"Uh sir, we have several hostile gunships landing on the surface. Should we prepare for battle?"
Outside the cream marble building, the windows glinting in the waning sunlight, that served as the headquarters of the planet's governing body, Grievous stood with Xzir Kegruc, Babwe Venemor, and the Field Marshal of Sy Mirth's local defense force as the glanced up at the graying sky to see the dagger-shaped outlines of the Imperial ships getting larger as they made their way deeper into the planet's airspace. Underneath the battlecruisers and star destroyers, the frog or bug-shaped gunships and starfighters poured out to stamp out any resistance in the way of the landing force. The sounds of reverberated explosions and laser fire reached the Supreme Leader of the CIS, but one thing was lacking in the fight. Enraged, anxious, and battle-lusting, the cyborg turned to the Field Marshal.
"I don't see any anti-air defenses in motion. Where are they?"53Please respect copyright.PENANAW4jiXJh7qh
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The fat Mirthi, dressed in a black military regalia with decorations of an officer as well as a matching cap with with markings and a cross, gave the commander a bewildered yet baffled expression.
"I...I am not sure, my lord. My troops have trained consistently with the ones you lent us and they displayed good results. Perhaps they are hit by an enemy cyberattack-"
"I don't want to hear any excuses!" Grievous snarled, activating two of his lightsabers. "Either your soldiers and the droids I've handed for you to command successfully operate the AA guns or I'll have all their heads-and yours- as trophies decorating the interior of my flagship. Do we have an understanding, Field Marshal?"
"Y-yes, my lord!" the Sy Mirthi military officer "It will be done. " The quaking military chief then contacted the officers under his chain of command. "Colonel, what's going on? Why aren't you firing on the Imperial invaders?"
After a moment's pause, the comm crackled to life and the colonel responded. "Apologies, sir. The droids seemed to be offline for a bit, but now they are back. I'm not sure if it was due to a malfunction in their circuits or some kind of Imperial EMP attack, but it's been resolved."
Once the comm call was cut off, red streaks and purple balls shot upward, filling the sky. Several explosions blossomed here and there as the AA cannons made contact with Imperial craft. Grievous turned to the Field Marshal and grunted.
"I've got to hand it to you, your forces are sure competent with CIS weapons, but don't ever delay again if you value your life."
"Yes, my lord." The senior military leader allied to the Separatists nodded, thankful that he and his subordinates were spared the biometric Kaleesh commander's wrath for the time being. He noticed Venemor and Kegruc exchange willful glances, obviously not too keen on earning the CIS leader's ire.
Hearing a government guard's shout of alarm, the Separatists glanced up to see a flaming LAAT make a downward spiral and into the yard between the altar they stood on and the white marble walls separating the rest of Mirthos, sending up columns of dirt and dust as well as uprooted vegetation. As the dust settled, the flaming wreck of the gunship was revealed with smoldering metal and clone bodies lay prone on the ground. Accompanied by guards, both local and mechanical, the military leaders approached the clones that were between the chasm of death and life. One clone, donning blue and scarlet armor with shark teeth decorating his helmet, raised his DC-15A to get one shot off, but Grievous had pinned him to the dirt with his mechanical claws, immobilizing him.
"Make your peace, clone, for I will claim your life!"
As he spoke, the cyborg ignited a blue and green saber in each claw before beheading the dying Imperial soldier in one swift motion. As he went on to finish the rest of the few survivors, the Mirthi, the Trandoshan, and the Falleen cringed as Grievous stabbed and crushed several clones with black and orange armor as well as some in maroon armor. One scarlet and vibrant blue trooper, his helmet knocked off by the impact of the LAAT, attempted to crawl away in the midst of the mayhem, hoping to go unnoticed, but he failed to escape the former Kaleesh warlord's ever vigilant gaze.
"Where do you think you are going, Imperial dog?"
Grievous strode over and pinned the wounded clone trooper to the ground with his talon-like feet. He flipped the tan human over as the Separatist and Mirthi officials looked on apprehensively, clearly enjoying the game he was playing. It was like a vornskr playing with its prey. The Mirthi officer struggled to hold his breakfast inside as he saw an expression of terror cross the clone's face. It was of one who was looking death straight into the face, a look he'd seen in a civil war a decade or two prior.
"You now realize that you are doomed. Now it's time to bid the world goodbye."
With a sickening crack that caused the three high-ranking officials to cringe, Grievous ended the poor soldier's life. The Field Marshal was sure in other circumstances, this would amount to a war crime. As the Kaleesh, his eyes blazing with bloodlust, glanced over at them, a whistling sound was heard and an explosion shook the vicinity, nearly knocking the highest official of the Mirthi military off his feet.
"We are under attack! The invaders are using a flak cannon to siege the city. There are-"
A second explosion cut the red Twi'Lek messenger off as it send droids and militia soldiers scattering around where it struck. With a pang of alarm, the Field Marshal noticed that it was just mere meters from the building's west wing. That was really close to home.
"Report!" Grievous growled as a security droid approached him.
"There are several Imperial vehicles and tanks encircling Mirthos, including an AT-TE."
All eyes glanced outward to the outskirts of the city. Sure enough, outlined against the snowy mountains and the graying horizon was the distinct predator shape of the walker and a few flying frog-like gunships zipping by.
"On the roof! They're entering the compound!"
The Field Marshal glanced to his right to see a few clones zipline into the compound as the gunships shot by, firing sustained bursts of green lasers. As the first clone, donning plain white phase-2 armor, fired upon them, Grievous used his lightsabers to deflect it back to the shooter. As the blades became a merging blue and green circle, the officer glanced at the two Separatists preparing to defend the compound and their lives.
"I had no idea he was Force sensitive. No living being can move that efficiently."
Venemor shrugged. "Neither did we, but he is half-machine. How do you suppose he killed all those Jedi?"
"Guys, snap out of it and help me kill these clones!"
At Grievous's urging, the three men drew their small arms and began to fire at the clones trying to enter the compound while Grievous and his droids (he spotted commando, IG-100s, and droidekas among the detachment) took care of the ones inside.
I pray that I can get out of this mess alive. Once I do, I'm retiring to Mordo island to spend the rest of my days relaxing by the beach.
"They've taken the bait. Now's the time to slip through."
As Captain Tarkin informed the Spirit of Coruscant of their latest development from his Victory-class ship, the ships under his command engaged the Capital ships and droid spacecraft in an effort to sow confusion and chaos among the CIS to allow a break in their chain, allowing a sizable force onto the surface. Killian and Tenant's fleet provided backup fire in order to keep the Sep fleet occupied.
"Storm Squadron, keep the droid starfighters from getting near my ship. Also, escort the Y-wings in their bombing runs against the Separatist warships. That should convey our message efficiently as this is the only language they understand."53Please respect copyright.PENANAUbUv8TKSIn
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Tarkin watched as the starfighers, consisting of V-wings, V-19s, Z-85s, and Arc-170s, filed out of the Star Destroyer's hangar bay through the opening hatch and form a line against the incoming droids as some broke off and flew high with the Y-wing bombers in order to strike at the dreadnoughts that had turned their attention to Tarkin, Tenant, and Killian's diversion. The Imperial officer from Eriadhu watched as the remaining Y-wing bombers, their numbers and their fighter escorts whittled down by enemy defenses, struck the Providence and Munificent ships , causing bright explosions to blossom around the dolphin-shaped ships. A clone officer then brought it to his attention that the admirals were on the line. While the space battle raged outside, the holograms of Wullf Yularen, Nils Tenant, Barton Koburn, and Shoan Killian materialized beside him.
"It appears that your diversionary tactics have succeeded in ensnaring the Sep's attention, thus creating an opening for Red-5 and the invasion troops to touch down on Sy Mirth. Our tactics are superior to the Separatist's. What is your damage report?"
Wilhuff Tarkin stared outside his Star Destroyer's porthole before responding to Admiral Yularen. " Our reports indicate several flights of starfighters, a Victory-class, and a few Acclimator cruisers. The Separatist Alliance's losses are greater than ours."
"Superb!" The head admiral nodded. "Now we will clean up what's left and prevent them from regrouping or launching a counterattack. Once imperative, we will also provide ortbital assistance to General Skywalker and the Imperial Forces on the surface."
"Let's flex in a little more firepower. It's only a matter of time until their defenses rupture."
Inside her Venator, Commodore Reva Remini reported on their next course of action to her colleague Kaanyth Strickland as their attack cruisers fired off blue lasers against the incoming frigates and dreadnoughts. A lucrehulk decided to join the party, unleashing a load of Vulture droids to accompany the Hyenas and the tri-droids that were harassing the Imperial warships and their starfighter retainers.
"Already ahead of you. We have incoming flying droid brains."
The dirty blonde officer from Chandrila smirked, glancing out the porthole to see the Imperial fighters encounter the CIS's, resulting in a skirmish that lit the space. A few bombers and tri-droids got close enough to strike her command ship, but thankfully the shield was able to withstand the force of the attacks before the ion cannons or the clone pilots could take care of them. She flinched when a downed Hyena bomber spiraled into the side of the Venator, blowing into a million small pieces that drifted away in space.
Stars! That was a close one. I thought that was going to burst through the window for sure.
Her heartbeat racing from the anxiety and thrill from the battle, the blue-eyed naval officer ordered the portion of the fleet under her command to advance onto the fleeting Separatist navy. Elated about the certain victory over Sy Mirth space, she decided to inform her colleague.
"Captain Strickland, this is Corporal Remini reporting. Did you see that? The Seps are falling before us like trees from Kashyyyk. "
The hologram of the captain with honey-colored hair topped with a naval officer's hat flickered as he sneered.
"Aye, I was hoping that they'd put up a lon-"
A bright explosion was emitted before the Victory destroyer adjacent to her right exploded, sending navy troops and debris floating into space. As the face of a frozen clone bumped against her Venator's portside window, Remini anxiously glanced at Strickland's hologram.
"No worries, that star destroyer wasn't mine, although which of the enemy warships was strong enough to take out a well-reinforced capital ship in your armada?"
Her azure eyes glancing out at the porthole, the commodore spotted the fishy shape of a CIS subjugator dart away after its hit and run attack. Commodore Remini was determined to go after it to avenge her fallen subordinates until Wullf Yularen's hologram took form.
"Fleet officers, I am pleased to announce that our tactics have succeeded in creating the opening Red-5 needed to get the troops onto the surface. We will now keep what remains of the CIS orbital defense force occupied before we make our descent to Sy Mirth. Sally forth!"
Invigorated by this pleasant news, the commodore watched as her flotilla took on the surviving defenders and relished each moment a Confederacy battleship went down in flames. Each downed ship was considered reparations for her dead troops.
"Move it, troopers! Encircle the perimeter, secure it, and enclose the structure! Let no aircraft or personell escape!"
Commander Stone of the elite shocktroopers watched from the top of the UT-AT tank as his troops and the Golden Company encircled the civilian spaceport that doubled as a military airbase, preparing to take it in the name of the Empire. Several B-1s, B-2s, droidekas, and Bxs backed by dwarf spiders, crabs, AATs, a snail tank , and the local militia out up heavy resistance to protect the base, repel the invaders, and offer sufficient time for the aircraft to escape. However, tank fire, shoulder-fired rockets, and Imperial aircraft were able to take out droid gunships, fighters, patrol craft, and the local transport craft as they were taking off or barely had a chance to leave the tarmac. The 65th Coruscant Guard trooper watched the development, pleased with his men as the two units tightened the siege on the airbase as they advanced onto the critical position. Despite reports of civilians being stuck inside the metallic blue W-shaped structure, taking it was critical as it cut off the enemy supply line.
"Sir, incoming!"
Before Stone could process what was going on, a tank gunner tackled him off the All Terrain Transport tank before a missile struck it, causing it to burst into a flaming wreck. The heat permeating through his armor, the shocktrooper commander threw off the dead gunner before gazing up at hovering green-blue gunship that was scouring the clone lines for more victims. AT-AT cannons, turrets, rocket launchers, and some small arms fire succeeded in taking it out. Commander Stone saw a hulking B-2 lumber over to him, its arm outstretched to fire, but a sniper shot managed to pierce its main sensor, causing it to topple. Not stopping to glance at his savior, the shocktrooper commander waved at his men to hustle on.
"Advance and employ the noose tactic! That base will be ours soon enough!"
Unfortunately, the defenders put a staunch defense, taking out many Coruscant guard troopers and Golden Company troops augmenting their ranks. Screams rang out as a hover tank exploded, taking out clones within a 50 meter radius as Commander Stone felt the blaze through his thick armor. Singe marks appeared as his armor as he and a few of the troops under him fired at the nearest defenders of the base. The Coruscanti trooper noticed the setting sunlight glance off Beskar-armored Mandalorians, Niktos, rough-looking Devaronians, masked Kubaz, and other reptilian races that slipped his mind as they fired from the roof and buildings. A couple repeater turrets cut down his troops on the BARC speeders as well as setting vehicles ablaze. As two shocktroopers and a Golden Company clone fell to a blaster carbine, he decided to radio for assistance.
"Mayday! Trouble at airfield in Sector Z-10. The coordinates are as follows."
After a brief standoff with the base's defenders, Commander Stone's comm link crackled.
"65th Coruscant shocktrooper legion, this is Commodore Reva Remini. I'm afraid to inform you that due to the sky corps being occupied at the moment, we can't spare a squad for you to call in an airstrike."
Kriff! Just what we needed. Our siege won't hold up much longer.
"However, we won't leave hanging by your toes. We will provide the air support ourselves."
Wondering what she meant, he heard several voices shout and glance upward, pointing skyward. Glancing up, Stone spotted the dagger shape of an Imperial cruiser embedded in the steel-colored twilight before the first green lasers rained down on the base. Massive explosions rocked the earth as the orbital bombardment began, dropping death and despair onto the Seps. As his men cheered in unison, Stone removed his helmet to get a better view of the base's demolition.
Thank the skies, we are saved!
After the bombardment ceased and the dust cleared, the surviving defenders of the scorched base were marched outside, their hands behind their necks as the victors inspected them. Tired and wounded, Commander Stone was awed by their prowess and was grateful that these men put up quite the struggle and made this battle worthwhile. His unit had taken heavy losses, but he couldn't have asked for a better battle to keep his men primed and sharp.
I need a long shower and some Kri'gee to wind down. That's after I have my battle wounds looked after.
"Press on and tighten the noose until they suffocate from the force of our power!"
As the snowflakes gently bounce off his helmet, Commander Keller paid no heed to this lovely sight as he stood atop the UT-AT as he supervised the push to storm the mountainous retreat where the elite and essential leaders of the planet, including corporate chiefs, billionaires, and military officers lay holed up, backed by Separatist hardware. As Keller's unit of the Cosmic Marines began assaulting the fortress with a full unit of infantry, air support, and support vehicles like tanks and walkers, the Separatist defenders utilized defenses like anti-aircraft turrets, flak cannons, tri-droids, homing spiders, dwarf spiders, AATs, a Hailfire, some snail tanks, and a couple MTTs. The Cosmic Marines, the 17th unit of the Galactic Marines, countered with Juggernauts, AT-OTs, AT-ATs, TX-130s, and various air support units. While the droids were successful in downing clone airships as well as inflicting casualties among the clone vehicles and infantry men, they themselves were getting their numbers decimated by the advancing clone army.
"Fire all heavy weapons inside the fortress! This way , we can flush out those lazy-bottomed bourgees and cease the battle with fewer casualties than necessary."
"What about air support, sir?" one white-armored clone asked as he fired upon the few snow-clad humans and vulpines who fought alongside the droids outside the walls.
"That would be beneficial as well."
As soon as the walkers and tanks, backed by bombers and starfighters struck the stone fortification, expediting the mission as Keller oversaw the offensive, occasionally firing to assist his men. A shout from one of his men alerted him to an incoming strike.
"Watch those wrist rockets!"
Seeing a bright red flash speed toward him, Keller leapt off the tank before the rocket made contact with it. The force of the explosion and searing heat sent the snow commander tumbling through the air and landing on the meter high snow. Scrambling back to his feet, the bone-weary commander saw the row of B-2s , flanked by assassin droids, advanced under the cover of Octuptarra and spider droid fire. Seeing his infantry and AT-RT recon troops cut down by CIS heavy weapons, he decided that they needed additional air support. Dodging a Z-95 that hurtled his way after being taken out by a dwarf spider, the snow trooper called in air support from the fleet.
"17th Cosmic Marines, this is Captain Strickland of Victory-2. Unfortunately, we don't have the troops to spare for reinforcements or close air support, but we will provide assistance in a different way. What are your coordinates?"
As the Hailfire missiles decimated the clone tanks and vehicles, with some of the infantry, Keller reported their position to the Imperial officer. While he sent fire into the fortress's wall, trying to take out the defenders, the sky lit up as if someone lit a torch. Gazing upward, he saw an ill-fated Victory-class destroyer plummet through the clouds and into the snowy mountainside where pieces of damaged Separatist dreadnoughts and Republic cruisers rained down on the surface. The collision knocked Keller to the crowd as an avalanche poured over the battalion, sending vehicles and Marines tumbling downward.
Was that our air support?
Panic taking hold of his chest, Keller rose from the snow and studied the crash sight. After a burning Juggernaut and MTT troop transport slid from his view, he saw the flaming wreck of the downed Imperial ship at the side of their mountain. Despairing, he was dreading to mark this battle as lost and to sound a retreat when a massive shadow fell over the mountainside.
"17th Cosmic Marines, this is Victory-2. Apologies, but a surprise attack took out a ship in my armada."
Relieved at the news, the shrouded Keller glanced up to see a dagger-shaped outline through the thick gray-white clouds as the Star Destroyer began its bombardment, flushing out the elite from their foxholes. As their defenses crumbled, including the spider droids and the Octuptarra, the clones pushed on with their assault as if they had batteries that were recharged. The vanquished elite of Sy Mirth exited the wrecked structure, hands raised. Commander Keller motioned to his men to restrain the prisoners as the resistance ceased. As the 17th Cosmic Marine chief supervised the prisoners being forced to the cold snow, one drew a DL-44 and domeshotted a Marine. Enraged, Keller and his men avenged their fallen comrade by peppering the upstart noble with blaster fire.
"Take them inside and find a temporary prison to store them. Shoot any who offer the slightest hint of resistance. I'll report our successful mission to the Admiral."
"Yes, sir!"
"Sir, a fleet has just exited hyperspace a few sectors behind us."
That must be behind Jarkon, the position where the Imperial splinter fleet fooled us with their diversionary tactics. Even I have been caught flat-footed. We put up quite a skirmish, but we were surprisingly out-classed. I will have to reevaluate our methods as I'm not too fond of reporting losses to the Supreme Commander.
Turning to the super tactical droid aboard the Roc's Talon, Mazhyar Cornell inquired about the newcomer fleet.
"Are they here to reinforce the Imps? Surely, that would be overkill as we are already whittled down significantly in the fight to keep their fleet from penetrating Sy Mirth's atmosphere."
"No sir, this is a Separatist Alliance fleet," his droid countered.
"Establish contact with them at once!"
"By your command!"
As the droids left to attend to the two bounty hunters that were on their payroll, the pale blue holographic form of Captain Azego appeared on the bridge.
"My flotilla has arrived, sir. I hope I'm not too late. My droids are dying to see action."
"Spread out! Secure the outskirts and move in! Fire on those who resist!"
Entering the dusty and gravelly roads that led inside Mirthos, a clone corporal with camouflage of various colors of blue stood with a major wearing a green and desert camouflage with a visor for enhanced vision scanned the burning and debris-littered streets of the bombed out capital while Y-wing bombers shot by overhead to make their way to their target. Explosions echoed through the streets as the Task and Subjugation Force entered the ruined capital city of Sy Mirth, weapons at the ready in case of an ambush. Corporal Bluestreak and Major Tryyptikkon preferred to lead their troops at the forefront of the battle rather than command from the rear as they couldn't let their troops gain all the glory and fun.
"Clankers inbound at your 4 O'clock!"
Hearing the trooper's ,bearing helmet of a Kashyyyk soldier, warning, the Major and the Corporal whirled around to face the battle droid army, marching toward them as they let loose a volley of blaster shots, some making their mark on the clones. Tryyptikkon and Bluestreak returned fire until, with the aid of a pair of strafing gunships, they were able to overcome their mortal enemies. From the corner of his eye, Bluestreak noticed civilians, including children, observe them curiously or warily as they scoured the town for enemy militia or CIS droids.
"On your right, Corporal!"
Hearing the Major's warning, the officer of the 761st rolled out of the way as the sniper shot missed. A Sabre tank swiveled its turrets and blew open the house it originated from. Dusting himself, Bluestreak glanced up to see the Subjugation and Task Force troopers yank a family of Mirthi out of the rubble of the demolished building. Hurling them in front of the clone officers, the 761st forced the hairy seals to the ground as a maroon and white clone with a gunship drawn onto his shoulder handed Bluestreak a card. The blue camo clone flipped it over, studying it until his eyes came upon the blue and purple Separatist emblem, its white hexagons outlined in a vibrant blue.
"This man here is a Seppie agent," the 761st captor explained. "I am sure there are others embedded within the civilian population."
As Tryyptikkon executed the Separatist agent, screams rang out as local mother shielded their children close to themselves. The superior officer then turned to the junior one.
"How will you want the rest of the troops to proceed?"
Bluestreak thought long and hard before he gave his orders. "Round up the citizens and find the Seppie supporters within thim. I'll write the report of our success."
"Sgt. Mako, they have a double set of anti-aircraft guns positioned before and behind the governmental headquarters. These are protected by a pair of turrets and hostile snipers. How should we proceed?"
Sgt. Mako, his red, white, and blue BARC helmet , designed with shark teeth on the lower half, checked his reconnaissance feed from the Razor Shark squadron the group that he was in charge of. He surveyed the environment and spotted droid and organic patrols , studying the frequency and patterns of their routes before contacting Belvedere's heavy unit.
"You will be in charge of storming the HQ while we provide the diversion. If you can take the Seppie leaders, dead or alive, that will be great. Godspeed to you, now commence!"
"Yes sir!"
As the Imperial vehicles, including an AT-AT, lobbed cannon shells into into the government compound, Mako and his men fired upon the droids and guards patrolling the walls and the courtyard.
"Give them hell! Pour out some fire power! Come on, soldiers, for the Empire."
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"You three, on me!"
Belvedere, the blue-clad leader of the Heavy unit named after him, motioned to Ee'gic, Ai'rik, and Deathstroke snuck out of the brush as they encircled the droid-operated AA gun while a uniformed Mirthi served as a supervisor and overwatch. Nodding, Belvedere slunk behind the unsuspecting officer, looking like he never seen a day of combat in his life, and slit his throat as his men slaughtered the droids manning the anti-aircraft cannon.
"I'll stay to down a few Seppie aircraft!"
Ai'rik, the silver and white clone, seated himself in the operator seat of the AA gun, and managed to take down a few gunships, fighter, and a local shuttle or two before Belvedere yanked him off.
"I appreciate your enthusiasm to add to the war effort, brother, but we are needed for a far more important role in this battle, a role that can conclude this war with the Seps. Leave the foot soldiers and armor to the grunts and our boys in the air."
Having convinced his brother to leave the heavy weapon, the four took out the rest before preparing to breach the side doors to the building and then let in the Subjugation, Task, and the rest of the 761st Force.
"Fire in the hole!"
Blasting the door apart, the smoke cleared as the security droids glanced over at the tanking clones in horror. It desperately tried to call for for backup before getting gunned down by Ee'gic.
"Mayday! We have a breach-"
After the orange-patched B-1 had its head shot off, the commando droids and a Zygerrian militia man fired onto the intruders, but a combination of grenades, blaster shots, and hand to hand close quarter combat ended it quickly. Running down the first floor of the ornate-looking government building, they took out mainly droids and some of their Mirthi allies before opening the door for their brothers, gaining them entrance. A forest green and jet black camo clone entered, along with a few heavies, and saluted.
"Thanks, soldier. We technically have this edifice in the Imperial's name. We just need to secure the room."
"We can't let you have all the fun. " Deathstroke cocked his minigun. "Let's blow some clankers."
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"Incoming from your 12'O clock and your 6 O'clock position, Lord Vader!"
Already sensing the incoming ambush from within the broad forest without Appo's forewarning, Anakin Skywalker kept his lightsaber at the ready as he prepared to deflect more blaster shots with his humming blue saber. Once the droid column came into view and open fired, the fallen Jedi was able to predict the shots before sending them back to the shooters. Howling with fury, the Dark Sider used the force to knock over two super battle droids before swinging his lightsaber around, cutting down an entire droid column.
This is just like the old days save for the absence of Master Kenobi and Snips.
Anakin cursed as he took a blaster hit to the side. He turned around and gazed into the trees and brush to scour for his striker when the trees rustled and Alpha, the ARC that replaced Rex, emerged holding a human, in orange and green forest battle gear, presumably his assailant. The specialized clone forced the man to kneel before Anakin as the Sith placed his blade at the rebel's throat. The human gazed up at him defiantly with eyes the color of dark matter.
"Where are the others?" he demanded.
That was when blaster fire peppered the 501st positions, dropping a few. Appo and his men returned fire as the enemy, a pack of organic beings , emerged from the shrubs and entered the firefight. Anakin used the Force to levitate his prisoner who absorbed all the blaster bolts meant for him before Force pushing him onto the insurgents, disorienting them. That gave Alpha, Appo, and the clones the opportunity to dispatch them. Once the bodies lay smoking on the soft dirt, Appo approached him.
"Sir, scouts have given word that a hydro dam is located down this path. Shall we take it for the Empire?"
That would be a useful asset to get the Mirthi to comply with the conquerors. They could have their cities flooded at the first sign of disobedience. As they came upon the world the large base, lit up in the late afternoon with blue lights, Anakin turned to Alpha.
"Can you decipher the defensive positions as well as other logistics?"
The ARC trooper, reminiscent of Rex, complied and turned to his master.
"Aye! There are droids and sentient beings positioned behind sandbags at the entrance and-"
The clone captain didn't have a chance to finish his debriefing as Anakin reignited his blade and charged the dam and took out guards in one swift stroke before charging up the stairs at the waiting machine gun blasters. He motioned to the 501st to follow suit.
"On me!"
It was just like the Clone Wars where he and his clone battalion would charge headfirst into battle and think of the consequences later. Despite being injured, the Jedi that fell to the Dark Side was fluid in his movements, deflecting blaster shots and cutting down clankers and humanoids alike as he cleared the defenses on top of the dam. Appo and Alpha led the 501st around the dam's perimeter, securing the vital infrastructure for the Empire.
"Lord Vader, the dam is clear!"
Hearing Alpha's report, Anakin just grunted, powering off his weapon.
"Shame. I was only getting started."
"Uh sir? The assaulters have pentrated our defenses are now inside the building. What should our next course of action be?"
Inside the white marble hallway, decorated with a green carpet and red and blue tapestries and banners, the messenger droid's report unleashed an animalistic rage inside the cyborg as he struck the droid, knocking off its sand-colored head before turning to his lieutenants.
"It seems that Sy Mirth is lost to us. Prepare yourself to fight for a tactical retreat."
No sooner had the words left the Supreme Commander's mouth had the doors blown open, sending in a dead Cathar and IG-100 droid. Two Commando droids tried to engage the clones bursting in, but were cut down almost immediately. Snarling in frustration, Grievous crawled up the walls, tearing down banners and portraits of past governors before pouncing on a black and tan-armored clone like a voxyn before taking out a second clone with plane Phase 2 armor. Kegruc,Venemor, and the Field Marshal fired their blasters at the clones that were pushing in while Grievous twisted the neck of an aqua blue and green clone.
"Quickly, there's an opening down this path."
As they followed the obese Mirthi officer down the hall, the windows broke as two heavy Imperial troops burst in, drawing their weapons. Grievous grabbed the blue and burgundy heavy and slammed him against a yellow-orange ceramic artifact that might have been a historical relic before snatching the rifle of the second with the green scout helmet, turning his weapon on himself. Motioning for his entourage to follow, Grievous tried to communicate with his security droids.
"Sy Mirth has fallen to the Empire! Prepare my ship for evacuation!"
As soon as they reached the shelters , blaring alarms were screaming with red lights giving the hallway an ominous appearance. The coal-colored doors shot open as the security droids stepped out to greet the leader of the Separatist Alliance. After the briefing, Grievous motioned to the Separatist officials to follow the droids to the hangar.
"You will be escorted by my personal guards to the hangar bay where the Patriot's Fist and the Invisible Hand are waiting to evacuate you offworld."
As the IG-100s and the BX commandos accompanied the security droids in ferrying the high-ranking Separatists toward the dreadnoughts, Grievous turned on the bumbling Field Marshal and pinned him to the wall with his metal claws.
"You worthless windbag! You and your military have failed."
The sniveling Mirthi whimpered as he cringed from the Commander's piercing gaze. Those blazing eyes of his really were stuff of nightmares.
"I...I'm sorry, my lord."
"You're right." Grievous raised a claw and used the sharp edges of his cybernetic talons to slice through the whimpering seal. Blood spurted through the air as the disgraced military chief yelped in pain before expiring slowly and in pain. The Separatist head noticed his officers glance at him with wary expressions, but this didn't phase him at all. It was business as usual. Once they arrived outside the hangar where the capital ships were stationed, he turned to the droids.
"Prep the ships for lift off."
"Roger roger!"
As the droids left, Grievous turned to the high-ranking officials.
"Prepare to board either my flagship or Kegruc's dreadnought, but make haste. We need to leave before the Imperial military discovers this hangar."
As the remaining Separatist officers complied, Grievous stopped Viceroy Marqki.
"Just a second, you and I need to confer."
The Separatist puppet frowned. "About what?"
"Your usefulness to me. Or your lack of it!"
The Kaleesh warrior activated two lightsabers, glowing green and blue, before slashing them over the Mirthi's body. Her mouth open in shock, the sentient pinniped's eyes widened at the gaping half circles on her chest before glancing up at her superior.
"B-but why?"
"You have outlived your purpose, Viceroy. Now get out of my sight."
Loladan Marqki fell face-first onto the cold hard tarmac as Grievous followed Senator Tora and Somai onto his ship. Without sparing a backward glance, the cyborg climbed up the ramp and ordered the ships to head upwards toward the heavens. They encountered a few starfighters on the way toward space while the ship took some small-arms fire, but thankfully those weren't enough to penetrate the shield and cause any lasting damage. Before long, the two dreadnoughts had exited Sy Mirth's overcast atmosphere and entered space where they rendezvoused with Cornell and Gornul's scattered fleet. Desperate to jump to lightspeed to stay a step ahead of their Imperial pursuers, who were most likely alerted to their presence by either the starfighter patrols or the ground forces, Grievous was about to order the super tactical droid to choose a coordinate to jump to when a droid turned to him.
"Sir, the Wasp is trying to establish contact with us."
"Patch them through."53Please respect copyright.PENANAM5DoVdDoGN
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As Grievous awaited Azego's ship to respond, he paced about on edge, wondering if the Imperial fleet was hot on their heels. After all, they still had a sizable force in orbit. That wasn't even considering the armor on the ground. As he pondered on, the Verpine's blue hologram flickered into view.
"Supreme Commander, my apologies for not arriving sooner. It disheartens me to see that our last stronghold has been overrun by the wretched Imps. I'd wish I could have been present. Maybe it would have turned the tide. On another note, where will we go? Will we-"
Grievous clenched his fist as he heard the insectoid's buzzing voice. "We will discuss your tardiness at a more opportune moment. As for our next base of operations, I know just the ideal location. It was a prominent area for most of my life. It's time we returned."
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What location does Grievous mean?
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