"May I ask where our next destination will be?"50Please respect copyright.PENANA0ZidhobkLL
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As the Envoy travelled through the warp known as hyperspace, Obi-Wan confronted Bail Organa, the senator from Alderaan, in his room. Senator Organa had two guards posted outside of the captain's quarters and two more beside him inside as a precaution although the Jedi Master felt that this was overkill. Who in their right mind would make an attempt on the Senator in the middle of an entourage of soldiers, clones, and Jedi? Surely, one would have to be brazen, foolhardy, or even a halfwit to carry out such a feat. Master Kenobi would never decipher the mind of such a bold individual, but that mattered very little right now. It was critical that they plan their next move carefully as they could run into another Imperial invasion armada, but this time they may not be as fortunate enough to escape the overwhelming odds. The Viceroy of Alderaan glanced up and smiled at the Jedi.
"Ah Master Kenobi, you arrived at an opportune time. I was just pondering the question you pitched. "
"I see." Obi-Wan stroked his chestnut brown beard. "I take it you have come upon a solution for it?"
Bail Organa sighed. "I am actually at an impasse. I was hoping you'd lend me your expertise in worlds that are safe from the Empire's claws."
The Jedi from Stewjon sighed. "Oh, dear me. It seems that I will carry the burden of every dissident's life on my shoulders. I was never like Master Windu or Yoda in situations like these. In fact, I wish I possessed their ability to think with levelheads-"
"So you will advise me?" Senator Organa interrupted.
Obi-Wan sighed. "I suppose the decision falls to me then. What would you like to know?"
The Alderaanian politician cleared his throat as he lay back in his leather chair. "Here are our two choices. Before we find someplace to settle like Naboo or somewhere out of the Empire's reach like Wild Space or stars forbid, the Unknown Regions, we need to make a stop out at one or two of the following locations."
Force, he takes an awful long time to get his point across.
The Jedi master raised an eyebrow. "Please do go on. I'm all ears."
Bail Organa's lips formed into a knowing smile. "I figured you wouldn't pass up a chance like this. " His left index finger trailed over a control board on his desk before he flicked a switch, displaying a blue holographic grid with red dots representing planets that were sprawled about the galaxy. "Recently, I was approached by Jedi Knight Eyghor Dragos along with Boss and the rest of Delta Squad to approach Kashyyyk to pick up his former master Quinlan Vos while the clone commandos want to find their companion who is presumably missing in action. They are pretty adamant in their declaration that this Sev is still alive in Kashyyyk somewhere and is awaiting extraction. I've got nothing to go off, but their words alone. What do you make of that?"
Perhaps you should just make a quick stop on the planet and let Dragos and Delta Squad find their quarry on the planet. Give them a two hour window at the most as the Imperial presence on the planet has to be heavy.
The senator from Alderaan continued on as if he never asked for the Jedi from Stewjon's opinion.
"To boot, Kazdan and clones like the Fordo, the Muunilinst 10, and even the Bad Batch are in favor of stopping at Felucia to find Jedi Master Shaak Ti. What business she had on the world is up for speculation, but as I hear two Padawans, Bariss Ofee and Mariss Brood are present as well. General Kota even concurs with their proposition as having more Jedi in the entourage would bolster our chances as a deterrent against the tyrannical government that has taken thw place of our beloved republic, wouldn't you say?"
Before Obi-Wan could open his mouth to issue a rejoinder, Senator Organa's brown eyes turned to the doorway.
"Ah, Sgt. Skirata, nice of you to grace us with your presence. What can I do for you?"
The smart-mouthed Jedi glanced toward the doorway to see the rusty-armored Mandalorian flanked by another Mandalorian, a female judging by the armor, with her head enclosed by a gray-blue helmet with a calico scheme. Behind them, Omega squad, clad in charcoal-colored armor and visors that glowed with various colors, and the Nulls stood back as if they were the Mandalorian's private security detail. Clearing his throat, the Mandalorian took a step forward and was about to speak when shouts and blaster fire cut him off. The familiar humming sound of a lightsaber resulted in Obi-Wan's eyes going wide.
"It appears you have a stowaway on board. If you feel it is in your best interest to investigate and apprehend the culprit. "
Master Kenobi couldn't agree more with the Mando's assessment. Igniting his lightsaber, he hurried alongside the clones to assist in taking down this intruder. Judging by the amount of blaster fire and lightsaber hums, the stowaway had to be one heck of a fighter. As he rounded a few hallways of the blue or white-lit interior of the Consular cruiser, the Jedi started to feel a disturbance in the Force not unlike the one he felt back on Mandalore. He felt his chest tightening as he came to the realization of who their foe is.
No, it can't be happening. How was he able to slink onboard a crowded ship?
Sure enough, once he rounded the final corner, his suspicions were confirmed as he viewed his arch foe take on a couple Jedi as well as the ship's security force. Knowing that he would need to eventually end his many encounters with his stalker, Kenobi took a breath and approached the interloper.
"We have met once more for the last time, Maul."
Which direction did he take? Is he alone now?
Maul crawled through the vents of the Envoy, searching for his target through the openings in the tunnels. All he saw were hallways where soldiers or crewmen patrolled the hall, chatted, or entertained themselves with Sabacc or Dejarik. After a fruitless ten minutes of crawling through the tunnels, the Nightbrother felt frustration slither through his veins like an Anacondan when he couldn't locate his quarry.
Where could Kenobi possibly be? That Jedi filth has to be on this ship! I've seen him enter with my own eyes. Could I have possibly missed a hall or chamber?
Before he could continue slinking in the shadows of the ship, the former Sith assassin formulated how to proceed from here without wasting anymore time. Using the Force, he closed his eyes and tried to find a connection with another Force user. After several minutes, he finally found a hit. In fact, he found one too many.
So there is more than one Jedi onboard this vessel. I see more survived Sidious's plot than thought possible. Which one is Kenobi?
The Zabrak couldn't decide whether to try his chances with the room where there were many Force sensitives or only one. Perhaps he would deal with them accordingly, taking them out one by one. After all, Force wielders had caused him nothing but pain.
I'll start with the one that's solo. Easier to take them isolated than together.
As Maul crawled through the endless presidential blue tunnels of vents, he heard voices flow through one of the openings. Pulling his sturdy tattooed arms across the coarse metal tunnels, he glanced downward at the hall to see a clone trooper stroll while two human soldiers in white, silver, and brown heavy gear, donning range visors, stood guard down the hall. He could faintly hear the voices of two men converse and strained to hear what they were saying. Though he couldn't quite make out their words, he recognized the voice of one of the conversationalists and felt the burning hate course through both his hearts.
So there you are, Kenobi. You won't escape your fate this time.
Suddenly, the former Sith assassin felt the vent lurch and give way. Using the force to balance himself, Maul landed feet first onto the cold metallic hall. Glancing up, he noticed the soldiers glance over at him as if he was a Force ghost that had materialized into the hallway before their eyes.
Kriff! Now that the element of surprise is lost, I guess I'll have to fight my way through this crowd.
As the clones and guards turned to fire upon the intruder, Maul raised his hands to Force push them while he used that chance to summon his double-bladed weapon. Force-choking the obstacles in his path, he used his weapon like a boomerang to dispatch them before moving on. As clones and other militants fired at him, he used his blade to deflect the bolts right back to their sources of origin as he scurried down the hall to where he last heard his nemesis's voice.
I'm coming for you, Kenobi!
As he used the Force to shove a blue-striped clone out of his way, he heard footsteps round the hallway before him as a few Jedi and patrolling troops came out from the entrances on his right and ahead. The Dathomirian Zabrak bared his teeth in rage as two of the Jedi, a wild-looking purple Aleena and a Pantoran with orange-tinted yellow hair, ignited their blades and lunged at him. Maul was able to parry and block their blows before returning some of his own while blaster bolts shot overhead.
"Not bad, you have strength and ferocity, but you lack in technique." Maul addressed the Aleena as he used the butt of his weapon to knock him back. He turned his attention to the Pantoran Jedi. "As for you, you are an amateur. I will end this quickly as I have business elsewhere. I don't have time to waste on the likes of you."
The Pantoran yelped as he was Force Pushed against the wall. As Maul raised his weapon to impale the maladroit Jedi, a green lightsaber intercepted his blow.
"Kenobi, you arrived at last!"
The former Sith turned to face his adversary, but was chagrined to see a pale red-haired woman with green eyes glowing like Mother Talzin's flames face him. Behind her, a squad of clones with orange and black stripes marking their armor aimed their weapons at him.
"You aren't who I'm after."
The Jedi Knight, her cream cloak fluttering as she traded blows with him, smirked."No, but I am after you now."
"I don't have time for this."
Seeing an opening, Maul used the Force to impel the fiery Jedi into her clone squad, sending them scattering like bowling pins. As he hurried along a corridor, he found his way hindered by a gray-haired Jedi, flanked by the heavies he saw earlier, who had his eyes covered by a cloth. He came to the realization that this man was blind.
"Remove yourself from my way or I'll smite you down where you stand!" The Nightbrother ordered.
The blind Jedi just snorted. "And why would I do that? The whole purpose is to prevent you from going further into the spacecraft. You'll have to get past me if you want to leave this corridor."
Maul clenched his jaw in fury. "Then you've chosen death. I am sick of playing games! This folly ends now!"
Howling in rage, Maul twirled his red-bladed weapon before striking the gruff blind Jedi. The two parried and struck as the man's militarized bodyguards engaged him, trying desperately to mark him. Utilizing the Force, Maul yanked a soldier between him and his opponent,using him as a shield. The man yelped as the blind Jedi's blade cut through him. The old man grimaced as Maul cackled.
"You are one conniving bastard."
Maul just let out an amused chuckle. "I'm flattered. You fight intensely for someone who lacks eyesight." Maul then flung the corpse of one of the man's troops onto him before hurrying down the hall. "I'd love to finish our duel, but the more time I spend here, the less time I have to take on Kenobi. I'm sure he's aware of my presence now."
As the ship's alarms blared, Maul sought a shortcut to where he felt his target was situated at , but a mass buildup of troops blocked his path. Several clones of different regiments melded into one, judging by the variance on their armor, aimed their blasters at him as two Jedi stepped forward, igniting their sabers. The Sith hopeful recognized the dark human with the purple lightsaber, which was good on his eyes, as Mace Windu and the knee-high toad with wrinkles as Yoda. It seems like stealth was no longer an option now as he would have to fight his way out of a sticky situation.
"Back for more, Maul? I promise to ensure that I'll kick your butt this time!"
Maul whirled to the left, clutching the centerpiece of his blade tightly as he faced the Togruta Jedi he had faced on Mandalore. The former Jedi smirked as she ignited two blades as she approached him. Before Maul could meet her halfway, his eyes landed on a figure that had burst out from the entrance of a white hall to the left of the hangar nearby. His eyes narrowed in recognition as he came face to face with his quarry.
"We have met once more for the last time, Maul."
As Kenobi spoke, Maul chuckled as he prepared to strike.
"You are correct. This will be our last fight."
As Obi-Wan lunged at him, Maul met his strike with his red blade. As the Jedi and the Sith assassin dueled, Ahsoka joined in. Maul let out a maniacal cackle as he turned to ward off the younger Jedi's blows.
"The more, the merrier. It seems you are eager to die as well, Padawan Tano."
"We will see about that."
As Ahsoka backed Maul into the hangar, the Nightbrother spotted nearby starfighters and gunships and decided to utilize them. Tapping from his depleting strength, he drew on the Force as he hurled a gunship with a Krayt Dragon design at his immediate opponents before throwing a Naboo fighter or two at the troops who pursued him. Obi-Wan and Ahsoka were able to prevent the gunship from landing on top of them while Mace and Yoda deflected the starfighters.
"Not bad, but I am far from done."
"As are we!" Ahsoka Tano hissed as they crossed blades once more. Maul used the center of his weapon to knock Padawan Tano back and made a leap at her, but Kenobi managed to obstruct the Zabrak's blow with his own saber.
"Not this time!"
Hissing in rage, Maul turned on Obi-Wan and was prepared to employ Force Rage to finish his arch rival once and for all, but he felt a jolt as if several electrical barbs had penetrated his body. It lasted about a second before his vision went black.
"It was great of you to keep one of these inside your ship as it did come in handy, Sergeant. "
As two clones carted away the vault containing Maul, the Zabrak's yellowish bestial eyes glared at them from behind his confines. Kal Skirata, standing by Ruusan and a woman he referred to as Ny, just nodded at Obi-Wan.
"Yes, my predecessors gained much of their glory by taking on Force wielders for generations so it would make sense for my people to conjure up some preparations so we wouldn't be disadvantaged should we go toe to toe with one of your people. That is not to say I approved of Demagol's techniques, but I learned a great deal from them."
Obi-Wan smiled at the Mandalorian as he stroked his beard. "No worries, no offense taken by me. Bygones will be bygones."
Skirata gave the Jedi a small smile. "I think I like you. "
As he turned to leave, Ordo the red-patched Null turned to him. "You shouldn't take that compliment lightly. Skirata doesn't always give praise to Jedi."
Then he heard footsteps echo down the hangar's hall and found himself face to face with the clone captain that had tried to eliminate him earlier.
"Captain Kardo, I must thank you for stepping in and stunning Maul. Who knows how much damage that rabid animal could have caused if he was left unchecked?"
The special ops clone, his visor glowing red, just shook his head. "No need to thank me, General Kenobi. I was only doing my duty. Besides, I needed to make it up to you for trying to kill you."
The brown-bearded Jedi raised his hands. "Oh, no need for that. I was quite aware that you were being influenced by your chip. You have my forgiveness, trooper."
That was when the ship lurched, signaling that they had exited hyperspace. Obi-Wan sauntered over to the window to get a view of what their destination was when he heard footsteps behind him and someone clearing his throat.
"While you and the soldiers were taking care of our uninvited guest, I have come to a decision about our next position. After studying the maps of the local sector, I realized that Kashyyyk was the closest one within our proximity. We will let Delta Squad and the Mirialan Jedi search for their contacts before we set off to Felucia."
Master Kenobi turned to face Senator Organa. "Sounds good to me."
"Senator Amidala, come back here at once!"
Alarmed, the senator and the Jedi glanced to the entrance of the hallway where C-3P0 stood, beckoning to Padme, who was glancing around, a baffled look on her face.
"What happened here?"
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