"We've got frigates and patrol ships bearing our way at high speed. Who will engage them while the rest of us carry out our objective?"
In reply, several Z-95 Headhunters broke away from the main body of the Republic strike force and went to engage the extras in Utapau airspace. RP-233 led the attack on the first Separatist warship, red lasers streaking to his starship to the enemy starship. Evading green laser fire, the clone pilot let loose a proton torpedo at his target. His wingmen followed suit. The resulting flames erupting from the damaged freighter signaled that the attack was successful and the ship was down for the count. Now it was time to move on to the remaining Separatist reinforcements.
"Double time to the nearest Seppie ships! Let's show those clankers what clones are capable of!"
The rest of the pilots radioed in their affirmation as they spread out like birds of prey to harass their targets. Evading green lasers, RP-233 employed evasive maneuvers as he fired at the nearest Munificent-class battle frigate.
"We've got droid fighters coming in hot!"
Glancing over his shoulder after his wingman's remark, RP-233 spotted a squadron of several fast moving gray bulbous objects. He knew they were not just ships, but were alive and unpiloted.
"24 and 25, you deal with those moving scrap metals. We'll finish off the rest of the enemy ships."
"Yes sir!"
As the two Headhunters broke off to engage the advancing enemy, the clone pilot and his wingmen closed in to finish off the enemy reinforcements. As RP-233 raked laser fire across the helm of a droid patrol ship, he noticed many colorful shapes zip by from the corner of his eyes. It was the first time the V-wings were put into action during the war. He couldn't help, but be awed as his fellow pilots tested the new starfighters against the looming blue-purple silhouette of a Munificent-class destroyer. A shrill scream from one of his wingmen caught his attention.
"11, what's your status?" He radioed in, concerned about his fellow clone.
"Buzz droids are everywhere! They-j-jus-Aah!"
RP-233 was shaken to the core as radio silence followed. Every clone pilot dreaded the buzz droids. They may seem small and insignificant, but they could prove to be lethal in many cases and are not to be taken lightly. Turning his Z-95 toward where he last assumed his brother to be, he was greeted by the sight of a buzz droid swarm all over the starfighter. There was no way 11 would get out of that one alive.
This is for you, brother. We will live to fight another day in your memory. Your sacrifice will not be in vain.
RP-233 fired a proton torpedo, causing the infected Headhunter to blossom in a bright flame. He turned his attention back to his previous target.
Now, the Seps will pay in blood-scratch that,I mean oil and scrap metal for all of my brothers who have fallen by their hands.
The OOM commander droid glanced up at the tactical droid aboard the Providence-class dreadnought bearing down on Yularen's Venator.
"We have lost contact with few of our patrol ships, including a few battle frigates. The Republic still seems to have their spacecraft intact despite our efforts in staving off any clone starfighter resistance. "
"Oh drat!" The tactical droid whirred as it glanced out the porthole window at the space battle. Green and red lasers streaked back and forth as the Republic and Confederacy forces traded fire. "At this rate, I'd calculate an 87.543% chance of failure. Kegruc will put us in the scrap pile for sure."
The battle droid commander shuddered at the thought of being cut down for scrap metal and salvaged for reasons that went beyond his programming. It was of paramount importance that they emerge victorious from this engagement for not just the CIS's sake, but their own as well. The alarms then squawked.
"We have incoming Republic fighters!"
The droid commander and the tactical droid glanced at the holoscreen to see several red flashes zeroing in on the dreadnought.
"Get the fighters and buzz droids to hightail it out of the hangars and engage the vile clone pilots!" The tactical droid ordered.
"Roger roger!"
The two droids watched as the droid fighters and bombers took off from the hangars to meet the onslaught of clones. The OOM commander viewed the battle alongside the tactical droid in nervous anticipation as the skirmish raged on outside. The losses and numbers seemed about even for both sides as occasional explosions blossomed here and there like fireworks. It wasn't long before the ship jolted as if it took a massive punch to the side. Struggling to stay on their feet, the two superior droids turned to ask the droid team for a damage report.
"Umm, it appears that we had taken a hit on the starboard flank." One droid glanced up at his superiors.
"By whom? A clone starfighter?" The tactical droid demanded.
"No, one of the Republic cruisers is lining up in broadside position of our starboard side."
"Actually, we have a second boxing us in from the the port side. We are trapped!" A second droid shrieked.
Glancing out the window, the OOM droid felt his gears quaking as the looming cruiser came into focus, the bright lights of the cabins visible. The sight of the wedge-shaped destroyer never ceased to terrorize the battle droid. 90% of the encounters with these ships never ended up with in victories for the CIS navy. That is when the Venator open fired on the dreadnought with green lasers.
"How our are shields holding?" The tactical droid addressed the droid crew of the Providence-class destroyer.
"They are taking too much fire!They won't be able to sustain anymore!"
No sooner had the droid stated that had the sirens wailed. The shields were down. Then, the ship started to quake as if a child was shaking it. The laser cannons of the enemy ships tore into the body of the dreadnought from all sides. It would be a matter of time until it would be all over for the droid crew. The tactical droid and the commander droid exchanged knowing glances. At least they won't be around to face the wrath of the Lazareen commander.
"Success! The enemy capital ship is now a wreck!"
The crew aboard the first Republic cruiser cheered as they viewed the bright explosion that used to be an enemy dreadnought. The wreckage would now float through Utapau's airspace for a while, leaving bits scattered about for scavengers. The clones working out the controls tracked the remaining droid ships around the battlefield and relayed the coordinates to Yularen and the starfighter crew. It appeared that all that remained of the attacking CIS fleet was the leading Subjugator, a Providence, a heavy cruiser, and a Gozanti-class cruiser. This information didn't regard Grievous's flagship, which was still engaging Yularen's ship.
"Sir!" A clone with blue markings around his armor ran up to the commander of the Venator. "What are your orders? Should we eliminate the enemy ships?"
"Give them something to think about while Yularen's team successfully intercepts the Patriot's Fist."
"On it!"
The clone left to reiterate the order to the rest of the crew. The commander glanced out the triangular window to see the space illuminated by bright flashes of red, orange, green, and blue. It was as if they were inside of a nebula.
Commander Kegruc glanced at the Super Tactical droid beside him. The mechanical genius returned his gaze with its yellow eyes, resembling suns on distant worlds.
"We have lost a good portion of our fleet. The Republic has lost mainly starfighters, but we lost many capital ships in our fleet. I recommend we-"
"I don't give a bantha's rear what you recommend!" Kegruc roared, slamming his scaled fist onto the control board. "This is unacceptable. Can't you droids do anything right? We have only taken out one enemy cruiser. We need to take out one more or I'll burst!"
One droid scurried over to the raging Lazhareen. "Uh, sir? General Grievous is waiting on the other line."
Cursing, Kegruc cursed as he motioned for the droid to open the hologram. It seems like the Leader of the Separatist military wanted to berate him for his incompetence. Bracing himself for abuse, the Separatist commander projected the blue ethereal form of the cyborg Kaleesh onto the middle of the gray interior of his destroyer.
"General Grievous, what can I do for you?"
The cyborg snarled at the commander. "Save the pleasantries. We don't have time for it. I need you to order the remaining ships in your command to attack the Republic destroyers in order to divert their attention from us. Once you have completed that task, I need you to set course for Mustafar. Is that clear?"
"Wait, so you are asking me to sacrifice the remaining ships in my fleet?" Kegruc frowned.
"Are you deaf?"Grievous snarled. "That is what I just ordered you to do. Make haste, time isn't on our side. I will meet you there."
"Very well.It will be done, General."
Kegruc shut off the hologram and ordered the remaining Separatist ships to converge on Yularen before having the hyperspace coordinates to Mustafar logged in. In a matter of seconds, the fish-shaped destroyer had entered the shimmering blue space.
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Well now, as the space battle over Utapau winds down, where do things go from now? Also, no worries, we will get to Obi-wan and Grievous in the following chapters. May the force be with you all.
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