Thanks for actually reading this if you are but I find that it isnt really important so leave now if you wish.
Others? Still here? Ok, thanks.
I actually want to explain why I came up with this idea; my inspiration I guess.
To be honest, 'The Whispers' was actually a story based on, well, a true story! 😂 I made it a resemblance to a certain group I created in my school.
And as for my story turning unbelievably dark at one point; I also based it on my nightmares and how I over came them, with the help of Y/N. Actually, the characters who were in my story are based of real people I know. Not mentioning them but they probably know who they are by the descriptions.
I really do love them, be it as family or not. But I feel unwanted, missing and forgotten at the same time, this story gave me a way of: "voicing out my thoughts and sorrow". I wanted to say thanks, why and sorry.
By this point you those of you who know me by heart probably know who wrote the whole story. As for those who dont know, Im leaving it as a secret.
All in all, Im being completely serious from the first chapter till now about all of this. And I want to say thank you for all those who read it from start to end even though this story terrible.
So bye guys!!