And her voice drifted off...
i ran and ran through the dark and empty ballroom. Well, not really empty as there were traps and corners all around, i heard a gunshot fire; shivering slightly by how close by to where i was hiding it sounded. I heard footstool trot along, "Y/N... Come out wherever you are..~" i heard Pinia's voice. Suddenly i yelped loudly, a bit too loudly...
"There!" I recognised the voice to be Barry's and i heard running towards my direction. I fled. Looking around, I noticed a few cave-like structures which were big enough for me to fit into. Immediately, i ran over there and slid into position....
"UGHH, where is SHE!?!?!?" Aaron screamed, nearly breaking my eardrums; there was a moment of silence. Perfect. Silence. It had been almost 10 minutes of the silence when i tried to move; my hand was an inch away from the door when i heard a laugh. It was too familiar, way too familiar.
"Sleep tight darling~" and everything went black.
--the next morning--
i woke up in my bed...? 'Had it all been a nightmare?' Thoughts and memories of the night before past surged through my mind. 'No no no! It happened, im SO sure about it!' I panicked. I guess as i was rambling i might have said something a bit too loud; hearing the door click i looked over at Damien who sleepily stood by it. "Are you ok? I heard yelling and panicking..." he yawned, i forced a smile at him but he didnt buy it. "What's wrong Y/N, fever?" He put his hand to my forehead and neck, checking my temperature.
I shook my head vigorously, "...i.." i breathed in deeply before letting out a sigh, "i feel like im going crazy" i spat, i heard him giggle and covered his mouth to stifle it. "What's so funny Damien?" I asked him, perplexed on why he would laugh if someone said they felt like they were going crazy...
"Sis, we're all crazy." He smiled; dimple showing. As he walked out, i fell back on to my pillow with a thunk, "Ow.." i grunted as i felt around to see what my head had hit. Its not like it was feeling so great anyways...considering the colossal headache i had when i first woke. While fumbling around with the pillow casing, my hand ghosted over a thick, rectangular object.
I yanked it out, 'a book?' I gazed at it and slowly opened the cover and was amazed by what i saw....