"I spot three Republic Star Cruisers within the surface of the planet. I will have to employ evasive maneuvers in order to reach the surface of the planet. In the meantime, would it be possible for you all to engage them in order to draw their attention away from me?"
In the seat of his black and red Lancer-class ship , Vruh'Kang, an Ubese bounty hunter in the employ of the Separatists, awaited the response from the Separatist commander leading the fleet of dreadnoughts that were to engage the Republic forces while Vruh'Kang liberated the Separatist council members from the planet. Glancing out his window, the bounty hunter noticed the dagger-shaped forms of the Venators outlined against the gray shape of Utapau. His radio crackled to life as Commander Xzir Kegruc, the Falleen leader of the attacking fleet, came back on air.
"We are just coming out of hyperspace. I believe our forces are more than a match for the Republic's pathetic Star Destroyers. Once we have taken care of the Republic's fleet, we will rendezvous with you on the planet along with General Grievous."
"I will hold you to that!" Vruh'Kang responded. Through his portside mirror, he spotted several royal blue-colored Separatist dreadnoughts appear beside him. It kind of gave him a sense of relief, seeing as he wouldn't be alone in facing the Republic's force.
"What are you waiting for?" Commander Kegruc broke the brief silence. " Do what we are paying you to do!"
"On it!" The Ubbese bounty hunter gunned his engines and set for Utapau.
"Sir, the Republic's fleet is facing in our direction."
Swiveling in his seat aboard his flagship, the Devious, Commander Xzir Kegruc turned to face the super tactical droid.
"Good, they have sensed our presence. Prepare the shields and cannons!"
"On it!" The droid turned to relay the orders to the battle droids.
One of the battle droids then glanced up from its position near the ship's computer system. "Um..sir?"
"What is it?" Kegruc snarled.
"There are starfighters pouring out of the cruisers."
Kegruc rolled his eyes before turning to face the super tactical droid. "Send our fighters to meet them."
"Yes, sir!" The tactical droid stalked off to relay the command.
Seriously, how can these droids not read the battlefield? It's like I have to guide them through every step. I don't see why they cost so much. They are really worthless!
"It seems the Seppies have brought in their reinforcements." A clone commander aboard one of the Venators analyzed the computer. Other clone crew members gathered around their comrade to view the situation.
"I expected as much." One of them scratched his chin in thought. "Which is why we had requested back up to be stationed on the nearby moon. We have one more cruiser along with plenty of starships to aid in our battle. We should have no problem repelling the Separatist fleet."
"I am sure our aviators will have no problem taking on the fleet on their own," A third crew member spoke up. "Regardless, let's give the dreadnoughts a taste of our firepower."
It wasn't long before the cannons of all three Venators exchanged fire with the Separatist fleet. The shields had absorbed most of the laser fire from the dreadnoughts along with the droid fighters, but some managed to penetrate the ships. Fortunately, the damage they caused was minimal and nothing major.
"As expected, the battle is running in our favor for now." The clone commander watched red and green lasers streak across the space in front of them. Every now and then, a red or orange explosion would blossom, signalling the destruction of a fighter-more often than not, a droid. Republic interceptors, as well as starfighters, streaked across the windows of the Venator in their pursuit of the droid fighters as the battle intensified.
"Star Destroyer 1, this is 2. Copy. Do you read me?"
The clone commander turned his attention away from the battle outside and toward the hologram of his counterpart on the Star Destroyer to their portside.
"Loud and clear. No need for formalities. We can see eye to eye on this hologram." The commander chuckled. " This battle should be over pretty soon. We hardly broke a sweat."
"Sir!" A clone, in the armor of the 2nd airborne troops, ran over. "Star Destroyer 3 has taken a major hit by one of the dreadnought's torpedoes. No visible damage, but their shields are down for the count."
"Very well, send some of our support craft to cover them while they assess their damages." He turned his attention back to his counterpart. "Well, it seems like the Seppies aren't as incompetent as we first assumed them to be."
"Well, to be honest, I was hoping they'd put up a fight rather than just crumble upon our attack." The second clone chuckled. "It makes the victory more meaningful this way."
Bright green lasers lit up the vicinity as the dreadnoughts concentrated their fire on the weakened Venator until it was demolished alongside its support aircraft.
"Oi! How did that happen?" One crew member on the commander's left side gasped.
"That's impossible! How did a few laser shots completely obliterate a large cruiser?" A second clone added. "Did the dreadnoughts firepower increase in quality?"
The crew aboard the first Venator were in a state of shock, evident by their excited chatter among themselves. The commander then raised his hand for silence.
"We haven't determined if the Seps have gotten stronger, but bickering among ourselves isn't helping our situation." His dark eyes scanned his crew. "We need to avenge our fallen brothers or we will be next. Besides, things have taken quite a turn. This won't be a boring battle."
The clone pilot of the Arc-170 watched the targeting system lock onto the droid fighter in front of him. Without thinking, his fingers squeezed the trigger, turning the fighter into several prices of metal scattering in space.
That was easy like always, albeit a bit too easy.
As he converged on a pack of Vulture bombers, the pilot's finger never left the trigger. The result was several fireballs lighting up the darkness of space. To CT- 3124, this was a wondrous sight. That was when a massive explosion illuminated the immediate vicinity in a blinding white light. Glancing back, an expression of horror played upon his face. One of the three Star Destroyers was annihilated, taking out the support spacecraft within its radius.
Impossible! How did they manage to down one of our carriers with just laser fire. I saw no ion cannon or proton torpedoes fired. Did their shields get taken out just like that?
"2nd Assault Squadron, this is Destroyer 1. You have a new objective. Send half of your team to strike the dreadnoughts while the other half defends the remaining carriers."
"Copy." The pilot flicked a switch in the colorful control board and relayed the order. It was time to avenge their fallen comrades.
The 2nd Assault Squadron as well as the other squads present dodged fire as well as fighters on their way to complete their new mission. The pilot himself nearly had a close call with a Vulture droid before he spun his starship away just in time to avoid a collision. He soon appeared on the left flank of the newly appointed squad leader.
"You know the drill! Split up and provide cover for the Y-wings! Aim for the bridges or the cockpits. Go!"
Not hesitating for a parsec, the clone streaked straight toward the leftmost dreadnought and leveled himself alongside the yellow Y-wings on their way to strike the enemy capital ships. The dreadnought soon grew in size as they approached it, its massive figure looming in front of them.
It looks almost like a fish I saw during the Naboo crisis although fishes don't fire green lasers.
"Alright, here we go!"
Firing at the attacking enemy fighters as well as the cannons on the dreadnought, the pilot took his mission really seriously. From the corner of his eye, he watched the fires light up like balloons as the bombs made contact with the bridge of the enemy ship. It was yet another sight to see.
"I would appreciate it if you could give me your coordinates instead of bickering like children."
Vruh'Kang circled around the planet once before making his descent to the topmost level of the planet. The Separatist leaders were squabbling like a bunch of Aeropteryx when all the bounty hunter had requested was their coordinates. The landing zone looked a bit hot and he had to circle to stay away from stray blaster fire or cannons until the Seppies were able to act more like adults and transmit their coordinates.
I am not being paid enough for this job.
A few minutes later, the Ubbese had landed his craft on a dusty canyon top as the Separatist leaders as well as their droid bodyguards approached the spacecraft. As soon as he let the ship's hangar open, they rushed inside as if a hungry Gundark was trailing after them.
"Hey, no pushing and shoving!" Vruh'Kang rose to address the Separatists. "There is plenty of room onboard."
As soon as they were settled, he took off and just in the nick of time as well. Below him, red lasers streaked across the dusty terrain as the battle was brought into the space they had occupied earlier. As soon as he left the barren planet's atmosphere, the bounty hunter received a transmission. Opening it up, he noticed General Grievous, the de facto leader of the CIS, pop up on screen.
"Well, have you rescued the Council?"
"Indeed I have," The armored bounty hunter responded. "Now, where are you now?"
Grievous just huffed. "I am safely aboard the Invisible Hand on the other side of Utapau. I want you to rendezvous with me as soon as you can."
"Noted." Vruh'Kang nodded. Just as he was about to end the transmission, a second figure bearing the robes of a Jedi Master appeared behind the general. A mischievous grin formed across the bearded face.
"Why hello there."
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Well, there we have it. Another update that features a new point of view, a space battle, and a ending that took us all by surprise. Obi-Wan's allegiance is tested, but where will he go from here?
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