"Ha-ha-ha, how you dodged that I dont know but you wont dodge this!" Chloe taunted and shot more lazers my way. Con and I dodged them all.. lazer after lazer. "Claire!" A lazer hit my head, causing me to black out..
I woke up, unsure of the time, environment or even person I was anymore! I got up slowly; alert as a panther for danger. "Ooh Clarie~" I heard a voice call seductively, "Oh. No." Suddenly my hands were locked behind my back and I heard another voice; "You're not getting away so easily stupid." "Why are YOU guys all out??" "Tut. Tut. Pets dont talk." He said, I struggled to get free, but we were all even matches, "Clem I swear!" I threatened while he just smiled at me, "Its good to be back my lady." He bowed and I felt him enter my body.
I felt it all, my eyes rolling themselves out of their sockets, a black cloud of all the agony and despair I built up; the power I felt. But I could never handle it all by myself. Never. "Where's Con?" I asked Clem, "Con? He's gone." He laughed hysterically, " what do you mean, gone?" "Im mean he's not with us anymore!" Clem shouted. 'Think happy, think happy' I fought it; it's happened before. I always fight it for as long as I can hold it. "What're you doing stupid?!?" 'Remember that time when you were playing with Barry? Or the time where you and Sky played potato-chips(its rock paper scissors but when you lose you put a hand down)?' "No! Stop it!" I faintly heard another voice, 'Come on Claire! You can do it!' "Shut up shut up shut up!!!!"
'There was a time, a time where I felt so lonely; I didnt know what to do, where to go. But then you were there; you made me a home. Then you were there...Aaron and Checelia.'
'There was a time, a time where I felt no one cared. A time where I would just let my tears fall in silence. But then you were there; you showed me love. Then you were there...Barry and Sharon'
'There was a time, a time where I couldnt feel anything but sadness and pain. A time where I was numb inside. But then you were there; you showed me happiness. Then you were there...Sam and Skyler'
'There was a time, a time where I got stuck. A time where I was locked up in your tiny little birdcage with no where to run. But then you were there; you brought md freedom....Damien and Pinia.'
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and out he came. "You're so stupid, pathetic little girl. I should've known you're still weak!" And with that; Clem stomped near the darkness and never came back. 'Calling Claire! Claire! Are you there?' "Yeah. Hi Con!" 'Congratz but we still have work to do. First stop; Pinia's mind!' I gave a small thumbs up and ran into the direction.