--other side--
As we exited the portal I stepped in a puddle of regret; so did Aaron. "What is this?!" He groaned and I turned on my phone-light to take a look; "Claire are you ok???" Aar panicked when I threw up so suddenly; then he looked towards the floor and retched and gagged at what he saw.
There was so much blood and dismembered body parts; it was horrifying. And sadly what has been seen today cannot be unseen. "This must be Y/N's story! We have to go hide before she comes home." And on cue the door bell rang.
I ushered Aaron to hide in the closet while I went to the other corner of the room to hide. "Mom? Dad??" Y/N's voice echoed. Then I heard sharpening of a knife...very, very close to me. "Well hello little girl~" a disgusting, pedophilec voice blurted into my ear drum. I was about to move when I felt something metal on my neck.
"Move and you die darling." He instructed and I stayed put, but I felt a pair of eyes on me. 'Aaron..' I gulped hard and moves back with the knife staying close to my neck. 'Claire!' Aaron?!!! 'Claire please dont die, please stay alive I should die.. please!!' H-how the..— forget that for now. I moved my hands a bit but a strong grip held them and moved the knife closer to my neck.
Y/N doesnt seem to know how to use a gun. I mentally facepalmed but thanked her straight after as the intruder got startled and ran.
It was just me, Aaron and the "nuggets" in the room now and I went to grab him and ran out of the room. Aaron was so pale.. "poor you.." I put my hand on his forehead and neck to check for any signs of illness. "I love you dear, now are yoy ready..?" I spat at him after awhile and he took a minute after regaining colour and smiled. "Ready."
It had been awhile already and those two wouldve been in the kitchen so thats where we were headed. And we were just in time; Aaron agreed to stay outside and call the police while I went in to help Y/N, who seemed to busy to notice me walking in. Her gun was on the floor and I saw both of them with knives in their hands.
"Sorry I had to ruin the fun." I smirked, blowing on the barrel as Y/N and I watched the man convulse and bleed from his shoulder. We heard sirens. Aaron did it!
--2 minutes of explaining to the police later--
"Aaron, Claire; thank you so much!" Y/N poured her heart out in a glass for us. Aaron smiled and they spoke for awhile. "Im sorry about your parents Y/N. Im sure they loved you so." I reassured and she smiled teary eyed at me.
Then the final portal opened.
We went through and ended up back home, with all the others. "Guys???? What happened while we were gone?" I asked them worriedly and they all gave me a hug, "We caught Chloe in her own trap, thank you so much for helping us through the pain." They all said in sync. I smiled and hugged back.