"Sir, you are receiving a transmission from the Patriot's Fist."
Commander Xzir Kegruc whirled around to face the droid who had bore him the message. His ship, the Devious, shook as fire from the Republic spacecraft struck it. Thankfully, the shields were still holding since they weren't the first starcraft to be targeted. It seemed the Republic had its fire concentrated on his other craft at the moment. It was by a stroke of luck that only one of the several ships in his fleet had gone down in a flaming wreck. In turn, he and his fleet managed to take out one Venator-class star destroyer, but he had considered that pathetic as their ships outnumbered the Republic's and they should have made quick work of the enemy.
"Put him on the line."
A clicking sound was heard as General Grievous's blue hologram became outlined on the metallic bridge of the Devious. Commander Kegruc made a gesture of respect to the Supreme Commander of the droid army.
"General Grievous, I am delighted to hear from you. I take it that Vruh'Kang was successful in rescuing the Council members?"
The cyborg general gave what sounded like a loud snort. "Unlike you, he has."
"I beg your pardon?" The Falleen commander looked befuddled.
"I'd have expected you to have done away with the Republic's cruisers before I was to leave the planet. With the numbers on your side, I'd assume you had the upper hand in this battle. Perhaps I was wrong."
Kegruc flinched as a Vulture droid bomber, shot by the clone forces, careened into the shield, exploding against it. "Just give me a few more minutes, General. I'll have the remaining two cruisers converted into flaming wrecks in no time.
"I sure hope so, for your sake." The cyborg cackled. "You don't want me to risk the lives of the Separatist leaders in order to mop up your pathetic little mess."
"Oh, that won't be necessary." Kegruc nervously fidgeted, his green reptilian hands making creaking noises. "I wouldn't want you to put your cargo in peril in a tight battle like this."
"I see you are no fool, Commander Kegruc. However, I am not going to leave you in the dust. I will send a few squadrons of my droid air force to assist you in terminating the vile Republic spacecraft."
"I am grateful for your assistance, General." The Falleen smiled weakly."I will present you good results soon enough."
"Oh, I am confident you will." The Kaleesh cackled before ending the transmission.
"Admiral! Sensors are picking up a ship of mass proportions exiting Utapau's atmosphere."
Admiral Yularen turned away from the window of the star destroyer to face the clone crew member that had approached him. Dressed in a similar outfit as himself, the clone motioned to the screen that showed a bright red dot exiting the outlines of the planet. The admiral noted that this unidentified starship was taking the route that was on the opposite side of the space where the battle was taking place between the Republic spacecraft and Separatist dreadnoughts. It didn't take long for him to concoct a theory.
"CT-395066, there is a change of plans. Set course for the intercept of the unidentified spacecraft. It could possibly be carrying something essential to the Separatists."
"On it!" The clone turned to relay the orders to the crew before turning back to Yularen. "What will our plan be if our brothers in the cruisers require reinforcements?"
"We will divert to their position once it is deemed necessary.For now, intercepting the lone ship could prove decisive and it is our main objective now."
"Sounds good to me." The clone left to join the rest of his brothers at the control. The admiral turned his attention to a few clone pilots standing near the hangars.
"I need you all on standby in case force is necessary,which I think will most definitely be."
As the admiral's blue eyes trained on the pilots running to man their starfighters for the possible conflict that was about to ensue, his thoughts returned to the events that have been plaguing his mind since he had learned that the Jedi were the ones behind this grueling conflict that had claimed thousands of lives and plunged many worlds into humanitarian disaster. Glancing out the triangular windows of the Venator, he spotted red blossoming here and there against the blackness of space as the battle continued.
Perhaps I can gain a promotion now that the Jedi are out of the way.
Wulff Yularen ran a hand through his graying hair that was reflected back to him from the window. Once again, he felt excitement course through his veins as the vibrations of the star destroyer's engines shook. Soon, they shot out of the moon and toward Utapau.
"Sir, we have an incoming enemy ship bearing down on us from the nearest moon."
General Grievous glanced out the window to see the distinct dagger shape of the Republic cruiser materialize between the Patriot's Fist and the large stone-gray moon. The general stretched his cybernetic arms and growled. It seemed there would be no avoiding this battle. He whirled around and started parking orders.
"Concentrate all your cannons on that ship! Send out a detachment of droid fighter-bombers immediately."
"Roger Roger!"
Obi-Wan stood by Vruh'Kang as he observed the droids running to run their errands. It seemed a major broadside battle will occur at any moment. For the first time during his career as a Republic general, Kenobi found himself on the opposite side of the war. He was not sure how to feel about it, but self-preservation was his top priority at the moment. It wasn't long until they were level with the enemy ship. Obi-Wan held his breath as the miles long Venator-class cruiser hovered in space, several starfighters buzzing around it like flies.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" Grievous thundered. "Fire all cannons!"
"Sir, Beta squad has arrived."
Startled out of his temporary nap due to his exhaustion from commanding the clones days without rest, Commander Cody rose from where he was seated inside their makeshift command center in an abandoned canyon in Utapau as he turned to face the scout.
"Let them in at once."
It wasn't long until the scout returned, followed by four clone commandos. Like each commando unit, they had their helmets colored in various colors. Moreover, their visors glowed a neon teal color. Cody couldn't help, but feel enthralled by their presence. These were the best of the best in the clone army.
"Welcome to my commanding office, Beta squad." Cody and a few of the other 212th clones saluted their elite brothers."Your reputation precedes you. You know why you are here, correct?"
"Aye, we are here to assist you in cleaning your mess," The blue-helmeted clone, whom Cody assumed was the leader of the crew retorted. "We will scour the planet and beyond to find the Separatist leaders as well as that traitor Obi-Wan Kenobi."
Cody bit his tongue to keep from making a remark. "We welcome your assistance, Beta squad. I take it you are the one they call Exhit."
"Aye, don't forget to acknowledge the rest of my brothers Manghalese, Tog, and Na'ac. Now introductions are through, enough chit chat and let's get to work."
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Obi-Wan and the Separatist crew try to escape, only to come face to face with Admiral Yularen's crew. How will this turn out for him? Not only that, but Beta Squad is now involved.
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