"Stars above! Fordo, I haven't seen you since the stints on Concord Dawn and Dathomir. What have you been up to?"
The red-adorned ARC, still wearing the Jaig-eyed helmet that Obi-Wan had gifted him after the success of the Dathomirian assignment, stayed quiet for a bit as he steered the Jedi through the obsidian halls of the CIS's Mustafar station. Lasers shot through the air as the rescue squad engaged the droids that were guarding the prisoners. Kenobi noticed that while most of the small squad had borne ARC or ARF trooper armor, but there were some who were dressed as normal clones, both in Phase 1 and 2, with various color schemes. They were likely a motley crew of GAR troops from different units merged into one squad. Surely, they were part of the group who didn't turn against the Jedi Order and the Republic. Once they exited the Separatist's hideout and entered a small island in the middle of the lava that served as the Separatist's main hangar, Obi-Wan's clone friend, other than Cody, turned to converse with the Jedi Master.
"Well General Kenobi, as a freelancing captain, you can find me where the action is occurring. I showed up and offered my services when duty called in Hypori, Muunilinst, Mandalore,Dathomir, and even Florrum."
Master Kenobi smiled. "Sounds like you've been busy, I don't expect any less from an outstanding soldier like you. Many Jedi, including myself, owe my life to you. "
"Don't flatter me." Fordo then drew his double blaster pistols, similar to Captain Rex's signature weapons, and faced the onslaught of battle droids that included B-2s, commandos, droidekas, and a B-3 ultra battle droid. "As I said before, I only answer to the call of duty. My objective is to get you to the Envoy safely. You can thank me once we are up there."
"The Envoy?" Obi-Wan frowned. "I am afraid I don't-"
The clone turned and handed Obi-Wan a familiar cylindrical weapon. "My apologies for not informing you earlier, but I found your lightsaber lying on the ground. You may have dropped it when you were captured. I figured you might need it."
"Oh, well how considerate of you, Captain." Obi-Wan, internally beating himself up for forgetting the most essential segment of a Jedi, took his lightsaber and ignited it, the green blade humming to life once more. Ironic that he once berated his apprentice for forgetting his lifeline and weapon yet somehow his was lost at one point. It was by pure luck that Grievous or one of his mechanical guards didn't pick it up."How else will I take on the remnants of the Separatist forces?"
That was when several lasers from the droid's blasters shot toward him. He used his neon green blade to deflect them back, but for each he deflected, more honed in on him. This was tiring work, but it was necessary. From the corner of his eye, he spotted Kardo and his special ops clones fight off a force of droidekas and commandos while the relief team held off the B-2s and all other clankers encircling them. He supposed that the clone captain that had brazenly infiltrated Grievous's flagship deep into enemy territory for the sole purpose of eradicating him would relish in the company of his clone brethren, but one question nagged at Obi-Wan. Will they make another attempt at his life once given the opportunity? What will stop Captain Fordo and his motley crew from doing the same?
"Captain, I know that we are occupied at the moment with more pressing matters, but may I request that we have a little chat?" General Kenobi sliced the head of a rusty gray Bx-Commando before turning to address the ARC of his concerns without waiting for an approval. Why should he? As a 'general', he technically outranked Fordo. "I don't understand why most of the clones turned against the Jedi at the Chancellor's command yet you and the group that had busted me and the Special Ops out of that prison hadn't put a blaster shot through me-at least not yet. How did this come to be? Or are you planning to capture me first like the Separatists had and interrogate me under torture?"
Captain Fordo dropped two droids with his pistol before grabbing a B-1 by the neck and slamming it down before responding to his Jedi companion. " Unlike the vast majority of my brothers, a small contingent of clones and I had our inhibitor chips removed. At first, I was dubious about the claims made about the purpose of those chips, but upon encouragement from Rex and support from the rest of the specialized troops, I complied with the plan to remove it lest it affect me further down the road. Now that I witnessed the true nature of having it lodged in your brain, I have no regrets. I owe Fives a big one for that."
"I see." Obi-Wan cut through an advancing B-2 before sending two more flying into the column of its brethren. "That was a devious plan the Chancellor concocted. It was ingenius how he had us hoodwinked from the start. Now that the veil has been removed from our eyes of his true nature, perhaps others like us can rally the rest of the galaxy to take action instead of complacently laying back and accepting a Sith Lord's order."
How could Master Yoda, Master Windu, and the others have failed to recognize that a Sith Lord was hatching an ingenious plan to take over the galaxy and he was right under our very noses? Has the Order become too blinded by the Light that we failed to sense the very person who plotted our doom was the one we served. I was none the wiser myself. It is very unfortunate that he played the us all like puppets, causing nothing less than chaos and destruction for countless planets, Republic or not, and capitalized on the moment to eradicate the Sith's arch nemeses and bring most of the known galaxy under Sith rule. What more would you expect from a Dark Side user?
"Now that's a big conjecture." Captain Fordo dived out of the way of a super battle droid's wrist rocket before tossing a thermal grenade at the advancing droids. "We are but only a handful in the galaxy. Furthermore, we don't even make up a fraction of the force that composes the newly established Galactic Empire. Besides, the Chancellor, who now uses the title Emperor, has vilified the Jedi and Republic so efficiently that the rest of the galaxy sees him as some sort of dear leader. We are no better than the Seps to them."
"Just great." Obi-Wan sighed as he pushed a B-2 onto a couple of destroyers. "We helm the most grueling battles of the war for three years and we end up as bloodthirsty as the Sith? I would expect some gratitude at the very least for sticking my neck out for the citizens of the Republic."
"No worries, you are a hero in my book. You even deserve a medal or two."
"You still haven't lost your sense of humor, haven't you, Fordo? That at least confirms the fact that clones aren't as simple as droids." Swinging his lightsaber at any hint of lasers or mechanical parts, the Jedi Master spotted Kardo and a few clones cornered against a volcanic rock by the hulking B-3. He then turned his attention back to the clone captain he trusted. "What about Kardo and his posse? Are they going to try to do me in once this whole affair winds down?"
Fordo glanced in the other captain's direction. "Oh! No worries, mate. Once we get onboard the Envoy, he and the remaining troopers under his command will have their chips removed. That way, he won't be gunning for you or any other Jedi for that matter."
"You still haven't explained to me what the Envoy is." Master Kenobi then saw the B-3 advance on Kardo's position. It was clear by the clone's backs against the wall, along with a few lying prone on the ground, that the battle against the CIS's latest machination of terror was not going in their favor. "I think you clone brothers are in dire streets with that monstrous droid. Perhaps we can lend them our assistance."
"You know what? I like that plan."
As Fordo trained his fire onto the back of the larger and more menacing version of the super battle droid, Obi-Wan took a flying leap and landed on the metal titan's shoulder. Temporarily distracted, the B-3 stumbled around and about, trying to buck the Jedi off like a bordok. The Jedi Master had maximized on that moment to study the anatomy of his mechanical foe.
It seems that this latest development from the Techno Union has an extra set of hands. Double the trouble for the clones. I can alleviate them the pain of avoiding more wrist rockets than necessary.
Obi-Wan Kenobi then slid down the droid's back and hacked away at its extra arms. The B-3 made a whirring sound that sounded to the Jedi like a frustrated shriek as he swung his lightsaber in a green arc. Soon, a second hand that possessed a flamethrower was sliced off. All that remained was the the sole hand that held a plasma cannon.
I've extended a helping hand. Now it's up to Kardo and his men to finish the job.
As the witty Jedi leapt off the gigantic metal humanoid, it turned toward him, the glaring red beacon that served as its eye, blazing a crimson color similar to Maul's lightsaber, fixing on him. If looks could kill, he'd be vaporized in an instant. As their eyes locked for an instant, the Jedi raised his fluorescent weapon as his artificially intelligent adversary raised its only weapon to obliterate the Force sensitive, but in the next second, a couple of bazooka shots slammed into it, putting the latest Separatist war machine out of commission. As the droid stumbled about like a drunkard before falling sideways on the landing pad with a loud thunk. Master Kenobi's sky-colored eyes then fell on Captain Kardo and another Special Ops clone under his command, noticing the RPS-6 launchers they both bore.
"Oh no," Obi-Wan muttered under his breath. "I hope those aren't meant for me."
Suddenly, zapping sounds were heard. A few seconds later, Captain Kardo and the soldiers serving under him fell limp on the ground. Startled, Obi-Wan Kenobi noticed the clone troopers that had accompanied Fordo, presumably what remained of the Muunilinst 10, holding out their blasters. Before the former general of the 212th Battalion could open his mouth, Fordo placed an armor-clad hand on his shoulder.
"No worries, mate. The blasters are set on stun. The next time they are on their feet, they won't be after you. Besides, you might become the best of friends."
Master Kenobi rolled his eyes as he glanced at his long-time friend."That's reassuring to hear. What's next?"
"We hightail it out of here." The ARC radioed for a lift on his comms as he turned back to the Jedi. "We will have to tread carefully from here on out. We may be innocent of treason and being enemy agents,but the rest of the galaxy won't see us like that. We will have to plot our next path with caution."
"When you say we, who are you referring to?"
Before the Jedi Master could receive an answer to his query, blaster bolts sizzled in the air. His eyes flitting around the area, he spotted several droids, including crab and spider droids, crawl out of the crevices of the nearby rocks. Before they knew it, a couple of tri-droids had risen from behind the compound they had just escaped from and loomed over the clones and the Jedi. If things haven't reached their breaking point, what remained of the CIS's forces that was composed of magnaguards and battle droids emerged, firing their blasters at the beleaguered and wary clones.
Good grief, can't we catch a break already?
Two seconds later, one of the tri-droids took a direct hit to its eye by a green laser while the dwarf spiders were blasted apart by projectiles. The familiar humming sound surrounded the Mustafarian airfield as three LAATs swooped in like shriek-hawks. Obi-Wan Kenobi watched in awe as the cleared more than half of the battlefield before completing one final roundabout and hovering above the fatigued clones and the Jedi. Obi-Wan, however, spotted the remaining tri-droid fixate its cannons onto the dropships.
Not today!
The Jedi used the Force to bend its cannons, making the immense Separatist weapon of terror incapacitated. Hearing a shout echo across the airfield littered with mechanical fragments, the clones and Obi-Wan glanced up to see a dark shape leap onto the octoptarra droid before leaping off toward the ground, laughing like maniac. Moments later, it exploded and collapsed to the sleek ground, resulting in a small earthquake and volcanic dust to rise.
"You got your chance, Wrecker. Now it's our time to shine!"
Once the familiar voice registered, Obi-Wan stared upwards in awe as he watched a few more dark shapes slide down the ropes of one of the Republic gunships as one sniped the remaining droids from the hatch. It wasn't long until more ropes were thrown down the sides of the gunships and many clones slide downard to finish off the droids and assist the Jedi, Fordo, and the clones that were affiliated with them. Obi-Wan already recognized some.
"Well if it isn't Hunter and the Bad Batch! It's been a while since we last met."
Hunter, the leader of the group, smiled as he removed his helmet and grapsed Obi-Wan's arm. "In the flesh, General Kenobi."
"What has transpired since Anaxes?"
Hunter chewed on his lip for a bit before responding to the Jedi Master. "Oh, quite the titillating missions a thrill seeker like myself enjoys. The higher the stakes, the more fun it is." He then glanced downard as the made it onto the LAAT. "Wrecker, you had your fun. Now, let's get going. There are more things to blow up later. " The mutated clone then glanced to his left at a clone with gray and black Katarn-class armor. "Nice shooting, Crosshair. I'm sure you remember General Kenobi. You know, the Jedi that lead Cody's unit?"
Crosshair removed his helmet and glanced over at Kenobi. "General Kenobi, how long has it been?"
"Quite a while!" Obi-Wan chuckled. "What brings you here?"
"Well, we couldn't let the regs have all the fun." The sniper chewed on a twig as he provided cover fire for the clones. "Echo, Wrecker, and Tech should be in soon. After all, it was his genius idea to utilize these bungee cords. You can also thank him for alleviating your burden."
"It was your sniping skills that took out that first balloon droid." Hunter patted his colleague's back before glancing back at Kenobi. "Crosshair needs to take credit where it's due."
In a matter of moments, Fordo, Kardo, and the rest of the rescue squad and Special Ops clones were on board the LA-AT as it flew off into the planet's atmosphere. The Jedi's blue eyes scanned the hatch and noticed that the clones escorting him off the planet bore different markings on their armor. He seen several with the Wolfpack's distinct gray marking, the lime green of the Doom Legion, a few 501st specialized troopers, some with purple patterns and motifs, and few of the forest camo scheme of the Dragon Brood. As they shot over what used to be the CIS safe haven, Obi-Wan had one question nagging on his mind.
"Am I the only Jedi that has survived this whole tribulation?"
Captain Fordo and Hunter turned toward him. "No, actually there are a handful of Jedi that have been as fortunate as you to escape with their lives. I'm sure Senator Organa will explain it all for you onboard his ship."
Senator Organa is here? Thank the stars! I thought I was to weather this nightmare alone.
That's when the screen on the side of the LAAT sprung to life and the kindly senator's face stared back at him. "Obi-Wan Kenobi! My dear friend, words can't express my relief that the effort to rescue you wasn't in vain. I am sure you have many questions, but we will have more time to discuss it on the Envoy. "
That was when the sapt Jedi felt a cold chill run through him. His eyes then went wide with anxiety as he glanced over the side of the gunship at the molten landscape of Mustafar that was quickly receding from view as they gained altitude.
No, it can't be!
A lone figure stood out on what appeared to be an airfield on the opposite side of the base he was liberated from. What stood out was the figure bore a bright blue lightsaber that was glowing like a lantern, but what enraptured the Jedi Master was the Force connection with this individual. He had felt this connection on countless missions throughout the war and there was no doubt this lonesome silhouette had sensed him as well. At first, he was in denial, but it was finally obvious who this person was. There was only one Jedi who had wavy sand-colored hair and a piercing determined hundred yard stare.
Anakin, what happened to you?
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Obi-Wan finally catches a break thanks to an old friend. Also, old faces like the Bad Batch and the Muunilinst 10 make appearances. However, Obi-Wan and Anakin know of each other's presences now. What will this mean for the two?
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