Then came Aaron and Pinia. And I would be lying 100% if I said that I wasnt a bit scared yet amused by all the offenses they were shoutint at each other, but when they started getting angry....they really fought well.
We walked to Claire and Skyler as we couldnt fine Barry and Checilia anywhere. "Hey guys!" I yelled but there wasnt a reply, "Guys??" Still nothing. I was about to shout one last time before Damien shushed me and ushered me to look at what they were doing. I obliged and shifted my eyes to the platform in front of them.
"Bet you I can reach first!" Claire laughed almost to the point of hysteria and began making her way up the tower, loudly singing as she did. "I will!" Skyler shouted up to her and started making his way up as well.
--few minutes of them swinging around later--
Claire fell. She fell off the FREAKING TOWER!!! "CLA-" "Let her be." "Let her be?!?! Are you crazy???" I snapped but he just looked at me; smiled, and turned back to the platform. "Haha! I told you I would win!" Skyler shouted almost at the top of the tower. "Nah" Claire said sitting down. "You cant win this...know why?" She mocked.
"Wh- Claire dont you dare..." Skyler threatened to the 13-year-old with a revolver aimed towards him. "Try me." She challenged and I watched as Sky came down to grab the gun but Claire just stay still. 'What is she..ohhh!' I pondered and realized what she was doing. What I didnt expect was for her to become a suicide-bomber like person; as soon as Skyler was close enough, she flung herself towards him and engulfed him in a hug.
Skyler fell backwards and off the tower, leaving Claire to make her way up and win. "I win." She laughed; making her way to the bleeding tall boy below her. "You play dirty." He huffed and got up, "Damien, little help?" He asked coming towards us. Damien nodded and scurried over and dumped the same substance on his gunshot wound.
I ran over to her, "isnt that illegal?" I joked and she smiled, "not if the other doesn't mind" she responded and headed over to Skyler, "good game Sky" she smiled and he just rolled his eyes. "Have you guys seen Bar and Checilia? We cant find them anywhere!" Damien whined, "Kitchen." They said in unision and we headed there.
Before we opened the door we heard shouting, "Checilia, WHY DO YOU LIKE MY LEFT EYE!?!" We opened the door and went in to see Barry with his left eye shut. "What happened?" Damien asked, running over to cling to Barry. "I sprinkled flour in his face." She laughed and I followed. Their jobs were to make food and candies that'll give the team a boost.
--after cleaning the mess and everyone is in the waiting room--
"Alright guys, we have something to do." Claire announced. "Finally!" Everyone screamed in excitement; looking googly-eyed at her. "We need to collect some information about Chloe's gang..." she sighed and turned to me, "Y/N. You need to..- Y/N? Are you alright?" I teared up a bit, "Uhum, yeah..*sniffle* Im alright." She looked a bit closer and got up, "please dont notice! Please dont notice!' "Y/N, is there something you want to tell us?" She asked softly; i shook my head and startes going upstairs.
"WHY ME?!?" I shouted, not caring who could hear me at that moment. All those memories started flooding in...
I walked in to my home, not bothering to knock cause its my house. "Mom! Dad!" I looked around the house, no sign of them, "Mommmm?????" Thats when I saw it.
"M-mom..? Where's dad??? Shoot!" I ran to their bedroom and sure enough there dad; in the same position my mom was in: dismembered. I couldnt believe it, I just cant. They cant be dead! I looked for signs of life.
There was none.
Then I heard the lock click. "Who ever is out there, COME OUT NOW!" I yelled at the top of my lungs; watching carefully and attentively as a tall man in black and a balavaca approached me. "Oh, I guess I missed the child of the household.." He smirked and I fled to the kitchen. "Little girl..? Im not gonna hurt you~" he sang but I obviously didn't care.
I grabbed two knives, one short and the other long. "Stay away from me you jerk!" I ordered; flinging the longer knife at him. He dodged it and ran towards me after he picked it up. "DIE IN HELL!" I shouted and threw myself at him; holding the shorter knife in my hands above his head.
Before my hand went down he caught it and laughed; "girl why are you still trying. Are you stupid? Im twice your size!" He mocked but that didnt stop me. I pushed as hard as I could and managed to drop my hands lower.
And lower...
And lower, Until...
"AHHH!!!" He stabbed me in the side. I used whatever strength I had left and sent my hand and the knife sinking into his skull. The last thing I heard were police and ambulance sirens.
--end of flash back--
"IF I DIDNT GO THAT WOULDNT HAVE HAPPENED! I JUST HAD TO GO, I JUST HAD TO!" I sobbed. My eyes felt like niagra falls. I cried and screamed till the point my eyes and throat were numb.
I was about to try and sleep it off when I heard someone knock on the door. "Y/N...?" It sounded like Barry.
"Come in" I sniffled.
A/N: 1000 words!! YASSSS!