Why do I have a really bad feeling about this?
Obi-Wan clutched at the tip of the sleek bat-winged fighter as they shot out of the canyons of Utapau. Thankfully, they hadn't made it to the bottom of the surface where the savage Amani and the Sugi roamed. The last time he had his presence down there, he and Anakin had to deal with the tribal affairs of the former while the latter were dealing with the Separatists regarding a dangerous weapons exchange that would have resulted in a devastating for the Republic had the two Jedi not intervened.
Why am I thinking about my adventures, or should I say misadventures, on this world at a time like this? I should be concerned with solving the issue of getting to safety. If Grievous decides to make a beeline for space, I'd burn up in the atmosphere as a safe bet.
His teeth chattering and his body stiffening from the G-forces, Obi-Wan felt himself gradually sliding off the tip of the Belbullab as he desperately held on for dear life. As he began to despair about falling to the dusty surface or burning up in the atmosphere, a large shadow loomed over them. Glancing up, he was ironically relieved to see a massive Separatist Recuscant-class destroyer looming over them like a massive hand reaching down to the surface. The hangar doors opened and the industry-like theme greeted General Kenobi's eyes. The Jedi general couldn't help, but chuckle as he held on with his left hand.
Of course, it is typical of the droid crew to creatively come up with a unique design for their ships. They are quite the free thinkers .What more should I have expected of them?
As the Belbullab stared to decelerate on its way to the hangar of the massive ship, bright red lasers streaked past him and struck the side of the ship. Glancing downward while narrowly avoiding being seen by Grievous and the droid crew of the destroyer, Obi-Wan immediately spotted several clone troopers on the top surface of the planet, aided by AT-TE and Sabre tanks, train fire upon Grievous's personal ship. Unsure if they had spotted him, Kenobi knew that they still intended to bring down the CIS capital ship regardless. Having a hunch, the Jedi Master ducked over the underside of the ship as lasers and turret fire streaked past them, the closest one mere inches from his face. The familiar droning sounds of LAAT gunships greeted his ears as several of them materialized from the corner of his left eye.
Oh my! Things have gotten quite hairy. Keeping the CIS and Grievous from spotting me is now the least of my concerns.
"Sir! Grievous's fighter is docking in the Patriot's Fist ! What are your orders?"
Commander Cody removed his helmet, now dirtied by his involvement in the Utapau skirmish, as he glanced at the scout in front of him.
"Shoot it out of the sky using all means possible." His dark eyes then trained on the sky as the light-destroyer hovered in the sky like a dragon ready to spit fire. The scout wasn't sure if it was a trick of the light, but the shadow cast by the massive enemy ship made it look like the clone commander was glowering at him. "What is the status of the Separatist leaders?"
"It appears that they vacated the planet before our forces could reach them. It seemed the Seppies were brilliant in their use of diversionary attacks in order to buy them time. "
"I see." Cody tapped his fingers on his helmet. "Did you catch what the type of craft that transported them was?"
"Yes, it was a Lancer-craft." The scout ignored the sounds of the tanks and troopers firing their weapons as he produced a hologram of the ship. "We have identified it as belonging to the Ubbese bounty hunter Vruh'Kang."
"Is that so?" Cody frowned. "He must have been employed by the Seps. We will let the Chancellor know once we get off this world. Any word of the traitor Kenobi?"
"Negative, sir." The scout shifted uncomfortably under Cody's gaze for the first time. "His whereabouts are unknown at this moment."
Before the clone commander could respond, green lasers rained down on them from above like a hailstorm. Many clones belonging to the 212th as well as the 22nd Airborne cried out as they were caught by the attack from above. Behind the scout, a Sabre tank exploded in a fiery wreck, sending flaming debris in all directions. A cursory glance upwards revealed that the Patriot's Fist had begun its counterattack.
"Clanker forces closing in from all directions!"
Cody and the scout held up their DC-15s as several battle droids and super battle droids, reinforced by AAT tanks as well as Spider and Crab droids, encircled them. The commander was instantly reminded of that time in Christophsis and recognized the attack as a pincer. He immediately began shouting orders at the troops.
"Drongort, you take the 4th and 6th squad to counter the clankers in the west side. Breathyr, you take the east with the 11th. Lung'atan and Moki'tar, you all take the 15th and 21st to defend the north and south flanks. The rest of you, join me in destroying Grievous's ship. "
In the air, LA-AT and droid gunships clashed while ARC-170s and Torrent fighters took on the droid fighter-bombers. Behind the clones, an AT-TE, its sirens screaming while flames burned at its right flank, lobbed a bright blue cannon at a grey AAT, obliterating it and other Separatist forces unfortunate enough to be near it. A droning sound that gradually grew louder soon came to Cody's attention. Glancing upward, the clone commander spotted an LA-AT, its side on fire, spiral downward. It must have taken a critical hit from a spider droid or a gunship. Ducking red laser fire, Cody watched as it made landfall in the patch of grass. Several droids turned their attention to the survivors of the crash.
"17, Va'an, cover me!"
Cody and several orange-clad clones, their DC-15s at the ready, tread over to their brothers as they took out any droid unfortunate enough to be in their way. A sense of urgency rose in the clones as they noticed a few super battle droids, their hands raised, aim at the LA-AT.
"Watch those wrist rockets!"
Cody and his men trained their fire on the sinister-looking droids before they could attack their brothers trapped in the downed gunship. Soon, the steel-grey droids erupted in a ball of fire and the clones on the offensive were able to rescue their downed brothers.
"You guys still in this fight?" Cody helped a 2nd airborne battalion trooper up. "Or you want to fight another day?"
Instead of answering their superior's query, one of the 212th clones picked up a rocket launcher from a fallen clone and fired it into the air. The rocket arced in a bright red light before coming in contact with a droid gunship. Unfortunately, the gunship's shields protected it from a potentially devastating hit as it turned around and trained its lasers on the men. Before it could obliterate the clones, it was shot out of the sky in a rain of debris.
"Never underestimate clones!" Yaxley, one of Cody's subordinates, called out from where he stood on a ledge, holding a rocket launcher.
"Greetings, General."
Obi-Wan took care to lay hidden underneath the starfighter as Grievous disembarked and was greeted by his droids.
"Out of my way!"
The Jedi heard a yelp as two droids were hurled out of the cyborg's way. Taking a few minutes to make sure the hangar was vacant, Obi-Wan Kenobi took a breath and slowly slid out from under the Belbullab and cautiously made his way inside the ship. His hand on his lightsaber hilt, he glanced around warily as he pondered his next move. Hearing voices, he hid behind a grey archway as two droids stalked by.
"That is what happened to the original series.I mean, thankfully we are critical thinkers or we would have ended up like Bz."
Obi-Wan held his breath as the droids passed by and made his way to what he assumed was the control room. He needed to find a way to contact Bail Organa or the Jedi council to inform them of the clone's betrayal. The betrayal still stung like a bee sting, but he still needed to get to the bottom of this. Perhaps it was some Separatist interference or something else of that caliber.
"Well, have you rescued the council?"
Glancing up, Obi-Wan noticed General Grievous, guarded by a few Magnaguards and a few droids, seated in his chair, having a conversation with the hologram of a masked Ubbese individual.
Is that a bounty hunter under their payroll?
As the two men conversed, Obi-Wan decided to make his presence known. Now this was a risky move and it may cost him his freedom or worse, his life, but the Jedi General had no choice lest he be discovered by droids. He made his way steadily forward like a Lothcat before appearing into view of the Ubbese bounty hunter.
"Why hello there!"
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Here we are with an update. This was just the previous chapter from Obi-Wan and the clone's point of view. Did Obi-Wan make the right choice or is he out of his mind?
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