No Plagiarism!wwYt6XAAPlBJ9By1yt9Iposted on PENANA 不太好受的一天,先是很晚起床,在來是洗頭拖拖拉拉,因為拖延症二胡課遲到很久,回到家讀書讀很少,打遊戲沒贏過,雖然我覺得其實大部分都是我自己造成的,但還是很難過,覺得我自己突然又變成廢物了......。8964 copyright protection5PENANALcjJplx6qx 維尼
我正在嘗試告訴我自己,這只是我人生中的其中一天,並沒有什麼好焦慮的,明天起床後,今天的我就死了,我就可以重新再活一遍,把明天變成我喜歡的樣子。雖然聽起來這是一個很不切實際的想法,但這就是我自我安慰的方法,沒有辦法擬定出一個真的可以讓明天變得更好的方法,就算是真的訂了明天也可能因為各種因素導致我沒有完成,所以就只好自己畫一個大餅,萬一真的實現了呢?8964 copyright protection5PENANAk9LkBkHK25 維尼
Yet To Come8964 copyright protection5PENANAWHTVtgqVnc 維尼
BY BTS8964 copyright protection5PENANAzcDzFMr4FW 維尼
Was it honestly the best?8964 copyright protection5PENANAtBsrNbddPE 維尼
Was it honestly the best?8964 copyright protection5PENANAsTUI7rX3TO 維尼
'Cause I just wanna see the next8964 copyright protection5PENANA0WR0IlXz4m 維尼
'Cause I just wanna see the next8964 copyright protection5PENANApUVsdV0Cc3 維尼
부지런히 지나온8964 copyright protection5PENANAtT06dT4uXp 維尼
在勤勞度過的8964 copyright protection5PENANAeluSJZDsYx 維尼
어제들 속에 참 아름답게8964 copyright protection5PENANA4ywk5WS5u0 維尼
每一個往日裡 實在美好8964 copyright protection5PENANAAKGqmXf4U2 維尼
Yeah, the past was honestly the best8964 copyright protection5PENANAtzpGYYYG9N 維尼
Yeah, the past was honestly the best8964 copyright protection5PENANAFAaMalcxQ0 維尼
But my best is what comes next8964 copyright protection5PENANACMsF1o3Qpj 維尼
But my best is what comes next8964 copyright protection5PENANAWvfmrFyNgg 維尼
I'm not playin', nah for sure8964 copyright protection5PENANAHUklB5dIXk 維尼
I'm not playin', nah for sure8964 copyright protection5PENANAZ5e278dU2z 維尼
그날을 향해 숨이 벅차게8964 copyright protection5PENANAeRwVSubgV7 維尼
向著那天奔跑 到氣喘吁吁8964 copyright protection5PENANAfyLhyVTVTQ 維尼
You and I, best moment is yet to come8964 copyright protection5PENANAuvw2S8JNVd 維尼
You and I, best moment is yet to come8964 copyright protection5PENANAvqOiH7IGXV 維尼
來源 https://wing111111.pixnet.net/blog/post/646881559Please respect copyright.PENANAV36Cq9VkMe
8964 copyright protection5PENANAWEkT1FcwHM 維尼
250312 02578964 copyright protection5PENANAQYMUOF4jR5 維尼