"What are your orders, General Kenobi?"
Obi-Wan glanced over at his clone commander, Cody, as he and the 212th embarked on the quest to search and capture or kill General Grievous and the Separatist leaders. Obi-Wan scanned their rocky environment as they exited the gunship they were brought over on. Utapau's upper level greeted them as soon as they set foot on its soil.
"Keep your eyes peeled and be on the lookout for Separatist patrols!" he ordered.
At his orders, the clones of the 212th drew their weapons ,warily checking the rocky and dusty environment. All around them, foreign beings, sentient and non-sentient, went about their normal lives with a few pausing to stare at the Republic strike team. The rest went about their day as if a Jedi and his clone troopers were a part of everyday life. The Jedi general coughed as some dust entered his lungs. He had just stepped foot on the planet yet he had found out that he had no love for it,whatsoever. Best to nab Grievous and the Seppie leaders and end this in a standard second.
"Master Jedi, what a surprise!"
Obi-Wan glanced up to see tall and gaunt humanoid with grey skin complete with jagged yellow teeth and red eyes. This must be Tion Medon, the Pau'un minister of the landing port they had arrived on. He reminded Master Kenobi of a creature from a child's nightmares. From the corner of his eyes, he noticed Commander Cody and his soldiers raise their weapons, but they stood down once the Jedi waved them down.
"What brings you to our planet?" The Pau'un pressed on. Obi-Wan noticed that the minister was flanked by a handful of bodyguards.
"Unfortunately, there is a war raging across the galaxy as we speak," the Jedi said.
"Oh yes, the war." Tion's teeth formed into a crooked smile. "The one you brought with you."
"Well, I would like to put an end to it just as much as you," Obi-Wan stated. " Perhaps with your permission, we can establish a base here before I go after General Grievous and the Separatist leaders."
Tion glanced at his entourage before returning his gaze onto the intruders. He then leaned in to whisper in the Jedi's ear.
"He's here. He is on the tenth level with thousands of droids at his command."
"Thank you for the information. Tell your people to take shelter while we put an end to him. If you have any warriors to spare, please ask them to assist us. The Republic thanks you for your assistance."
The Pau'un nodded before he left. Obi-Wan turned to address the troops under his command.
"I will go ahead and probe for the general. Stay here and stave off any attack on the locals."
"As you wish, General."
Cody turned to address his troops as the Jedi donned his cloak and left to find the enemy.
It wasn't long until the low buzzing sound of droid bombers tore through the sky.
"Prepare for battle!"
Blaster fire lit the air as the Grand Army of the Republic and the Separatist droid army clashed.
In front of the commander, Wrangler took a hit to the side and collapsed to the floor. Firing his blaster rifle around him to stave off the attacking clankers, Commander Cody made a dash to his troop's side and checked him over.
"We need a medic here and now!" He shouted.
Around him the broken pieces of droids mixed with the fallen bodies of his brothers as the battle raged on. They were largely successful in preventing the conflict from spilling over to the civilian population although a Hyena bomber they had shot down landed in a fuel depot, igniting it and destroying the port. He had hoped Kenobi would make haste and neutralize Grievous and the other Seppies while they still had the energy to fight. This could be the battle to end all battles or even the war for that matter.
" Ratchet, there you are," He addressed the medical clone as he arrived by the wounded trooper's side."Take him to the side and treat him."
He then left to lead the battle against the droid army. Behind him, two AT-TE tanks blasted away at the advancing enemy while in the air, a few Venator-class star destroyers bombed the columns of droids marching their way, greatly reducing their numbers. Time seemed to be moving in the Republic's favor. It was only a matter of time until victory was at hand.
Where are you, General Kenobi?
His eyes then landed on the cliff side where flashes of blue and green indicated a lightsaber battle. That must be General Kenobi and General Grievous battling it out.
I have faith in you, general. You got this.
Cody felt his comm beep. Curious,he took it out and a hologram of the Chancellor glowed a bright blue hue.
"Commander Cody, the time has come. Execute Order 66."
"It will be done, my lord." The clone commander turned to the AT-TEs. "Blast him!"
One of the turrets turned toward the cliff where their commander and the supreme leader of the droids brawled. With a bang that echoed across the whole level, a blazing blue ball hurtled toward the cliff side before it made contact. The troops cheered as a ball of dust rose from the area that was struck. It seemed that they had killed two birds with one stone. He had to make sure though.
"You three!" The commander shouted at three of his stealthiest troopers. "Come with me. Cruisers, tanks, more firepower! The rest of you,I trust you to end this battle right when I return."