Loladan Marqki watched as the aquatic shapes of the Invisible Hand and the Patriot's Fist made their way down to hangar bay 18 for landing and possible damage check or repairs if required. As the Separatist's remaining capital ships, complete with a metallic silver ventral design as well as a choice of purple or blue doral paint job, made contact with the hangar bay's alloy steel, the Sy Mirthian governor spotted the vague outlines of the other Separatist ships dotting the horizon. She assumed that they belonged to either Cornell or Gornul's forces, providing orbital defenses should the Imperial fleet return for a second invasion attempt on the planet. She had no doubt that the Imps were only getting started and were due to return, but the question that remained was when?
"It was eye-opening, if not unnerving, that the newly established Imperial fleet struck Grievous's escort right when he was the most vulnerable. If Gornul and Cornell hadn't had their forces mobilized in time, that could have been it for the CIS. The Supreme Commander himself wouldn't be present, leaving us at the unmerciful hand of the Imps. "
Viceroy Marqki glanced over to the Trandoshan Separatist chief, Babwe Venemor, who had taken refuge on her planet as a result of a Republic strike that involved Clone Force 99 devastated Trandosha.
"Indeed, that's a cause for concern. I feel as if the Imperial fleet was lying in wait the whole time, observing the Supreme Commander's ships before ambushing them at the proper moment. I felt that this was a rather well coordinated attack. If more are to follow, which I am sure they will as it feels like prelude to a larger battle rather than a one-off strike to cut off the CIS"s head, then we may be in trouble. That's why I feel it is of utmost importance and in our best interest to prepare for this impending assault on my homeworld."
Venemor chuckled as he patted her shoulder with a dagger-like claw. "Spoken like a true politician. However, I would advise you to have no fear as I'm sure the enemy won't suspect what we will have up our sleeves. The art of deception is what can turn the tide in a war against immeasurable odds. Don't underestimate it as it is an essential asset in the art of war. You saw how Gornul's arrival sent the Empire's flotilla fleeing like whipped kath hounds. The lousy lava flea-ridden Imps will soon get more than they bargained for."
Before she could mount a retort, the trumpets started to play the CIS fanfare march as the door to the Recusant destroyer and the Subjugator dreadnought opened, a ramp extending from the opening hatch with a high whining sound. General Grievous, flanked by his IG-100 bodyguards and droids , strolled down the dark blue ramp as the Separatists, droids, and the Mirthi attendants and mechanics viewed the procession. A few seconds later, Kegruc, the Mirthi senator Toonbuck Tora and Ayuub Somai marched down from each ship respectively to the cheers and clapping of the attendees. It was an ironic sort of hero's welcome. Grievous then approached the two Separatist leaders, his reptilian eyes narrowing menacingly as he eyed the Mirthi and the Trandoshan. A slight zephyr sent his cape fluttering in the air.
"Viceroy Marqki, Minister Venemor, I see you have set up a temporary holdout while I was away attending to more serious matters. I hope you have fortified this planet well as this is where we will launch our attacks onto Imperial worlds, displaying our might to the galaxy. Perhaps the rest of the galaxy from Wild Space to the Core will see us as a force to be reckoned with once more. In the meantime, we must prepare for an impending attack by the Imperial scum. "
"At once, my lord!" Both Separatist officials responded at once.
"Good, we have much to discuss. " The cloaked cyborg hunched over, his glaring yellow eyes scouring the occupants of the hangar bay. "What are we waiting for? Break camp to the debriefing room at once!"
"Yes sir!"
"Roger roger!"
"Colonel Cornell, what is the status of the orbital defense fleet?"
Inside the executive room of the Mirth government headquarters in the capital city of Mirthos, the hologram of the middle-aged human, complete with short-cropped gray hair and a matching stubble took up a seat at the glossy wooden table where the Separatist and local government leaders were seated. Loladan's left side sat Senator Tora while to her right-hand side sat the Sullustani captain Somai as Grievous, flanked by his Magnaguards, took the position at the head of the table usually designated for the rulers of the planet, but since the Kaleesh cyborg held authority over the Separatist-held planet, he was given the honor.
"So far, everything is clear from my end," the glowing hologram of the war master from Eriadhu explained. "The space to the stars from Evocar to Pintooine are clear. Even Gornul's section from Jarkon to the Outer Rim border seems devoid of enemy starfighters for the time being. Correct me if I'm wrong, Major."
The holographic form of the Saurin Major flickered between Minister Venemor and the Falleen admiral that accompanied Grievous to the surface as he flashed a thumbs up.
"Excellent," Grievous rasped. He then glanced over at the hologram of the blackish green Verpine captain across from himself. " Captain Azego, what is your estimated rendezvous time from the Roche asteroid field?"
"Approximately 3 standard hours , sir," the unisexual bug stated.
"Karabast!" The cyborg Separatist leader cursed as he slammed his fists on the table, causing Marqki to flinch. "We need all the support we can get from the impending invasion. Is there anyway you can speed up your arrival? Like taking a shortcut through a nebula or a different hyperspace route?"
"My tactical droid is calculating it as we speak, my lord."
The Mirthi governor heard the insectoid's voice quaver a smidge as it addressed its superior. She couldn't fault the CIS naval captain as Grievous seemed more agitated than usual and it was of paramount importance not to irritate him further. They had seen what happened to droids who made that mistake and no one wanted to suffer the same fate. Then again, tempers were flaring as a result of the anxiety from the imminent attack. No one wanted to have Imperial bombs and troops land on the world's soil, least of all the civilians, which is why the local government and militia in addition to the Separatists overlords had to pull their weight to make sure the Mirthi and other species who had adopted the world as their own were spared the terrors of warfare.
Supreme Commander Grievous sat up straighter, looming over the leaders menacingly. "In the meantime, we need to reach out to the neutral systems who haven't been contaminated with the influence or the presence of the Imperial tyranny. This means we will have to avoid Core worlds." No one in the room was spared the cyborg war master's intense gaze. "I suggest we extend our reach to Wild Space or even within our own reach with Malastare. Perhaps we can make an alliance with the Hutts in order to rebuild our forces and offer some protection for their activities from the Imps. That is not to say that we will disregard the neutral systems like Rodia-"52Please respect copyright.PENANAaWxtmRc9jr
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"Uh sir, we've got contact at around 34 degrees off of Jarkon. Scanners have identified a whole squadron of enemy ships converging toward our planet."
As they heard the voice of the OOM commander droid, despair struck the heart of Viceory Marqki. Reading the facial expressions of everyone sans the droids only confirmed that she wasn't the only one with perturbed with the news.
Is it already happening? How were they able to muster up such a force so fast. It wasn't even an hour ago that they had nearly intercepted the Supreme Commander's entourage.
The Supreme Commander rose from his seat, startling the droids nearest to him. He turned his skull-like mask to the holograms of Gornul and Cornell. "Report?"
Gornul spoke with his low growling voice. " It sssseemsss our initial asssssumption was proven true. Thissss issssn't a probing or sssscouting force. It'sss an invasion party. Thissss can be confirmed by the pressssence of the Empire's latesssst capital shipsss like the Viceroy and Imperator and the Mandator dreadnoughtssss. The bounty hunterssss you brought along for the ride have sssscouted and confirmed thissss with their reconaissance. "
Grievous started to pace the floor, his metal talons scraping against the floor. "I'm glad you put them to good use. In the meantime, you and Mazhyar hold out against the Imperials and grind their forces down as much as you can. We will deal with what makes it past the orbital defense. " He turned his attention to the Verpine Naval officer. "Get your relief force here as soon as possible. We need all hands on deck."
"I'm working on it, my lord!"
The Kaleesh cyborg then turned to the rest of the attendees. "Military officers, you will accompany me to the battle with your troops. Politicians and officials will stay under lockdown in wartime shelters with the droids and other security detail for protection. You will not come up at all costs until I give you order. I will personally execute anyone who disregards my orders or questions my authority. Do I make myself clear?"
Loladan glanced at her fellow citizen and politician, shared a look of concern, as they were escorted by the militia and the BX droids toward the emergency shelter. It seemed like the ideal place to be if the Imperials resorted to orbital bombardment, which they may more than likely do. The overworked governor stared out the window as the alarms started to blare. She stopped to gaze at the scenery outside. The sight of snow-capped mountains and green rolling hills in the distance overshadowed by a cobalt-colored sky never failed to calm her nerves, but the knowledge that this may be her final moment with the luscious landscape of Sy Mirth brought a feeling of sorrow in the pit of her stomach.
"Come on, move out. Supreme Commander's orders."
As the droid prodded her on with the end of its blaster, Loladan walked alongside Seantor Tora and Captain Somai where the shelter for the government officials lay in wait. She turned to her the young senator to give some words of reassurances as alarms began to squak.
"It will be fine. We are being led by the fiercest of the Kaleesh warlords who has record kills against the Huk, the Jedi, and the Clone army. He will add a few more to his kill count. We are in good hands."
"Sir, the Seps have spotted us! They have activated their fleet from Jarkon and are bringing their ships into a tightlock formation. How should we proceed?"
From onboard his Imperator Star Destroyer, Wullf Yularen glanced out the window of the ship's frontal end as the clone technicians worked in front of him. Scrutinizing the Separatist capital ships closing the spaces that offered a view of the green and white planet , the battle-hardened admiral deduced that the enemy was going for either a hedgehog defense formation or a phalanx. He had enough dealings with Separatist navies as well as other enemies of the former Republic to calculate the best move of countering them. He immediately ordered the comms to be live.
"Captain Tarkin, will you, Strickland, Tenant and Killian strike from the rear. It is better to take them by storm as they won't expect us to split our forces and launch an attack from Jarkon. Koburn, you , Remini and I will launch a frontal assault. We should punch through the opening created by Tarkin's distraction if everything goes unto the plan. The element of surprise is of paramount importance in war. "
"Affirmative, sir!"
Wullf Yularen patiently waited the results of this attack, anxiously twitching his fingers over his drab green uniform, when he received an update a few minutes later.
"Sir!" A clone officer called from the display he was supervising over two technicians. "The Seppie orbital fleet has taken the bait. They are engaging the splinter force commanded by Captain Tarkin as we speak. I've also received a report of some Lancer craft cruiser that's been flying to close to the battleships. It is being treated as a Seppie scouting craft and the other cruisers and destroyers are firing on it, hoping to either score a kill or drive it off. What are your further orders?"
Wullf Yularen smiled as a couple Munificent frigates, flanked by a Lucrehulk, aggressively approached their position, firing their turret and cannon lasers at them.
"We will hold our current course and let as much as the enemy that is foolish enough to approach and engage only them. We will take this as slow as possible, wearing down their forces as we make it to the surface where we will drop off the invasion force. We will turn this into a prolonged siege of we have to in order for the CIS's withered down forces to submit. After all, what do we have to lose? We have all the resources we need at our hands. We will gain more one we subjugate Sy Mirth. As for the attacking starfighters, we won't waste any of our weapons on them. Alert Red-5 and the Skyhawk air squadron. Convey the same information to the admirals." The longtime Republic admiral turned to the rest of the crew. "Make all cannons and turrets live! Fire at will!"
The whirring sounds of the Imperator's cannons being activated was heard throughout the ship before the booming of the weapons firing resounded within the hollow interior. Yularen smirked as he viewed the blue and green lasers speeding toward the approaching Separatist defense fleet like rockets. In no time, they would make their way to the surface and annex Sy Mirth in the Emperor's name. The veteran admiral didn't mind a siege, but he preferred it if he was able to end the CIS once and for all, thereby earning him a promotion.
"Holy kriff! Look at the length of the Imperial Navy! Is this the detachment meant for Sy Mirth? If so, I'm shaken. I mean, what about the rest of their Naval power. They must be covering the whole galaxy with their fleet. You'd shudder and go weak at the knees if you only learned of the vastness of the Empire."
As he steered the Lancer pursuit craft behind the electric blue moon of Sy Mirth, Vruh'Kang had to hand it to Sha'ar. If the Mandalorian-armor clad laserbrain was correct about one thing, it was the threat of the massive Imperial strike force that lay before them in a never ending sprawl. Almost all the latest capital ships loomed overhead like the massive silvery metal clouds , ready to rain their turbolaser fire onto the fortified position of the Confederacy of Independent System's navy.
"We need to warn our employers. They deserve the right to know what they are up against."
"No kidding," Sha'ar shook his head. "What were we thinking in agreeing to tread dangerous waters like this?"
Vruh'Kang glanced over out his partner, a glare hidden behind his bronze and copper helmet. "You realize we are getting paid for this, right? Please tell me you are familiar with the Bounty Hunter Guild's handbook. According to page 27, section 22, you are required to carry out ser-"
"Yeah, no need to bore me with the details, nerd." The Shi'ido leaned back on the copilot's chair, his legs resting on the council. "Besides, as cool as your ship is, it will never amount to a Firespray in missions like these."
Before the Ubesse could point out the fact that the Firesprays are no longer in distribution or they were interceptor crafts, not pursuit, the alarm of the disc-shaped spacecraft squawked a few seconds before a green laser streaked by the frontal side. It was soon followed by several more.
"I think we've been spotted," Sha'ar admitted.
The other bounty hunter sighed. "Wow, I never noticed that. " He jerked the controls of the ship, causing it to bank sharply to the right. "Hold on tight! This is gonna get rough, laserbrain!"
"What did you call-Woah!"
The small circular craft took a sharp dip as it evaded the fire from the Venators and Victories, even swooping under a Acclimator attack cruiser that had appeared out of hyperspace in front of them.
"Are there any starfighters on our tail?"
Sha'ar glanced at the rader and nodded. "Yep, three V-19 starfighters on our tail. You know how to shake them off."
Vruh'Kang glanced over at the Beskar-armored man beside him. "I'd honestly feel a lot better if you were manning the gunner posts."
"My pleasure, captain."
Sha'ar mockingly saluted as he took control of the laser cannons. The ship rocked as the Imperial starfighters fired onto it,the shields taking a hit. The bounty hunter manning the guns tried to lock onto the approaching starfighters. However, sudden jerks from his partner intended to avoid turret and cannon fire from the star cruisers threw his aim off.
"Son of a bantha! Stop jerking around so much! You keep screwing my aim!"
"Look, nerf herder, in case you didn't notice, we are being fired on by enemy cruisers. I'd shut my mouth and fight to stay alive if I were you."
"What do you think I'm attempting?" Sha'ar muttered as he fired blue lasers at the pursuing fighters. The bounty hunter's hand slipped, perverting his aim, but he was able to score a direct hit on the Torrent, scattered the debris in the cosmos.
"Well, well, it seems that the leatherneck was able to score a kill after all. Don't celebrate just yet. There are two more on our tail."
Sha'ar, after a few attempts of trying to steady his aim, managed to destroy another, whose detritus managed to set the remaining pursuer aflame. Sha'ar turned to Vruh'Kang and mockbowed.
"You're welcome."
"Alright, I was wrong about you. You are a skilled gunner and a sharp bounty hunter. What more would you want to hear? Oh! There's Gornul's subjugator, the Claw. Let's touch bases with him."
"Skyhawk Squadron, double time on me!"
Anakin took off from the bay of the Spirit of Coruscant as he and the clone starfighter squadron known as Skyhawk due to their leader's name shot out after him, ready to clear the way to the surface of the Separatist stronghold. Upon entering the space of Sy Mirth, Darth Vader and the clone aviators converged on the incoming droid fighters swarming them. Having partaken in several runs like this during the Clone Wars with Master Kenobi and Snips, this felt routine to him. As he rolled his Actis fighter over two droid craft, resulting in them taking each other out by mistake, his thoughts were returning to pleasing his master to make sure he and his wife would have a future together. Once they were done with the last Separatist bastion in the galaxy, he will make sure that Padme would be back into his arms once more.
How I long to hold her after all this time. I will take her back after I personally slay those rebellious vermin like Bail Organa or Obi-Wan Kenobi.
"Sir, we've got buzz droids!"
Shaken out of his reverie, Anakin refocused on the battlefield as an orb shot from either a dreadnought or a droid burst open with a flash of sparks, scattering several buzz droids within their vicinity. Some engulfed an Arc-170 and a Headhunter unlucky enough to be in the radius of the small shipkillers. A couple crawled onto Anakin's right wing and scampered onto the engine or the screws connecting the cockpit to the wing before the high-pitched sounds of their blades was heard.
"Artoo, you know what to do with these pests."
The astromech beeped in compliance as it zapped the nearest buzz droid, sending the bulbous metal insectoid floating away. Anakin managed to tip his ship to the right, sliding the remaining bugger off before it could cause any significant damage. A Z-95 of the Skyhawk Squadron finished it off with a one shot strafe. The fallen Jedi acknowledged his assistance with a tip of his wing when the Headhunter was turned into a blinding light before the debris of its remains floated past Anakin. Several red lasers peppered the space around them, taking out several starships that were ahead of Anakin. Through the streaking lasers, some passing by too close for comfort, Skywalker spotted the porpoise-like outline of a Providence destroyer looming over them.
"Spirit of Coruscant, do you copy? This is Red-5, over. "
After a brief crackling sound was heard, Admiral Yularen's voice came through. "Spirit, copy. Do you have something to report?"
"Yes, several of Skyhawk Squadron was vanquished by a Separatist dreadnought and I need some cover fire from one of our capital ships. Think you can spare a few? Or even one?"
As he briefed the leader of the Imperial Fleet, Skywalker spotted the outline of a second dreadnought appear, eclipsing the planet's sun. Fortunately, Wullf Yularen decided to answer Anakin's query, breaking him out of his trance.
"Red-5, I'm sending Blizzard Squadron to reinforce you and Skyhawk on top of the cover fire from the Star dreadnought. That should be more than sufficient for you to make a breakthrough. The next time I hear from you, let it be from the surface of Sy Mirth."
"Your help is much appreciated, Admiral."
How dare he talk down to me! He will swallow those words once I land on the surface in no more than five standard minutes.
As the glowering shape of the Mandator 2 dreadnought appeared from Red-5's back left, Blizzard squad arrived to take on the Separatist warships that impeded their progress to the planet. As the Y-wings swooped over head to strike the Sep's ships and the starfighters tangled with the droid fighters, Anakin steered his fighter through an opening created by the space brawl. He encountered a couple Hyena bombers on their way to bomb Imperial warships as well as a few Vultures and tri-droids, but made short work of them with Artoo's help.
"I must admit, I am quite disappointed with how these space battles are turning out. Grievous and Trench's fleets would give us a run for our money, but the fights these Separatist naval captains are dishing out are feeble, for the lack of a better term. Has the quality of droid fighters or Seppie tactics gone down or have we gotten better at anticipating their moves? What say you, Artoo?"
As the blue and white astromech beeped its response, Anakin didn't pay any it heed. Instead, his Actis fighter shuddered as it pushed its way into the green and white world's atmosphere until it entered its troposphere minutes later. As the fallen Jedi shot through the light gray clouds, the alien world they were supposed to be conquering reminded of beautiful worlds such as Alderaan or Naboo he visited when either with Padme or with Obi-Wan and Snips on Jedi business. There seemed to be no sign of sand, which was a plus.
Once this whole ordeal is sorted, I'll bring Padme here where we can possibly spend the rest of our days in peace.
He landed his Actis on a green plateau beneath the foothills before making contact with the Imperial fleet.
"Spirit of Coruscant, this is Red-5 reporting. I've made it to the surface and so have the remaining members of my escort. The invasion force can land now. I'll post the coordinates."
"Very good. I'll be sending Sgt. Mako and the Razor Shark Squadron, the Task Force, the Subjugation Division, Keller and the 17th unit of the Galactic Marines as well as parts of the Golden Company, Dragonsnake and Gundark Division. Alpha and Appo will respectively lead the 501st detachment while Stone will lead the elite shocktrooper unit deployed to the planet. The heavy unit Belvedere will be present in case they are required, I'll leave that judgement to you, General Skywalker. They all will be yours to command. Keep in mind that the objective is to capture the planet and the Separatist leadership and council. A live catch is not required."
Before he could respond to Admiral Yularen, mechanical shouts resounded through the clear chilly air. Anakin glanced up to see two tan B-1s approach him and fire. Sighing, he ignited his blue lightsaber and reflected the shots back to their sources.
Here we go again. The things I do for love.
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The Siege of Sy Mirth kicks off with a bang!
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