"Viceroy Organa, we are coming upon our destination. We are now leaving hyperspace."
The Senator from Alderaan glanced out the cockpit windows of the Consular cruiser as the blue flashes of hyperspace gave way to the vastness of realspace, complete with the colorful and bright dots of planets, stars, and nebulas. Before them, a large dust-colored planet loomed ahead like a large moon, beckoning for them to make port. This was Mandalore, a neutral world during the Clone Wars located in the Outer Rim.
"Should we make landfall or keep to the world's atmosphere?" One of the royal Alderaanian navy pilots glanced at his superior for an answer.
"You should check for Imperial forces before attempting a landing," a gruff voice said from behind the senator.
Bail Organa turned to see Rahm Kota, accompanied by a couple of his Patriot's brigade militiamen, stand against the door frame of the cockpit.
"There's no need. Mandalore's defining feature was its neutrality during the war. Her ruler, the late Duchess Satine, sided with neither the Republic or the Separatists."
"That's correct. That is what made it ripe for Maul's Shadow Collective to take over and use it as a capital planet for neutral systems. It was to them as Coruscant was to the Republic and Serenno was to the Confederacy."42Please respect copyright.PENANAebZny58ROZ
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Obi-Wan Kenobi had appeared outside the small room and glanced between the men. Rahm Kota fidgeted slightly in the tense silence that followed before he decided to break it.
"Is that so? However, it may not be for long if the Empire decides to subjugate the world and annex it to its ever-growing collection of planets. "
Master Kenobi nodded. "True, which is why need to make haste and locate our contacts before the Emperor turns his attention to the planet. Padawan Tano over there knows the workings of Sundari like the back of her hand due to undertaking a mission in the city prior to Order 66 happening. I was worried that she was done for, but I'm relieved you were able to spare her from the fate that befell the rest of the Jedi."
While speaking, the Jedi Master motioned to the hall where Ahsoka, visible by her white and blue-marked lekku and montrials, strolled by, passing two Naboo Senate guards ,who were deep in conversation. Hearing her name being mentioned by Master Kenobi, the former Jedi Padawan froze on her tracks and turned toward the men discussing her.
"Are we talking about me now?" She raised an eyebrow, playfully glancing between Obi-Wan and Senator Organa. "I hope you are speaking highly of me."
Master Kenobi chuckled. "Fear not, Padawan Tano. We were giving you naught but praise. You earned it for your feat in capturing Maul."
"Only to set him free," General Kota grumbled.
"I had no choice," Ahsoka contended. "I needed a distraction to get Rex and I out of there!"
"And where is he now?" the grumpy and generally drunk Jedi general demanded.
"We had to part ways so he split off to a place he told me where no clone would think of looking for him," Ahsoka responded coolly. " The last time I heard from him was a transmission from Mandalore. I am not sure if he had some unfinished business here or if something perhaps caught his eye. Maybe he extrapolated on the fact that no one will search for him on the very place he left behind."
General Kota just shrugged. "That's probably for the best as you probably learned the hard way, clones are not to be trusted. I've been telling you this for three years, but you guys never learn until it was too late."
Ahsoka rolled her blue lightsaber-colored eyes. "Please, I trust Rex with my life anyday. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here now."
Obi-Wan exchanged a glance with Bail Organa before speaking. "Now, now, no one could have foreseen what was going to happen. I don't blame any Jedi who formed a deep bond with their clone army. Commander Cody saved my life on numerous occasions."
"Whatever," Kota muttered. "None of you ever learn."
Ignoring the drunkard's snide remark, Obi-Wan turned back to Anakin's former Padawan. "I assure you that we'll also make make recovering Rex a priority as we find Skirata and his soldiers. I was wondering if you could brief us on the situation on the ground since you were on Mandalore last."
"Alright, here's how it was like last time I stepped foot on the planet."
Ahsoka's eyes searched the crowd that gathered around the debriefing room's metal blue table. Most of the attendees were either Alderaanian or Naboo senatorial guards, soldiers, navy crew, or part of Rahm Kota's militia. That was not counting the clones who defected from the Grand Army of the Republic. The remaining few were the Jedi who miraculously survived the Purge. The former Padawan took a breath before continuing on the briefing.
"As you all were aware, Mandalore remained neutral during the war, but that didn't spare it from conflict. Ever since Duchess Satine was deposed, Maul and his Shadow Collective, that is the umbrella term the criminal syndicates under his influence go by, have taken over the planet, but with our assistance, Satine's sister Bo-Katan, the leader of the Nite Owls, were able to launch a counterattack to liberate Mandalore from Maul and his Death Watch super commando troops, but now they are locked in a civil war with Tiberius Saxon, Gar Saxon's brother, for control of the planet. "
The Togruta waited for a moment to let the facts sink in before continuing.
"Our mission is to head to the surface to rendezvous with and pick up a group of people and head out fast. We aren't sure if we could attract the attention of a hostile or friendly faction so we should drop in and find our recipients which will now include Captain Rex before flying out of there. Mandalore may remain neutral for now, but we must not forget to factor in the chance that the Empire may want to bend the planet to its will or even induce it for that matter. Besides, we aren't sure if the faction that wins will swear allegiance to the Emperor or have Imperial sympathies." Her attention turned to the six ARC troopers, their helmets exuding foreboding looks amid the light blue glow of the room , who stood rigid with anticipation as they watched her speak. "Nulls, what do you suggest is the best course of action?"
One of the caped troopers who had armor similar to Rex's phase one design, Ahoska believed he was referred to as Prudii, took over the briefing. "Thank you, master Jedi. It is as you say. We need to pull a quickie and retrieve Kal'buir, Ruu, Nyreen, and Omega Squad before bailing out of there to avoid the risk of exposure to Imperial or hostile Mandalorian forces. The last transmission I received from them was near Ronion where they were staking out. I strongly suggest we land in a dry field outside of the city and we'll begin our SAR objective from there while attracting the least amount of attention."
"Sounds like a plan, but there is one thing I'd like to know," Bail Organa mused. "How will be make it on to the surface without anti-aircraft weapons or hostile aircraft being made aware of our presence?"
Commander Doom, leader of what was left of the Doom Legion that was led by sisters Tiplee and Tiplar, lend his voice for the first time. "That's what I was wondering, especially with the rader showing the skies over Sundari and other war zones swarming with those Mandalorian attack craft, the name slipped my mind."
"Gauntlet." Ahsoka and the royal blue -armored trooper, Mereel, answered simultaneously.
Kazdan sniggered. "No matter, I'd try to find a way to throw of those kath hounds scent on my own,but seeing as we are pressed for time, maybe Echo and his 99 boys can find a way to mask our scent from the Gauntlet starfighters and ground-based radars."
Seeing every eye in the room turn to him where he stood with the rest of his mutated brothers, Echo nodded his head. "Of course, I can mask our signal from any rader within the vicinity, especially those of starships, but I can't guarantee that our range can blindside the whole planet."
"That will be good enough for now," Obi-Wan commended the former Domino Squad ARC. "Now we shall decide who will accompany us to the ground?"
"I suggest we split our strike force in order to cover more ground," Ahsoka advocated. "For example, one side searches for Skirata and his companions while the other forages for Rex. That way, we can complete our objectives quicker and be out of there before the factions on the ground can discover our presence."42Please respect copyright.PENANAa0h3KnJwFj
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"Actually, I think it's better that we stick together for this one." Rahm Kota drained a bottle of Spice Runner rum. "I'm not saying the Togruta's idea is wrong, but for this mission, we need to stick together in case we encounter any hostiles. We have greater strength in numbers.
Obi-Wan just sighed. "I can't argue with that." The blue-eyed Jedi turned to the attendees. "Alright, anyone who wishes to accompany our small landing party is welcome to join."
"Are we going to blow stuff up?" Wrecker asked.
"Now you are talking!" Scorch the Delta Squad Commando patted the Bad Batch clone on the back.
"I swear that you both are impossible!" Hunter grunted.
Boss shook his head. "Tell me about it. Those two make quite a pair."
"No, there won't be much explosions in this venture unless it's absolutely necessary," Bail Organa objected apprehensively. "You don't want to draw any unnecessary attention to yourselves-or me, for that matter. "
"Ah, you ain't fun!" Wrecker grumbled.
"Wrecker, do shut up!" Crosshair and Tech hissed.
"Clone Force 99 is in!" Hunter stepped forward.
"Delta Force will commit its troops," Boss chimed in.
"I will be wherever the action is!" Rahm Kota stepped forward as well.
"I got to see this!" Kazdan the Aleena Jedi fidgeted his fingers in an excitable manner.
"You can count us in!" Karma and Karnage stepped forward.
Sanjira activated her green saber. "Another Jedi on the team can only help you."
Captain Fordo stepped forward with two of his Muunilinst 10 troops beside him. "I'll be happy to serve by your side once more, General Kenobi, although the rest of my men will stay behind to watch over Captain Kardo and his men should they awake."
Obi-Wan smiled. "I am flattered to have you at my side once more, Fordo. Shall we make haste?"
Ahsoka quietly observed the proceedings, crossing her arms as she anxiously awaited the moment they'd board a shuttle to the surface of a planet that held memories of a time that held a special place on the young Togruta's heart.
"Very well." Senator Organa glanced between the attendees. "If that is the amount of troops that will touch down on the surface, then I'll keep the Envoy up in the stratosphere to stay as inconspicuous as possible. I'll be here if Senator Amidala needs my attention."
"I'll stay onboard to scramble their radars to give you the window needed for the success of the mission," Echo stated.
"I'll alert Blackout and Colt to your arrival," Mace Windu declared.
Master Yoda bid the group farewell. "Good luck, you will need. May the Force be with you."
"You got this!" Jaun and Rashela shouted words of encouragement. Eyghor raised his saber as a symbol of faith. Ahsoka waved at the Jedi knights.
"Thanks for the inspiration. The only one I needed was to rescue Rex." She nodded at the Nulls. "Prudii, Ordo, Kom'rkk, Aden, Jaing, and Mereel, let's go find Skirata and Rex!"
"Just don't get to ahead of yourselves!" Obi-Wan warned his former apprentice's own former Padawan. He sighed as he looked to Fordo and Rahm Kota. "I hope they understand what they are getting into, especially with a tenuous situation on the ground."
The red-armored clone laughed as he donned his BARC helmet with the Jaig eyes. "That's the spirit of battle calling, sir. Us clones were bred for to answer its call. "
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"We are touching down outside of Ronion. "
Obi-Wan held onto a rail as the LAAT gunship dove to the field, the vegetation looking worn and dry, a hay-like color from a view in the heavens. As Blackout made the announcement, the Stewjon Jedi glanced around the packed gunship at the mostly militia or clone troops that were being sent on a recovery mission on the wasteland that served as the countryside of Mandalore. He recalled Satine telling him that this was a result of the planet's warmongering past. War wasn't pretty, but sometimes it was necessary. Satine did share the pacifistic view of the old Jedi Order. If only the recently fallen Order had the same ideals as her, perhaps it wouldn't have crumbled at the Emperor's whim.
"Come on, move out!"
Hearing the blue-clad Null bark orders, the team spilled out of the LAAT and fanned out, glancing around the open field. Obi-Wan had spotted a steel gray building in the distance where the city of Ronion was outlined like a bright mirage in the desert. As a small zephyr tossed his beige cloak into the air as he deduced the building to be a shed of some sorts. He decided to ask his longtime clone friend other than Cody.
"Fordo, can you give me a rundown of that structure at our 11 0'clock?"
"Sure thing, General." The ARC used his rane-finder antenna like a binocular to check out the designated structure. "It looks like a weapons storage facility or some industrial factory if you ask me."
"Seems too small to function as such," Obi-Wan murmured. "I wonder if our quarry our inside."
"We won't know if we don't check it out," Ahsoka insisted. "There is only one way to find out."
"Actually, there is more than one way."
Hunter appeared between Ahsoka and Obi-Wan as he removed his gray, red, and ebony helmet as he sniffed the air ,narrowing his eyes at the building. After a moment that seemed to last several seconds, he turned back to the Jedi.
"You are forgetting that my mutation results in my senses being enhanced. To answer your question, there are several individuals present in that building. Perhaps you'd want to check it out as it could be the very people you seek. "
Ahsoka stepped forward, fingering her belt which held a lightsaber. Obi-Wan was unsure of how she'd gotten ahold of a new one after ditching hers when she left the Order and survived Order 66.
"Yes, I believe we should. Master Kenobi, Null troops, come with me! Perhaps Rex and your master are there!"
"Very good!" Prudii readied his DC-15.
"Wait, let me establish contact with Kal'buir first!"
As the red-caped Null tried to use his comm to establish contact with his 'father', Obi-Wan overheard Delta Squad's Fixer explain to Kom'rk about how they came to renounce the newly-formed Empire.
"Ever since we were restructured into the new specialist unit that was later integrated into the 501st Torrent Battalion onto Kashyyyk, we were tasked with hunting down rogue Jedi like Quinlan Vos and clones who had deserted the Grand Army or harbored rebellious intent, but after we located our quarry, he was able take us out and remove the chips the fish-heads installed in our heads back in Kamino. Master Vos could have killed us like he did to Commander Burute, but he didn't. For that, I am forever grateful to him and Delta Squad hasn't forgotten his deed. We intend to go back in order to repay Master Vos, but in the meantime, we would love to see Sergeant Skirata once more. If only Walon Vau-"
Heeding Fordo's warning, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and General Kota glanced up to see an incoming rocket streak toward them. Drawing his saber, the Jedi from Stewjon heard and felt the explosion of its impact as the sky above was filled with Mandalorians in red and black armor with horn designs, flying around in jetpacks as they took potshots at the SAR team. As Obi-Wan Kenobi reflected the blaster shots back at the Mandos, he instantly recognized them as the supercommandos that served as Maul's soldiers. He had hoped that they'd disband after Maul's defeat by Ahsoka and Rex's hands, but that didn't seem to be the case here.
"Sir, get down!"
Fordo tackled Obi-Wan to the ground as a few blue and silver-streaked Gauntlet fighters zipped by over, firing green lasers at the troops. A few of Rahm Kota's elite militants and a white-armored clone went down in the air raid as the remaining soldiers crouched down on the rugged terrain embellished with dry vegetation, firing at the jetpack-bearing Mandos.
"Nice save, Captain!" Obi-Wan used the Force to push two supercommandos into the way of a Gauntlet, causing a bright fireball in the arid climate.
"Don't mention it!" The red ARC fired blasts from his hand blasters, knocking out maroon-clad Mandos out of the sky.
"If you want to blow things up, now's the chance, Wrecker!" Crosshair ordered as he picked off Saxon's supercommandos out of the sky with extreme precision.
"Now your talking!" Wrecker shouted as he fired a RPS-6 rocket launcher at a red and black Gauntlet making a low pass, resulting in flaming debris raining out of the sky.
"Two can play at that game!" Scorch threw a thermal detonator into the air, engulfing the armored Mandos unlucky enough to be close.
Tech shook his head. "Those two are unstoppable, aren't they?"
"That's only logical, given their mindset," Foxer responded.
It's good to see the Bad Batch and Delta Squad coordinate, Obi-Wan thought as he watched Hunter and Boss fighting off the enemy. Ahsoka used the Force to push their floating assailants into each other while General Kota used his powers to turn the enemy's weapons on each other as his troops and the clones fired into the air, covering all angles. Sanjira bounded into the air and cut the jetpack of each supercommando that flew to close and also reflected Tyger's, Karma's, and Karnage's shots into the red and black-congested airspace. Kazdan Paratus used his arms to take on several enemies at once, the lightsabers flashing blue and green, as his droids, some designed to look like robotic clones, guarded his blind spots.
"There's too many of them!" Karma stated as he shot of several blaster pistol rounds.
Sure enough, the former general of the 212th saw that no matter how many DeathWatch commandos or starfighters they took out, their numbers multiplied and still showed no signs of showing. The SAR force was starting to wear out and it was a matter of time until they were overrun. Then they'd be at the mercy of the Saxons.
"Who's that?" Sanjira pointed toward the horizon.
Obi-Wan peered into the direction the fiery Jedi mentioned and noticed a large silver freighter with orange markings appear, firing on the DeathWatch commandos with its small cannons. It's weapons may have appeared feeble compared to the Gauntlet, but at least it could get the job done. All that mattered was it had scattered the numerous forces of the supercommandos.
"Kal'buir!" One of the Nulls, Jaing, shouted as he motioned to a supercommando with rusty orange and bronze armor that contrasted with the disquieting ones of the Saxons.
That one must be Skirata.
As the battle intensified, Obi-Wan was pressed closer to the shed he wanted to check out earlier and desired to know who the occupants inside were. Rex and the Omega commandos may be inside, either holed up from the battle or as prisoners of the Saxon forces.
I should approach with caution, especially if the latter case proves true.
Obi-Wan pressed his hand on the wall and the silver door slid open with a loud whoosh. Lightsaber active as the only source of light, he steadily entered the establishment, searching the darkness for any signs of life.
"Rex? Omega? Hello?"
He heard the sounds of chains rustling and a voice echo across the vast dark room.
"Who goes there? Please reveal your presence unless you prefer taking blaster bolts from my men."
The lights turned on overhead as various platforms and railings filled with various aliens from Pykes to Weequay to Falleen, bearing blasters trained upon Obi-Wan. The Jedi master raised his weapon.
"I am not here to fight you. The matters of the crime syndicates don't concern me. I seek one thing. Anyone seen an ARC or commando trooper? I'll promise I'll take my leave once I find my I seek."
A voice called out from the shadows. "Ah, Kenobi. What a surprise. You have no idea how long I've waited for this. My patience has been rewarded. "
The smooth and menacing voice sounded familiar. A chill ran through the Jedi's veins.
No, it can't be!
The former Sith apprentice strode out from the darkness and ignited his double-bladed lightsaber.
"It's time to end this once and for all, Kenobi."
Obi-Wan took a breath before settling in his typical offensive stance. "You've left me no choice, Maul."
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Uh-oh, this isn't good. How will this end for our favorite Jedi Master? Can he fight his way out of this situation or will he use his wits instead?
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