--on the other side--
They started fading again.. "Wh--at--'s happ--" Shar glitched, "Its okay, you guys are going home, Sam and Pinia should be there too." I hugged them tightly and saluted them goodbye.
I began walking around my destination, it looks like another school. "HAHAHA!" The voices sounded like a boombox or something. I wonder what was happening; peeking my head around the corner I noticed that a couple boys were pushing a short boy down multiple stairs and bullying him.
"Look guys, he's so dark that you cant even see him!" One of them said and as if on cue, the lights darkened and the boy could, indeed, not be seen. But that wasnt something you should make fun of; actually, I think I know who the victim is now..
"Damien!!!" I shouted in pity as I ran behind the bullies, they all spun around to face me. "Oh? Are you his mother?" One laughed and pushed me back, "Maybe his girlfriend!" Another blasted. I had it. "Im neither, Im his sister." I stated and pushed the laughing idiots out of the way to get to the shaking and tearful little boy.
"Damien?" I tried to look at his face, but he buried it in his hands very well. "Damien please...!" I begged and his chocolate eyes shot up to face me. There was no emotion. I couldnt read him, what have they done?!? "What happened to you..?" He muttered, "What took you so..long?" I blinked at him in confusion and asked what he meant, "YOU DONT GET IT. NO ONE DOES!" He shouted in my face and ran down the remaining flights of stairs.
'Oh my..' I ran down after him and found that he was about to go down the last flight, but I was going too fast and pushed him by mistake; causing him to humpty-dumpty his way down in agony. "See?! You're TRYING to get me hurt arent you??" He accused, I said softly back "Damien no I-" "Shut up!" He paused and I heard soft whimpers, "You guys are always like this...I feel that only Pinia actually gets me.." he sobbed, I came down the steps slowly; trying not to alert him. "..go away.." he mumbled as I reached the bottom.
I smiled at him, "Nope." I giggled and kneeled down beside him. "Listen, Damien. Im sorry if I dont get you most of the time; it isnt that easy to understand someone, even you dont get me sometimes.." I let out a shaky laugh and noticed that he was actually looking at me. I went on.
"And Im sorry that I hurt you so, so many times. Just like when I accidentally pushed you down the stairs earlier; it hurts, doesnt it?" I asked sympathetically and watched him nod a bit. "May I see where it hurts..? If you trust me?" I offered and he lifted his sleeve, there were no visible wounds but I pressed my fingers around the area just in case.
It was silent, but peaceful. "Hey Claire?" I turned my attention to him, "Do you think Im weird?" 'What a random question' "Weird?" I repeated and he nodded, "Yeah, you are." I smiled a bit; my smile faded when I saw him frown again, "You're weird in a good way Damien, dont worry." I reassured and he smiled at me, wiping his tears.
"Yeah, I guess I am." He responded after a minute and jumped at the sudden bright light shining from the galaxy array of colours before us.
"Do you trust me now?" I asked unsure, holding out my hand; he held it, "Yeah, I do." He smiled and we headed through.