I liked books, I loved mystery and horror especially; but that was besides the point. What was important was that I was supposed to find out who was here and how to help him/her. Just then, I heard someone clear their throat; "Could you move?" The boy muttered in a bored tone. "Sam?" I asked, no reply.
"Can you move?" Throwing me the same question, starting to get impatient, but I stood firm. "Why're you so clingy?" He scolded as he pushed me out of the way and onto the ground, I rubbed my head. "Was that on purpose or by accident?" I softly questioned; but he just gave me a disinterested looked, grabbed the book he needed and walked off.
I walked over to him, grabbing the sleeve of his shirt and yanking him back in the process, "Stop being so CLINGY!" He shouted towards the end. It was truly agony for me to hear, 'c-clingy..?' I thought, tears forming at the corner of my eyes; I was as scared as a mouse on a mouse trap but I kept going, fighting back whatever feelings I could.
"YOURE THE ONE WHO DOESNT CARE!" He turned to face me, his face with spite and total annoyance because of my remark. He stayed silent. Just staring at me through his thin rimmed glasses, it was silent. "I dont care." 'What..?' I felt my heart start to shatter; I looked up at him once more, "I said, I. Dont. Care. Now GO." He shoved me toward the shelves and went back to returning to the table.
"I dont get what's your problem.." I exhaled in agony, my back stung as I shifted while trying to get up. "I have no problems. Unlike you." He retorted cockily and I just; had it. "You know what?? My problem is that IM SCARED!" I blurted out; watching him stop in his tracks and face me, waiting for me to continue; and I did, without remorse. "IM SCARED THAT IM NOT GOOD ENOUGH. IM SCARED THAT YOULL NEVER LOVE ME AS I DO." My voice cracked.
The minute my head dropped, I heard a BOOM and heard him running towards me.
A warm embrace...
Neither of us said anything; we just stood there in the moment as I felt my tears stop slowly and him breathing heavily.
This time, the silence was just. Perfect.