I heard a voice singing all of a sudden, and by the sound of it; its coming closer. "La Dee Da.. Oh, hi sis! Hi Damien!" Checilia smiled at us. We smiled back and gave our own little waves. "Hey sis, what're you doing?" I asked her as she was adjusting a small figurine on her shelf, "Cleaning!" She sang and continued on arranging and rearranging the items making them as similar as possible.
Its all so...symmetrical... I stared in awe; "CHECILIA?!?!" A roar boomed causing all three of us to shake and wobble. Checilia turned up to her teacher in horror, "WHAT RUBBISH THIS IS?" She punished and tsk'ed her fingers, however she didnt seem to notice Damien and me standing next to her.
"I-im sorry Miss.." she stammered a bit but gained her composure as the old hag left the room to blow up. "Ughhh, I have to do this again!" She thrashed about noisily. "Why do you have to make it all symmetrical?" I asked her confused, "I dunno, my teacher says symmetry and alignment are the only thing you need to be 'Perfect'" she muttered sadly and Damien went up to her.
"No one's perfect Checilia..." he started off slowly, "But we're all perfect in our own ways; even if people call us, 'Imperfect' " he smiled and we both sighed, hearing Ms.Bigfoot stomp on in. "WHY HAVENT YOU CLEANED UP!?" She scolded, popping the: 'p'. My poor sister was at a loss for words.. I had to help her, even if it meant destroying myself.
"Hey!" I threw a nearby pen at her glasses, she spun her neck like an owl; looking for the source. "Over here ya' pig!" I waved my hands up and down as she walked towards me; bending down to get to my level. "Why'd you throw that little girl?" She asked, "Cause you're being mean Miss." I simply fired and waited.
"Ex-cuse me??" I snorted a bit, "You're 'friend' here wants to be perfect so Im showing her how." I shook my head and laughed, "Ohhh teacher, nobody's perfect." She scrunched her face like a newspaper and stared soulessly at me, "You heard me, no one is perfect. But all our imperfections make us perfect so just deal with it!" And just like that, she disappeared into thin air.
"Thank You Thank You!!!!" Checilia ran up to Damien and me and gave us a tight hug. "We love you too," Damien patted her head, or...attempted to?
"Another portal here we go!" I cried and we headed through.