This has to be a dream!
Obi-Wan was still in denial as he reflected the blaster shots back at the clones. There was no way clone troopers, who were fiercely trained to be loyal to the Republic and serve their Jedi generals, would turn against their superiors. Something definitely had to be up.
Could this be the result of a new Separatist weapon that messes with the clones minds?
No way that he could rule that out. Reluctantly, he swung his blade left to right, cutting down many 212th soldiers. Each death by his hands seemed like a blaster bolt to the chest. These men who had loyally served him for the past three years were now trying to kill him like he was an enemy to the Republic. His apprentice had told him of a case of one clone trooper in the 501st who had executed his Jedi general due to a chip malfunction. If he recalled correctly, his name was Tup. Could this be related to that, but only on a much larger scale?
"Move it!"
The Jedi Master felt one of Grievous's four mechanical claws swat him to a nearby shrub as the cyborg swung three lightsabers around at a speed that would be deemed impossible for a normal sentient being, but not for what would be described as a living killing machine. Still, Obi-Wan could only watch in awe as his former adversary cut down members of a platoon the Jedi general had once commanded in a flurry of blue and green flashes. He was still having trouble processing what was happening. It was as if the galaxy had turned topsy turvy in just a span of one day.
Stars above! I was just leading a battalion to chase down the Separatist leaders and potentially end the war a half and hour ago. Now, I am being hunted down like I am no different than Grievous himself. Is it possible that Commander Cody and the rest of the 212th mistake me for a Separatist commander somehow? That idea came out of the blue, but the possibilities need to be taken into consideration. Force! I need to contact Anakin.
Taking out his comm, he noticed something that distressed him greatly. It appeared that when he and his varactyl were shot off the cliff during the duel with Grievous, his comm must have been damaged during the fall. Hearing the sounds of clanking metal parts, he glanced upward to see B1 and B2 battle droids arrive at the fray all over the valley. Instinctively, the Jedi retrieved his lightsaber from the dirt floor and prepared to reflect the shots. That was when he realized that they weren't particularly interested in him. Rather, they seemed intent on concentrating their attack on the clones. It wasn't long until tanks from both sides of the conflict joined the battle.
I'll just have to focus on getting far away from here then.
As Obi-Wan made his way out of the shrub, he was greeted by two clones who had parked their speeder bikes in front of him. He recognized them as Trapper and Sly, both 22nd Airborne troopers. Trapper reached for his comm upon spotting his former Jedi general as Sly raised his blaster pistol to distract Kenobi as his comrade made the call for reinforcements.
"Oh no you don't." Kenobi used his saber to slice the blaster pistol and force-pushed the 2 clones off their mounts. Standing over the two, he pointed his lightsaber at the neck of Trapper. "Now I have a question for you and I want an answer. Why did you guys, my own clone army, turn on me?"
Trapper just gazed back at Kenobi from behind the orange and white mask. "Because you Jedi are traitors to the Republic."
"Really, how so?" Obi-Wan looked dumbfounded at this accusation. Yes, the Republic and the Jedi had their rough spots now and then, but accusing the Jedi Council of being Separatist collaborators? Now that was something that made no sense if it didn't already hit below the belt.
"You-" Sly began, when Obi-Wan felt something cool against the back of his neck.
"Master Kenobi, I suggest you come quietly if you value your life and limbs."
Hearing the voice of the man who he had befriended for three years, Obi-Wan didn't know whether he should be alarmed or relieved. None of what they did here made any sense to him.
"Commander Cody, it is good to see you, too." Obi-Wan craned his neck to see the clone commander point a DC-17 blaster at him. "May I ask why I am being treated like I am the supreme commander of the Separatist droid army?"
"I am merely following the orders given to me by the Chancellor," The clone responded. "Don't take this personally, but good soldiers follow orders. The Chancellor has declared you Jedi traitors to the Republic so you must be treated as such."
"Excuse me?" Obi-Wan couldn't believe what the clone commander, his closest friend besides his own Padawan, was informing him of. No way the Chancellor, whom the Jedi worked closely with, would just declare them traitors from out of the blue. "If I heard you correctly, you are accusing me of turning on the very people I have a connection to and consider as close as my own kin, right?"
"You heard it correctly," Commander Cody stated as two clones from the 212th walked across the gravelly and shrubby canyon floor to restrain him. The sun shone straight into the sand-colored vicinity as a slight wind blew some light sand, the same color as Obi-Wan's cloak, into the air. "Now, it is in your best interest to comply with our orders due to your status as a fugitive"-
Before the commander could finish addressing his former Jedi general, several green flashes sent the two clones restraining Obi-Wan to the floor. As Trapper and Sly took hits and fell off their speeder bikes, Commander Cody and Obi-Wan turned to see a group of Pau'un warriors on mounts like dactillions and varadactyls encompass the two. As Cody turned to engage the latecomers, Obi-Wan used that chance to steal a speeder bike to make his escape while his captors were distracted for the time being. Stepping over the body of Sly, he rode the bike up a path that lead to the top of the canyon wall. Glancing to his right, the area was lit in bright red and green laser fire and explosions dotted various parts of the ecosystem rich canyon. In the air, a few droid fighters engaged several ARC-170s for control of the skies.
I need to find a way to leave this Force forsaken planet, but how do I go about doing it?
Seeing a flash of darkness in the corner of his eyes, he spotted Grievous's Belbullab-22 starfighter rise from the reddish brown and green terrain and make a beeline for the canyon top. Seeing this as an alternative way to get to his destination, Obi-Wan took a breath before launching himself toward the wing of the bat-winged starfighter.
Here goes nothing.
Clasping on to the edge, he grabbed on for dear life as the starfighter made its way out of the battle-heavy canyon.
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Well, this is surreal for Obi-Wan. Seeing his former clone battalion turn on him was rough, but will he make it out of this alright?
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