'Oh well.' I thought to myself, it seemed like I was the only one awake in the house so I decided to go into the kitchen to make breakfast. As I was walking around and exploring, I found a small room.
It seemed to be disclosed off from other rooms in the area. 'Hmm...' I thought, 'wouldn't hurt to take a peek right?' And with that note, I slowly pushed the door open. What I saw was breathtaking...
It was just a regular room, but in front of the room was a fireplace; above it was a huge book. Said book wasn't thick, but it sure was huge!
I slowly walked up to it, when I finally reached it, I tried carrying it. And..no, not happening. So I just kinda flopped onto the floor with the book and opened it.
~~Flash Back~~
Claire's p.o.v
"Come on Simon! Hurry!" I called out, we were on an important information drive and we needed to hurry the freak up.
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" He yelled back, the two of us hopped over the fence and ran across this garden. I looked at Simon and he waited patiently for me to give him the signal.
Once it was time, I gave him the signal and I fled into the darkness, I watched as he climbed into house and slowly sneak out with some papers. he ran over towards me, "got them?" I asked, he nodded and we fled home.....
--two weeks later--
"What..?" I ran towards the door, and opened it, revealing a girl with short, black hair which were tied in pig tails and she had tan skin...Chloe...
Next to her I saw Simon, my rage started boiling. "What.The.Hell...." I simmered, "WHAT THE HELL SIMON??!" I snapped, he just tilted his head in confusion. "WHAT THE HELL IS SHE DOING HERE?" I screamed, Chloe wasn't supposed to be here, she did need to be here. Simon looked at me and blew up in tears, 'sorrys' and apologies flooding out, but I wasn't going to have any of it this time, "GET....OUT! BOTH OF YOU IDIOTS, GET. OUT." I snapped, and with that, I got an angry Chloe and waterfall Simon out.
~~end of flash back~~
Woah... That was weird. Anyways, I got out before anyone could see. I was about to step into the kitchen when I heard the doorbell ring.
I opened the door to see a slightly shorter than average boy with neat and shiny black hair, "hi..may I help you?" I asked politely, "uh, yes.
You wouldn't happen to know where Claire is?" He rushed, "Oh, well ok then I'll bring you to her. And your name is..?" "Simon" ,'shoot' I mentally cussed. Nonetheless I brought the traitor in, "may I use the bathroom?" He asked me, I nodded and brought him to the bathroom; little did he know...
That bathroom locks from outside. So the minute he went in, I locked the door.
I ran as fast as I could to Aaron's room, "wake up Aaron!" I pushed him. He groaned and woke up, "what?" He mumbled, I told him everything that happened, but I left the secret room as such. "Shoot." He said, and ran off. I suppose he ran off to Claire and Checilia's dorm. While he rushed over to wake them up, I was sprinting around waking all the others up. Soon, all of us were outside that door.
"Smart girl, Y/N." Sharon praised, all of the rest nodded and smiled in agreement. I blushed and scratched the back of my neck, "Hehe, it was nothing much.." I mumbled. As Claire opened the door, Simon tumbled out and fell on top of her.
"YOU..." He glares, "YOU. WERE THE REASON I'M NOT HERE NOW!" He shouted, making the walls shake. He yanked out a small bag of white powder and flung it at her.
The bag burst open and it's contents all fell onto Claire; Simon realised what happened and he seemed to be driven into complete panic....
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He exclaimed.
At that moment....Claire had fainted. I couldn't take it anymore, to me they were my only family, my only friends! I yelled at him, "you better run" I twitched. He nodded and tried to run; emphasis on 'tried'. Sharon cloned herself and made her double run to where Simon was running, and the normal her stayed at her place so he'd be trapped. Once he was, Pinia froze him and picked him up by the collar and dragged him out.
Once he was out, she looked the door and we all ran back to Claire.
She was still cold and asleep.....