"Master Kenobi, a pleasure, it is. Relieved that you survived, we all are. Had faith in the Force, our small Council did."
"Master Kenobi, it's good to see you, too. Please join us. As a Jedi Master, your place is among the Council, after all."
As Mace Windu and Yoda acknowledged his presence, Obi-Wan glanced around the foyer-serving room and took in all the presences who had occupied the room, especially the surviving Jedi. Other than Master Windu, who bore a cybernetic right hand as a symbol of Anakin's betrayal, and Master Yoda, he recognized the Pantoran twins Jaun and Rashela seated beside the starboard side window of the cruiser while the remaining clones under their command who refused Palpatine's order, including ARC trooper twins Karma and Karnage, stood at attention, their magenta and mauve helmets glinting in the ship's light. Eyghor Dragos, the Mirialian pacificistic Jedi knight who detested conflict, stood with Major Drake and Lt. Frog , chatting with Kazdan Paratus, the nutty Aleena Jedi who specialized in droids. He was also surprised to see the the Null troopers, one of the first clones of Jango Fett from before a decade the Clone Wars started, standing beside the Leaders of the fallen Jedi Order. Against the port side of the ship leaned Jedi Knight Sanjira Kronin, recognizable by her emerald-colored eyes and her fiery red hair, reminiscent of her attitude. She was surrounded by Lt. Tiger, her clone liaison, and the few in the Tiger Squad who remained loyal to the Jedi Knight until the very end.
"Obi-Wan, what a surprise!" Eyghor glanced up at him once his presence in the room became known.
"Master Kenobi." Sanjira gave a curt nod.
"Welcome aboard, Master Kenobi!" Rasuhela waved at him.
"How did you survive the clones and droids? " Kazdan looked as eager as a child on the Holonet.
"I'm impressed that Grievous didn't do you in the moment he captured you." Jaun looked on with great veneration.
I wouldn't call it capture.
"Now everyone." Senator Bail Organa raised his hands. "I'm sure you know Master Kenobi has been through a lot today, including the 212th Attack Battalion turning on him as well as being a Separatist prisoner prior to his rescue. Give him some time to recuperate and I'm sure he will answer your questions once he is geared up once more." The Alderaanian then turned to address the recently extricated Jedi Master. "No need to fret. They are all aware of the extent Master Windu, Yoda, and I played in tracking you and sending in an extraction force when the time was right. They are aware that what you've been through. I personally commend your quick-thinking reflexes and your courage."
"It wasn't as bad as you make it out to be," Obi-Wan stammered, trying to downplay his plight.
"Don't sell yourself short." The senator from Alderaan smiled and placed a hand on the Jedi's left shoulder. "I wouldn't last that long in the battlefield if the odds were stacked that much against me."
"If you insist." Obi-Wan's ocean-colored eyes surveyed the survivors of Order 66. "How did you manage to rescue all those Jedi, especially Master Windu."
"Let's just say Master Windu reached out to me the night the Chancellor, or should I say the Emperor, declared the end of an era and ushered in the formation of the Galactic Empire and warned me of the incoming downfall of the Order so we linked up with Master Yoda as well as clones who didn't comply with the Emperor's order to turn on the Jedi and from there, Yoda was able to form a link with those who survived, there were so few, and we were able to successfully shelter them from the ever vigilant troops of the former Republic. Their clone commanders who refused to execute them played a critical role in our success."
"I see." Obi-Wan stroked his beard. "I'm thankful that it turned out so well for what remains of our once vast and robust Order. However, there is one thing I want to confirm although I hope, Stars above, that it was only a rumor Grievous fed me to mentally torment me, but I heard that a fallen Jedi helped the Emperor's army massacre many Jedi at the temple, especially younglings." He shuddered explaining that last bit. "Please tell me that was nothing more than a malicious rumor."
Bail Organa sighed before lowering his eyes. "Alas, that is one thing I can't do for you. I'm afraid that what the cyborg general informed you of was true. We have Corporal Exxan of the 501st and Karnage over there to corroborate the story. It is troubling to receive the news that a Jedi led a contingent of Republic soldiers into the temple and annihilate his fellow Jedi. "
So it's true. What is troubling is that I am aware of the identity of one fallen Jedi and he was back on Mustafar. I am certain he wasn't there to rescue me from the Separatists.
Master Kenobi took a shaky breath as he absorbed the hard truth. He had felt so much pain and betrayal in the past few days, thanks to his former clone liaison and his apprentice, but he knew that he needed to store the hurt away until they were out of the Empire's clutches.
"Senator Organa, I must say that it seems that you have heavily militarized some of your Royal escorts. It seems like you anticipated our present predicament."
Before the Alderaanian senator could respond, a familiar gruff voice cut across the air.
"Senator, I hope my militia members have served you well. They are well-tested in battle and proved their mettle several times over. They can be as good as the clones, but much more trustworthy. I do hope you consider deploying them in further rescue missions as they aren't for show."
Kenobi glanced back to see a rough-looking man sporting gray hair tied back as well as a matching goatee adorned in armor similar to the non-clone soldiers guarding Bail Organa. The smooth-talking Jedi smiled as he recognized his more militant colleague.
"Master Kota, long time no see. "
Upon seeing Kenobi, the gruff Jedi smirked. "Kenobi, it's good to see you, old pal. I'm pleased to see that our daring rescue of you from the Separatist prison paid off. If my Patriot Brigade were allowed to partake in the search and rescue mission, I'm sure they'd have done splendidly."
"I'm sure they would." Obi-Wan smiled. "I know that putting your trust in former prisoners, mercenaries, rebels, and criminals requires a certain aptitude. Perhaps next time I'll consider fighting alongside your Patriot Brigade."
"Well, it'd do you better than those dodgy clones of a known Jedi killer." Kota nodded at Sgt. Velvet and a few other clones loitering by and conversing with Master Windu and Yoda. "I tried warning Master Yoda about my reservations, but quite good did it do in the end. You all managed to learn it the hard way."
"Alright everyone, now that Master Kenobi is with us , we can now move to the next phase of our plan. Follow me to the next room."
Once Bail led them to the next room which had white walls intermingling with a gray-blue color scheme, Obi-Wan glanced out the window to see several stars shining brightly within the steel-gray cosmic clouds. Finally, the group centered among a holographic projector in the center of the room, which Senator Organa activated, revealing a pale blue background with red, blue, and green dots ornamenting the projection. Those appeared to be planets.
"As for our next course of action, we are aiming to establish a base where dissidents of this new Empire can be safe, but at the same time, I don't want to ally with the CIS. I feel they are as corrupt as this Galactic Empire as can be seen in the war we have engaged with them these past few years. I am looking into either Naboo or Onderon, but those are within the grasp of our opponents. Perhaps we can find somewhere in Wild Space but if that doesn't work out, we can always try out the Unknown Regions although I am aware of the risks of trying to navigate uncharted territory. The latter option will only be considered as a last resort. In the meantime, finding someone that has at least some rudimentary knowledge of the Regions would be beneficial. "
Hunter started to boast after Bail Organa finished his info session."If you ever need help, perhaps you can really on Clone Force 99 to scout out the Unknown Regions. Tech here is a natural at developing gadgets and forming something to assist in exploration wouldn't be out of his alley."
Kazdan's bug eyes grew wide. "No way! Maybe I can create a droid that can explore for us. Like it can pilot a ship into the regions and if it encounters an anomaly or a black hole, no lives would be risked. "
"It would be more fruitful if you used Delta Squad," Boss suggested, his helmet's light glowing brighter than the projection. "Fixer, Scorch, and I can take on anything that the Unknown Regions throws at us."
The senator of Alderaan raised his hand ."I appreciate the offers, but bear in mind that these are only mere precautions should the need arise. Perhaps we'll find somewhere suitable within the known galaxy. Now onto more pressing matters, our first objective is to find and extract Kal Skirata and his daughter from Mandalore as he will be essential to our cause. Null troopers, you say he's being protected by Omega Squad?"
One Null with olive markings spoke up. "Well, that was how we seen it before he sent us here. Ever since he and Nyreen landed us on Mandalore after a stint on Coruscant, the Order went out and he sent us out to scout for assistance. The Omega group wanted to accompany us, but they had the job of protecting him, Nyreen , and Ruu, along with any of his surviving family members. We haven't heard from them since then."
The Delta Force leader, his helmet glowing bright with red markings, inputted his thought, too. "Pardon me for interrupting, but I recommend we stop by Kashyyyk on the way. Sev is still alive down there and Master Quinlan Vos promised us he'll search the whole planet for him. Perhaps he'd locate him there."
Wolf had to input his opinion. "If he had succeeded, we'd have heard from him by now."
"How do you know he wasn't killed by the clone he was sent to deliver?" Rahm Kota inquired. "Besides, I know that despite conflicting rumors about her demise, Shaak Ti is hiding out on Felucia with her apprentice. Mayhaps rescuing them would be as lucrative since we will have two more Jedi to augment our ever-growing group. The more Jedi we have, the higher our chances of success against the Emperor."
"For now, we will focus on extracting Skirata and his retinue before we move on to other objectives," Senator Organa responded curtly, his eyes scrutinizing everyone in the room. "We will reach the other objectives once we set our priorities straight."
"I would agree strongly with the Senator's decision to stop by Mandalore beforehand. Rex is still stranded there after Order 66 and I can't leave him to his fate."
Startled by the new voice, Obi-Wan whirled around to see an young orange Togruta enter the room and cross her arms. His eyes widened with recognition.
"Ahsoka Tano, you are still alive! It is wonderful to be acquainted again."
The Togruta apprentice's sun-colored eyes turned to the Jedi from Stewjon before growing wide. "Master Kenobi, you survived! I can't say how elated I am. If only Master Skywalker made it out."
The former leader of the 212th gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "If only."
It was better if she didn't know the truth. It would have put his heart more at ease if his former apprentice was killed in action rather than become the former Chancellor's tool.
"Master Organa, sir! I must apologize for this, but she wouldn't heed my instructions. Oh, the indignity of it all. Wouldn't even take no for an answer.
Bewildered by the sudden ringing of the droid's voice, Master Kenobi turned around to see a familiar golden protocol stumble into the room.
Senator Organa frowned. "What are you talking about ,Threepio?"
That was when a feminine figure with curly hair the same color as a tree on Kashyyyk ambled inside. Through her blue satin dress, her pregnant bulge was apparent.
"Bail, what is happening?"
That was when she and Obi-Wan locked eyes and her hazel eyes grew wide with recognition. The war-weary Jedi Master felt his emotions stir once more as if a Toydarian was making soup inside his chest. So many familiar yet dear faces were turning up once more.
"Padme! What are you doing here?"
As Anakin Skywalker traced the cruiser's path through the Nebulon clouds, he was able to spot it from his starfighter's cockpit window. Creeping in close enough to observe the targeted vessel yet keeping a safe distance to keep from getting spotted, Anakin used the Force to scan the corvette to get a sense of its occupants when he detected several Force signatures. Not only one, but several Force sensitives seemed to be on board the vessel. He was able to pinpoint his target, Kenobi, but he was overwhelmed with stupefaction at the fact that several people he assumed were dead were in fact alive onboard the vessel he was pursuing.
No, the apprentice still lives, as do the two main constituents of the Jedi Order.
The fallen Jedi froze when he heard he felt another presence that was far too familiar and too close for comfort. At another time, he would have enjoyed having that presence close to him, especially at nights when he wanted to escape the horrors of war he and his clones faced in the Outer Rim battlefields, but it came as an unwelcome shock to him. Before he could fully process what he felt, three capital ships exited hyperspace and materialized behind the Actis starfighter. Anakin recognized the lead ship as a Venator while the ships flanking them were both Acclimators.
"General Skywalker, this is Admiral Koburn. Admiral Wullf Yularen sent us to assist you in capturing a vessel that's suspected of harboring Jedi and other enemies of the Galactic Empire. How should we proceed?"
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