare at their little brother, who had his arms up in the air and was about to say something.
Bambi smiled before speaking, "YAY!" and then proceed to bounce slightly in Neptune's lap, which made the wololk--- ... Wololk? He's part wolf and fox, right? So ... how would that ... be? Woloxolk? I don't want to know how that sounds when you speak it. Anyway, it made the woloxolk more annoyed, but it seems like he is trying to hold in his anger.
Paradise sighed with relief and Carla smiled softly at the kid. Setchi sighed as well before blinking his eyelids repeatedly. "This conversation needs a new topic starter and I know just what we can start off of."
"New? Excuse---"
"EXCUSE YOU. Some of us don't want to wear jewelry, CARLA. Can't you GET THAT IN YOUR HEAD?!" Setchi snapped at her as I waved my hands in the air repeatedly. I caught his attention as I shook my head at him. He grumbled quietly and looked down. He sighed and breathed in and out, getting up to his feet.
Carla looked hurt as she frowned, looking away from him. "I don't think that was the right move to ... do that, Setchi," Neptune spoke.
"What do you care, Wololk?" Setchi sneered at him. Stop it. Stop being mean! "All I know is that you just might--- HEY." He turned over to me when I grabbed his tail and yanked him back into the couch. He collapsed right on it.
"Stop. It." I hissed, glaring him down as he glared back at me.
"Stop." I cut him off, sneering at him as he dropped his glare, frowning at me. I could see his ear fins closing as he looked guilty. He turned his gaze away from me and hung his head low.
"... Sorry."
"Apologise to Neptune," I told him, looking with disgust at him.
Setchi nodded slowly before turning towards the woloxolk. "I apologies for that little comment."
"I heard worse from other people. You're not ... not even close to those who are on the racist spectrum, but even if you were forced to apologise, you're still going to continue your racist comments." Neptune stared at him coldly.
"Are you not going to ... accept it?" Paradise asked.
"No. I'm not. I want to accept it when he learns that spilling racist comments is horrible." Neptune said, narrowing his eyes at Setchi still. "On his own."
I grabbed Setchi's wrist and told him to shush when he was about to speak up. Setchi grumbled quietly before shaking his head. "Fine. I'll just end that there and go on with what I wanted to say before."
"I don't know..." Paradise spoke as Setchi frowned. Paradise had an expression of wariness towards him.
"I'd ... rather go with my topic that I started---"
"No," Neptune cut Carla off.
"... Okay ... then we'll start a new one." Carla shrugged. Bambi raised his hand in the air, which caught our attention.
"Can I say something that's been bothering me?" He asked.
"What is it, little brother?" Paradise said, gesturing for him to go on.
"Okay!" Bambi huffed before placing his hands together on his lap. "It's ... been bothering me for weeks since Casy told me something he doesn't like about himself. I wake up every day and feel sad about what he told me. Big Sig, you like your name, right?" He turned over to them.
"Yes. I do. Why?" Paradise nodded their head, looking confused.
"And you?" Bambi pointed at Carla.
"... Yeah." Carla nodded her head, blinking with confusion.
"I do too and ... I'm sure you do ... too, yes?" Setchi said, asking me. I nodded my head as Neptune gazed down at the kid.
"I do as well," Neptune spoke.
Bambi frowned, "Casy does not. He doesn't like his name and it bothers me. He says he doesn't like to be called "Castit" but ... when I suggested that he could change his name any time he wants ... he says it didn't matter. THAT'S WHEN I DRAW THE LINE! A name is supposed to be special to you, right? It's supposed to make you happy, right? So ... so ... why isn't Casy happy with his?" He was tearing up at the end of this statement. He rubbed his eyes as his ears drooped.
"... I didn't know that." Paradise blinked with surprise.
"I did," Setchi said as I nodded, raising my hand up.
"You two did? And we never heard of this?" Carla asked.
"Yeah... I ... I was going to talk about that because ... before we came here, I promised him that I was going to come up with names for him." Setchi said. "But with that question ... I guess he never told anyone besides Bambi. Did he tell you, wololk?"
"No. He didn't." Neptune said, frowning slightly with his ears slightly drooped.
"Okay. Why does he not like his name?" Carla asked. "Didn't his parents give him it?"
"No. A random enchanter named him wrong and he hates it because it doesn't mean anything to his overall character." Setchi answered.
"... A random enchanter?" Paradise questioned, raising their brows. "You mean..."
"Yes. Not his parents."
"... That ... makes a lot of sense as to why his name was different than the regular feaolk names I came across," Neptune spoke, nodding his head slowly as he gazed down at the floor. He looked back up at us, "Well, we can always make an arrangement for that."
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"Why would the parents let a random stranger name their child?" Paradise asked, looking confused to no end. Setchi shrugged before jumping from a voice jumping in.
"Because that's how enchanter families are, Paradise." I turned over to the voice, recognizing it to be Castit as he was leaning on the couch with his sister by his side. I blinked and smiled nervously. He was behind the couch where I was sitting at. He gazed at each one of us before returning to the topic that was being discussed. "... Are you interested in ... how feaolks name their children?"
"Quite yes, actually. Why do--- wait... you said Enchanter families, does that mean ..."
"Regular feaolk families will name their children but Enchanter families do not. They let the most powerful enchanter name the kid because "oh the wonders of a powerful being in the colony do the works of gifting kids names that will benefit their future." I don't know the real reason, but that's my guess on it." He explained.
"Oh... I see..." Paradise slowly nodded.
"Is ... it because they believe in their enchantment magic in the Eastern Feaolk Colony?" Neptune asked.
"... Probably, since that book told us that the colony worships the enchanters all day," Castit spoke while rolling his eyes at the same time.
"Why do they?" Carla asked, looking curious.
"I'm not so sure about that one," Neptune spoke.
"It's because there used to be a war between the demons and the enchanters," Castit spoke, gathering everyone's attention on him. "To The Folks, it would be Demons v. The Folks--- but mainly it was between the demons and enchanters. Decades ago, demons suddenly came from their own world and into ours, trying to conquer by ruining and destroying everything. They targeted colonies first because that is where most of The Folks were living in. The Folks ... came up with a plan to defeat them all and push them back to whatever world they came through. They called the enchanters to help them win this mini-war with the demons. Soon, they won as they enchanted something to the demons from ever returning to this world. But that failed, didn't it, Se- Neptune?" He gazed at Neptune.
Neptune blinked with surprise, slowly nodding his head. "... I knew there was a war, but I never knew this part about it."
"You know a lot of things..."
"It's what we were taught when we were kids." Purity said. "Mother told us about the story and how the enchanters protected us from the demons. ... Annnd... the reason..."
"The reason why Eastern Feaolk Colony worships the enchanters so much." Castit finished his sister's line.
"... That was our home colony's name?" Purity asked, blinking at him as he nodded in a response to her. "Oh. Why is it called the Eastern ... Colony?"
He shrugged. "I don't know the history between the Eastern and Western Colonies."
"Then ... we should learn them both!" Purity said, smiling with determination. "I think that's a great start to this whole thing. And oh! Maybe we'll find our father while we go searching for the information!"
"LET ME JOIN YOUR TEAM!" Carla shouted, appearing right beside Purity as Purity smiled widely at her.
"Sure! The more help we have, the better we have!" Purity chirped.
"... Maybe ... since that colony, the Eastern Colony worships enchanters ... and if they worship the powerful ones, I think ... they thought the powerful ones would gift their young ones with extraordinary names." Paradise guessed, shrugging.
Castit slowly nodded, "... And yet they didn't give me one. Fuck them on that part."
Carla, Setchi, and Neptune snorted from that comment as I and Paradise sighed and shook our heads.
"CRAP! LANGUAGE!" Setchi quickly said. "The child is here!" He pointed to Bambi who had his ears covered by Neptune. He blinked at the woloxolk, lowering his arm.
Neptune snickered before removing his hands from Bambi's ears. "Would you like us to call you a different name?" Neptune asked Castit.
"We'll definitely call you a different name." Carla nodded to him.
"Since you said you didn't like to be called, "Castit."" Paradise pointed out.
"... I... don't know what name I have for you guys ... to call me differently," Castit said slowly, surprised at their reactions.
"Then we'll come up with one!" Setchi said, getting up to his feet.
"I thought that was your job?" Castit asked him.
Setchi frowned, "... I forgot. But! The others can help me with this." He turned his head to them and they nodded as I did as well.
"Alright, go on then." Castit shrugged.
"So. You want a name that means your overall character?" Setchi asked him as he nodded quietly in response.
"On second thought, never mind," Paradise said quickly while leaning back into the chair.
"Oh, that was mean," Neptune said, shooting them a look.
"I'm not good with words that mean what you are, Castit. I can't help it." Paradise shrugged.
"You can always learn, dummy." Setchi gave them a look before turning towards Carla.
"Hmmm... that is a bit tricky," Carla said, rubbing her chin slightly. "Because all I got is Mysterious or ... Mystery."
"... You think I'm mysterious?" Castit asked, eyeing her down with wide eyes.
"You barely talk about yourself, what am I supposed to say?!" Carla shot him a look before dropping it.
"Wait ... can we use any name and word in the world? Like ... flowers, stones, and all the rest that means something relating to your character, Castit?" Paradise asked, leaning forward.
"I guess." Castit shrugged.
"Then I have Gladiolus." Paradise said, "It's a flower that displays a strong character of itself."
"Ooooo," Both Carla and Setchi said. Paradise nodded, "My mother always talked about it and wanted to name ... one of her children that. Well, Bambi and I did have other siblings but ... mother became a little hungry."
"... OKAY, MOVING ON." Setchi declared, having a panicked expression. "What else does anyone have?"
... I tilted my head with a slightly horrified expression, wondering why Paradise's mother would eat their other siblings. "Zeal," Neptune spoke. "Or Ardor."
"... What ... those words mean?" Setchi asked, turning towards him.
"Zeal is like great energy within one pursuing something. Ardor is something similar to Passion and Enthusiasm. But ... I kind of want to go with wind names." Neptune answered.
"Why?" Castit asked.
"Feaolks are ... the descendants of Wind Elementals," Neptune answered.
"Sooo ... Wind?" Setchi asked.
"You're not naming me "wind."" Castit grunted, which made Setchi snicker.
"What about Breeze?"
"No." Castit glared at Paradise who suggested that. Paradise grinned widely. "Don't name me something that you see or feel every single day."
"So... no go on Fog?" Setchi asked, displaying a smug expression at him.
"... I'm starting to think you're not serious with this at all," Castit grunted, glaring at him.
"At least it's giving us ideas on what you dislike." Neptune pointed out.
"Yeah. Now I have to think deeper." Paradise nodded, going into a thinking phrase.
"Hurricane!" Bambi cheered, raising his hands in the air.
"No," Castit said, shaking his head. "No--- You're not naming me ... Hurricane ... why would you even name me after a violent storm?"
"Awww." Bambi frowned.
"Typhoon?" Carla suggested.
"... What is a typhoon?" Castit asked, looking at her with a confused look.
"It's a similar word and storm to Hurricane," Neptune answered.
"... There are similar words to hurricane?!"
"Yes." Neptune nodded.
"If we are done naming him storm words, we can go with Gale," Paradise said. "It just means a very strong wind."
Castit tilted his head at the word they spoke, slowly nodding. "... I like the way Gale sounds."
"I thought we were going with something that fits your character, Castit?" Setchi asked, raising a brow.
"I changed my mind; I want it to be similar to my dad's name," Castit answered, giving a small smile.
"What's your dad's name?" Neptune asked.
"I think it was Rapid." Purity said, tilting her head slightly.
"... Rapid?" Castit turned towards her.
"Yeah. I hear Mother call, Dad, that all the time." She said, smiling at him.
"Well, then you have not met the real him as I did before. His real name is Whirlwind." Castit told her.
"Isn't that ... what hurricanes are?" Paradise asked, looking over to Neptune or me for help.
"Yes." Neptune nodded, looking odd for a moment. I tilted my head, wondering what was on his mind. He looked up at Castit, narrowing his eyes. "... Wasn't that the ... Western Colony leader's ... name?"
"Yes." Castit nodded. "That is the truth of it, told by my mother recently."
"Well, we found a solution to how Castit is so talented at being a leader," Paradise said.
"Oh shush, continue with your guys' names." Castit rolled his eyes.
"Well, if you want a name similar to your father's, then why not go with Tempest?" Neptune suggested.
"Ooooo," I said, gasping in awe at the word.
"Oooo is right, Sut," Castit commented as I hear him chuckle at my reaction. I turned towards him as he nodded at Neptune, "I like that word."
"I thought you didn't want to be named after a---"
"I changed my mind. You know I keep changing my mind, especially when I keep doing it during our plan to get the real Purity back." Castit pointed out.
"Yeah... that was getting annoying," Setchi grumbled, folding his arm to face him. "So. What names do you like?"
"Hmmm ... Gale is one I like, ... Zeal ... sort of ... but I think ... Tempest takes the seal," Castit said, nodding his head with a small smile.
"Well, that was easy. We ended up going away from the character traits into an actual storm." Paradise nodded their head.
"Yeah ... BUT." Setchi glared at Neptune though he seems like he gave up on reasoning with him. "You took the cookie."
"Oh shush. You tried your best too, Setchi." Tempest said.
Setchi grumbled before turning away and over to him. "I'm just jealous, okay?"
Tempest rolled his eyes, "... So ... is this where the awkwardness ... begins?" I glanced up at him confused. "And ... future ... corrections?"
"... I don't understand how that can be awkward," Paradise said, shaking their head. "You are free to correct us if we do call you by your dead name."
"... Dead name?" Tempest asked, looking confused at them.
"You do go by Tempest, now, right?" Neptune asked him.
"... I ... guess."
"Then "Castit" would be your dead name since you don't go by that name anymore," Neptune told him.
"Yeah." Paradise nodded their head at Tempest.
"Awwww, I love how Tempest sounds!" Purity chirped, before elbowing her brother in the side. "You picked a good one for my raging storm brother."
"OH NO. NO, NO, NO. NEVER MIND, I REGRET THIS." Tempest hissed, turning, and walking away as I snorted.
"Oh my god, you made a pun." Neptune laughed, along with Setchi and Paradise who joined in with their laughter. A raging Tempest ... oh no ... did we really help him pick out his name and then make fun of it? What kind of friends are we? I settled down my laughter as I glanced around as the tempest was nowhere in sight. Maybe he is like a raging storm when he's storming away.
Oh no ... I did it again. I chuckled to myself quietly. Sorry, Tempest.
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"So. You're not called, "Castit" anymore?" Winter asked Tempest. It was the next day before the festival and I was inching to bounce up and down on the couch I was sitting on. Bambi was on my right, reading some sign language signs as Setchi was alongside him, learning them as well. I turned my head over to Winter, who stood next to the chair that Paradise sat in. She was looking over to Tempest who was sitting on the couch across from mine with Neptune right beside him.
"... Yeah ... I'm not," Tempest answered her, nodding his head.
"Weird. Why did you go with that name?" Winter asked, narrowing her eyes.
"Because I like it?"
"... Fair enough." Winter nodded her head. "I thought "Castit" was fine."
"Eh... it seems normal to me but ... I grew to hate it over the years," Tempest spoke, folding his arms.
"Ah... well, you better live up to what a tempest can really do," Winter commented.
"... A tempest is a storm, I'm sure ... I can't summon storms out of the blue," Tempest said, shooting her a glare.
"I know that and don't glare at me." Winter glared at him back.
"Well, I'm sorry. This damn fox keeps making puns at my new names this morning." Tempest grunted with a snorting Neptune right beside him.
"Well ... you choose a simple name where someone gonna make fun of it," Winter commented, dropping her glare.
"Ugh. When is Carla coming?" Tempest asked, turning his gaze away from her.
"Whenever Carla hurries up with Tyler. She said that she was going to bring him over here from the hospital since yesterday he checked out of it." Winter answered. "He should have gotten used to the colony, but ... he still wants out of it."
"... Of course, he does..." Tempest sighed quietly.
"... Why does ... this Tyler wants out of this colony?" Paradise asked, looking over at them.
"He met Aloe and thus he deemed this colony bad," Winter answered.
"... Just one person? That doesn't make sense." Paradise said, frowning.
"... Well, his whole behavior changed when he continued to say this colony is bad when we know it's not true was strange," Winter said, looking back to Tempest. "Did you detect anything strange off him? I know you can since you can tell if one lied or not."
"Those two are separate abilities, Winter," Tempest told her. "And no. But even if that was the case, we could tell that Tyler was acting off even without the detector or not."
"... I just thought ... that there was something else there," Winter said, frowning slightly.
"Oh, don't worry, we'll fix your boyfriend." Tempest rolled his eyes.
"... I wish you stop saying that." Winter hissed coldly.
"You know, if you keep relationships a secret, it can damage your bond with them." Tempest gave her a look. "Besides, why would you even keep it a secret? I'm sure everyone here is fine with it."
"Definitely." Paradise nodded her head. "It would make sense why you're worried about them. I would be too if someone I loved was acting strange."
"... It's ... it's just something my culture isn't ... approving of," Winter grumbled.
"And yet you went out of your way to have a relationship with him anyway. I think that's perfectly fine." Tempest said, shrugging. "You can love whoever you want."
"... What do you mean back there when you said that you hid your emotions from us?" Winter asked him. I blinked, looking confused. As Tempest was about to answer, Carla announced her presence. I turned and looked over the couch at the person next to her. Carla smiled with joy before guiding the person forward. This person had beige hair with silver eyes, looking nervous before displaying a wary expression over his nervousness. His skin was darker than ours, making me tilt my head. He ... well, let me rephrase that. He looks like the color black that is painted on his skin, all around. It makes me curious as to what type of race he is.
"I have arrived with Tyler," Carla said, standing next to the first couch.
"Welcome. How was the temporary stay in the house?" Winter asked Tyler.
"... Odd," Tyler spoke quietly, still looking nervous.
"It was like that but ... I got used to it." Winter nodded her head.
"... So." Tyler gazed around at everyone, including me. He turned his gaze back to Winter and Tempest. "These are the people who took care of you guys?"
"Sort of. Mostly Carla, Ca- Tempest, and Purity--- well ... Maybe just Carla and Tempest. I took care of myself while ... Purity ... is a mixed story. But you already know that." Winter answered him.
Tyler stared at her with confusion. "... Who's Tempest?"
"That's me. I'm sorry, apparently, I got a name changed yesterday so now, I'm Tempest." Tempest said, leaning forward with his arms crossed.
Tyler widened his eyes at him. "... Why ... did you need to get your name changed?"
"... Because I hated the other one."
"So?" Tyler narrowed his eyes coldly. "You could have stuck with it."
Tempest stared back at him, narrowing his eyes back at him. "It's not your choice to think that I could have stuck with it. If I hated my previous name, then I hated it. It's the end deal of it."
"... I refuse to call you by whatever you called yourself," Tyler spoke.
"... Then I won't go with you," Tempest said, leaning back. "I'm not going back with you out in the wilderness."
"... Castit---"
"I'm not Castit anymore, Tyler." Tempest glared at him.
"If he doesn't want to go, why not let him?" Neptune asked. Yeah. Why does he need to go with you?
Tyler turned to stare at Neptune. I blinked at both of them, wondering why the silence continued for so long. Paradise was doing the same thing as I was as I became nervous. Neptune perked his ears, raising his brows. "... Carla ... didn't you say something is going to happen to this colony?" Tyler asked Carla, turning to her.
Carla slowly turned to him, slowly nodding. "I did but I said that it was a false vision."
Tyler narrowed his eyes. "Even if it was a false vision, shouldn't we confront the danger that might cause the future?" ... Carla had another vision? About what? Carla slowly turned over to Tempest, frowning as she turned over to Winter. Winter narrowed her brows, turning over to Tempest and back at her. "You guys didn't talk this through, didn't you?" Tyler asked, gazing at them both.
"We ... had other things taking our minds up," Carla told him. "Such as the festival is coming up--- which is tomorrow."
"But do not worry. I think ... Tempest here solved it all on his own." Winter said, waving her hand slightly.
"If you told me what you wanted from me, then I would have to know what you guys wanted," Tempest said, glaring at both of them.
"... Did you?" Setchi asked, looking at him.
"TELL ME." Tempest hissed. "Because I have no fucking clue what you guys are talking about."
"... I saw Neptune in a vision where ... he was standing next to a red-dotted demon. And then the next ... he's standing with the man on a burned-down colony... But then-"
"Is that the truth?" Setchi asked him, interrupting Carla.
I stared at Neptune's expression which shifted from a smile to a frown. He soon looked panicked as he turned over to Tempest for help. I frowned at his situation. He was forced, wasn't he? Please tell me if my predictions were correct. "... more details, please?" Tempest asked.
"Setchi believes that Neptune was working with the Red-rotted Demon, but Paradise and I think that he may have been forced to work with him," Carla answered.
Tempest stared at her for a moment, slowly looking over to Neptune. "... Well ... that ... is ... true. Both of those statements."
"HA!" Setchi jumped up to his feet with a grin.
"Shut it." Tempest hissed at Setchi. Setchi immediately sat back down as he frowned.
"... So, he was forced?" Paradise asked.
"Who cares if he was forced? He worked alongside the enemy, so it makes him an enemy." Tyler hissed, glaring at Neptune.
"Exactly!" Setchi said, getting up again.
"Forced!" I told Setchi.
"Who cares? Even if he was forced, it's still his fault that he went with the enemy in the first place." Setchi told me. I frowned and looked over to Neptune who looked horrified. Tempest looked like he did not know what to do now.
"... I think we're not making sense of the big picture," Winter said, looking over to Neptune.
"... Why do we need a big picture?" Tyler asked. "We don't need to know anything of that foe's backstory!"
"I think it would make sense in this matter," Carla said.
"I agree." Paradise nodded.
I would like to know too.
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- End of Chapter 31
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