That night I had constant nightmares. Having to wake up every few minutes wasnt doing it for me so I opened my eyes groggily and turned my head to watch the clock:
it read. I sighed and sat up, peering into the darkness of my empty dorm. Thats when I heard faint sniffling. 'Is someone crying..?' I thought, shuffling out of bed and moving towards the door; checking if anyone was still awake before leaving my dorm.
All was silent.
I found the coast to be clear and tip-toed out quickly but quietly in the direction of the crying. As I walked around looking for the noise I heard a loud THUMP. I tried my best to quietly rush to the source.
--5 minutes later--
When I reached the source I was stunned. It was Claire's room....
I sat there for a moment or two, challenging my confidence to see whether I should just walk in like that or not. 'Well..she did help me through my rubbish....' I sighed and clicked open the door; getting her attention.
~Claire's p.o.v~
(A/N:where Im starting from is before Y/N actually stumbles in Claire's room and it'll progress onwards so just bear with me)
'I CANT TAKE IT. I JUST CANT.' It pounds through my head as I hear their laughs ringing through my ears like nails on a blackboard.
I let my tears fall as I sobbed silently; I just couldnt help it anymore. I couldn't help that NO ONE actually bothered to check on me and actually find out the problem. I couldnt help that NO ONE actually noticed my insecurities and my self-doubt issue. I just cant help that the two boys I have a crush on dont care!
Pinia likes Sam for sure and it's definitely the other way round as well... I sigh, looking at my face which was stained and glistening in tears. Barry likes Sharon thats for sure and I figure she does too; I mean, they seem so happy with each other.
Now you guys will call me stupid, a sensitive little girl, a slut for liking TWO boys in the group right?!?!
'Its all your fault!
No common sense!
All those things, running and running through my mind like a spiral staircase till they reach the door and flow out of my eyes like the Victoria Falls. But tell me who actually cared?
I care about all of them and I mean ALL OF THEM. Even if it seems I act differently Ill tell you how:
-Aaron: Even though he's rather violent and scary to some, I try my best to always be there for him, no matter what. He wants me to change; that breaks me, he says I "dont notice him"; that breaks me. I feel as though he just doesnt see it, but I still love him, with all my heart.
-Damien: I always knew that Damien was rather secretive when it came to his past in other schools; so seeing him so open on the first day with Y/N made me feel a bit jealous. I didnt show it, he noticed it. And I regret making him feel so bad for it, he was one of those people who actually understood my craziness and I almost shattered him. But I still love him, with all my heart.
-Barry: Bar is the hyperactive type I would say. He's fun and care-free and he never really seems to take anything to heart. I always loved helping him in those silly little situations he got himself into. And his imagination; my gosh is crazy. Hence, the name: Joker. He's crazy and pyschotic but I still love him, with all my heart.
-Skyler: I really like Sky; yeah, I do. Sure he's got a cocky attitude and most of the time doesnt care about others; he's still there to cheer us up and make us smile. I honestly dont think I needed to help Sky in any way...except when we were thinking of a codename and he joked saying: "SilverHit!" And we both burst out laughing and decided on that. But despite all that, I still love him, with all my heart.
-Sam: Sam is really laid-back. We almost always used to kind of lay 'traps' around the house and waited for the other to fall into them. It was fun. I like talking to him about my past a bit actually, among all the other boys. Sam and Sky are the oldest among our group both being 14 and I just feel comfortable and safe around him. Sure sometimes he's an arse, but I still love him, with all my heart.
-Checilia: Checilia and I are best friends to the max. I doubt there's anything we hide from each other and we always help each other no matter the problem; you could even call us blood-sisters. She can be a bit sarcastic though. But I still love her, with all my heart.
-Pinia: Pinia is fun and loud. She puts her all in whatever work she does and I love helping her like that. She would come up to me pratically shouting each morning: "Claire! Claire!" And I would just ask what happened and her answer is always so wacky, "NANANANANANA BATMAN!!" And thats basically the rooster of this house. But I still love her, with all my heart.
-Sharon: I still remember the first day Sharon came. She used to be quite mean to most of us except for one or two but other than that she was a very intelligent and very beautiful girl in my opinion. Nowadays, she'd come to me with her problems and I would do whatever I can to help her. She's a bit sensitive sometimes; but I still love her, with all my heart.
I continued to think and think, about how these people actually liked me and if they would STILL like me over time. I knew they wouldnt so I continued to cry.
--2 minutes later--
I probably didnt hear it over my crying and all but faintly; my door clicked.
I wiped my tears, cleared my throat, faked a smile and looked up. It was Y/N. "Are you ok Y/N?" I asked her and ushered her to walk in.