Did I get every last one of them?
Clutching his bright blue lightsaber tightly by the hilt, Anakin Skywalker's amber eyes shifted around the control room as he searched for more prey like a skinwolf from Parnassos. The glowing holograms above the commanding tables lit the bronze room with a lime green and neon blue hue as Anakin trudged over the broken bodies of what remained of the Separatist Council, flicking the switch on his lightsaber. Without the distracting hum of the lightsaber, his senses had become sharp once again and aided by the dark side of the Force, he set out to locate any stragglers that had escaped his punishing blue blade. Sure enough, the fallen Jedi had felt the presence of a few living beings fleeing from the site if the carnage.
You won't escape my wrath!
Grunting, Anakin darted through the entrances of two more rooms that were linked to the Separatist control room when he came upon the landing pad to see two members of different non-human sentient species hustle toward a yellow-striped Lancer-craft ship. The newly anointed Sith Lord had noticed that the loading ramp had already been activated and a humanoid figure in dull Ubbese attire was standing at the entrance of his ship clutching a vibroblade in one hand and a blaster rifle in the other. No doubt those were scavenged.
You won't deny me the success of this mission nor the life of my beloved and my child! I won't allow it!
Emitting a shout of fury, Darth Vader raised his only natural hand in the air as if to grab the two fleeing Separatists. The two aliens,Toonbuck Tora and Ayuub Somai , froze in spot before they were yanked backward. It was like an invisible hand was snatching them and bringing them before their would-be executioner to meet their fate.
Time to clean up this mess.
As Anakin reignited his blue-bladed saber and took his stance, blaster fire streaked toward him from the corner of his eyes. His concentration with his targets severed, the Sith turned to deflect that the attack meant for him, his amber eyes blazing with fury. Ahead of him, the remaining droids on the Mustafar base had poured out of the obsidian-colored building as well as behind any nooks or other large objects on the landing bay. It seemed to Darth Vader that every type of battle droid available was converging on him. He could see that the vast majority of them were B-1s, but the bulkier B-2s, their armor glowing brightly against the magma, had joined the fray alongside droidekas and commando droids. Anakin deflected the laser fire of the oncoming droids that were advancing onto his position before the exit to the base, striking some in the process.
The numbers of those pesky droids are endless. Thankfully, slicing through their thick bodies is fun. I'll slash through the thick skin of every last one of those mechanized fiends. The pain they would feel be dwarfed by the pain that I suffer every moment thanks to the Jedi council!
As the Force wielder Force pushed a few droidekas off the platform and into the lava, his eyes landed on his two of his prey, a female Syr Mithian Senator and a male Sullustani dressed in the red and black attire of a naval captain , crawl toward their escape craft as blaster fire shot overhead. As he cut a B-2 in half before beheading several other battle droids in one swift stroke, Anakin Skywalker lunged at the nearby Separatists. The Hutt-like senator's eyes widened in terror as the humming blue blade made for her neck, but several blaster shots that landed between the Chosen One and his prey halted the raging Sith's pounce. Anakin traced the attacks back to the Ubbese, who he assumed to be a bounty hunter in the Sep's payroll, aiming his blaster rifle at him.
He just couldn't stay out of it, huh? Well, I'd be more than happy to oblige and expedite his death wish.
Gritting his teeth in rage and anticipation, Anakin extended his hand and Force Pushed the bounty hunter against the side of his ship. The Ubbese dropped his weapon and lay still as Anakin strode over to his targets, deflecting blaster fire and stepping over the broken bodies of fallen droids. Suddenly, he felt a new presence through the Force and heard several blaster shots fired in quick succession. Reacting quickly, the corrupted Jedi peeked upward and managed to evade the blaster shots. Those that he failed to shake off, he sent them back to where they originated from with with his lightsaber. Before he could glance at his assailant, he felt a cord wrap around his right arm, disarming him of his weapon.
"Gotcha! You won't be handling anymore lightsabers today, Jedi!"
Anakin watched as a figure clad in blue and red Mandalorian armor levitate before him. He saw the cord that had ensnared his arm lead back to this newcomer. Now he knew who had the audacity to disarm him.
You dare rob me of my prize? You will pay for your insolence with your life! Padme's life depends on if I can kill my master's enemies!
Grunting in concentration, the recently-corrupted Jedi reached out with his left hand and called his lightsaber back into his arms. The blue blade hummed as he sliced through the tough cords and used the Force to choke the Mandalorian. As the armored man gagged and convulsed, scratching fruitlessly at his throat, Anakin raised his saber to end him. However, his opponent had a trick up his sleeve. Flames spouted out of the pointed cylinder on top of his wrist, singing a part of the Sith's cloak. Anakin was able to evade in time, but at the cost of his hold on the bounty hunter.
The bright lights of Coruscant shone onto Padme's face as she glanced up at him, her honey-colored eyes gazing up at him sympathetically . They were standing in the balcony of their apartment that night as the traffic of the planet rushed by. He reached his left hand, his only hand that was made of flesh and gently cupped her cheek.
"I promise I will do everything in my power to save you-and our little one." Anakin Skywalker moved his hand down to his wife's bulging stomach.
"I have no doubt you will." She smiled up at him. She also placed a hand over his, intertwining their fingers. "And I will assure you that I won't die. I promise."
That flashback from a month ago was motivation enough for Skywalker to press on with his assault. He couldn't afford to let one Separatist get away alive as Padme's life depended on the completion his mission. The thought of returning to her afterwards fueled his drive to end this mission as soon as possible. With the Jedi eradicated, he wouldn't have to worry about keeping his marriage concealed and he would have a future ahead of him by his master's side with no fear or insecurity.
First thing's first. I will eviscerate the Separatists and their hired thugs.
As he continued taking care of the remaining droids by slashing and even Force pushing them into the lava, greatly reducing their numbers, he heard footsteps behind him that sounded like the talons of a Tiss'shar scraping on marble. After utilizing the Force to knock two B-2s into each other and drop them on the droideka cluster below, Anakin whirled around to face the newcomer.
"General Skywalker, I was expecting you. Are you the Chancellor's response to my demands?" The Droid general stepped out of the base's exit, flanked by five Magnaguards bearing electrostaffs, the talons on his feet scraping against the obsidian pavement. It was a small wonder he couldn't feel the Kaleesh warrior through the Force as he was more machine than man. "Regardless, I will bear the honor of finishing you off myself."
With that, Grievous dropped his cape and extended his extra set of hands, each grasping a lightsaber. As the cyborg leader of the CIS ignited four of the Jedi weapons, Anakin prepared to meet the famed Jedi slayer in his signature Form V stance. The blades of his foe, glowing both blue and green, came down upon him as Grievous lunged at him. The fallen Jedi Knight then parried both sabers and tried to push the cyborg back with brute strength. However, once that seemed futile, Anakin then Force pushed him backward. Letting out a shout, General Skywalker flew toward Grievous and exchanged blows with him. As this was his first time meeting the Separatist general in hand to hand combat, a feat usually left to his former master, who must be among the traitors who were killed in Order 66, Anakin was taken back by the metallic Kaleesh warrior's ferocity, aptitude, and speed during their duel. However, Anakin was not in the least intimidated by the cyborg. After all, his previous master, Obi-Wan, had informed him that Grievous is a craven upstart despite his talks of bravado, but it would be a fatal error to let your guard down when in combat with him.
"Not bad, Jedi."Grievous cackled. "But Kenobi was a more worthy opponent. Still, you do not disappoint me."
Vader growled. "Kenobi! That traitor has received his due. I will make sure you receive yours as well."
"You are welcome to try, Jedi!" The cyborg's extra hands then started to spin as fast as gears, the lightsabers becoming a blur of green and blue. His eyes bore into the fallen Jedi's with a strong frenzy. "I will take your lightsaber and add it to my collection."
This one's arrogance knows no bounds. I'll put him in his place.
"It is time for you to feel the true power of the dark side!"
Leaping backward to stay out of reach of his foe's saber, Darth Vader kept his gaze fixed on the advancing General Grievous, his hands swirling like a windmill, sabers leaving scorch marks on the ground before raising his hand and clenching it in a tight fist. The General froze into his position, his reptilian eyes going wide, and immediately halted his attack.
Grievous started to claw at his chest where his heart and lungs were located, the only section that contained the only organic pieces of what he was once. In a matter of seconds, his chest plate started to crack, revealing a bit of his organs. His lightsabers clattering to the floor, the General tried desperately to escape from the Sith's invisible clutch, but had found that the effort was in vain. Seeing their commander in peril, the Magnaguards, dressed in the cloaks and turbans of Kaleesh warriors from Grievous's homeworld, ignited their vibroblades and pikes before converging on Anakin. The corrupted Jedi had no other alternative but to release his hold on Grievous to fight his bodyguards.
From the corner of his vision, he spotted Grievous skitter off to the Lancer craft, accompanied by the remaining droids, the bounty hunters, and the Seps. As the craft took off, Anakin made a mental to note to track it with his starfighter after taking care of the Magnaguards and the prisoners he was sent to dispatch. He parried several blows in succession from two Magnaguards before beheading them in a swift stroke. Letting the dark side of the Force guide him, the Chosen One chopped off the limb of a third Magnaguard before Force pushing it to the ebony wall, crushing it. He leapt over the remaining ones before sending them into the lava with a swift stroke of his hand.
Now, time to attend to the Jedi and the prisoners.
Suddenly, a familiar buzzing sound was heard from above, followed by a woosh. Skywalker glanced upward and glimpsed what looked like a LAAT gunship, its sides shining brightly amid the glow of the lava, fly overhead. He then caught a glimpse of a familiar bearded face from the port side of the craft. No, it couldn't be!
Obi-Wan Kenobi! He is still alive? I shall remedy that at once!
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We finally get an Anakin vs Grievous duel! Woo-hoo! What will happen next now that Anakin knows his former master is still alive?